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New Document Template

Alek Sharma edited this page Jun 1, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the CircleCI Docs Wiki!

If you'd like to contribute to the CircleCI Docs, please read our Contributing guide. Below is a template for a new markdown (.md) document that follows our basic content model:


Every document begins with Jekyll frontmatter. There are six variables that you should set:

  • layout: The layout file the document should use. Available layouts are located in the _layouts directory. Use classic-docs unless you have a good reason not to.
  • title: The title of the document. This will automatically be made an h1 heading.
  • short-title: An abbreviated title for use in sidebars. Not currently in use.
  • description: A meta description that provides a concise summary of the document.
  • categories: One or more categories chosen from the categories.yml file for use in sidebars. Not currently in use.
  • order: Relative ordering for use in sidebars. Not currently in use.
layout: classic-docs
title: "Using/Enabling/Storing XYZ"
short-title: "Using/Enabling/Storing XYZ"
description: "Example of Using/Enabling/Storing XYZ"
categories: [configuring-jobs]
order: 70

Document Title

[Basics]({{ site.baseurl }}/2.0/basics/) > Storing XYZ

This document describes how to work with XYZ in the following sections:

  • TOC {:toc}


XYZ provides the abc function in your job/step/workflow. For example, you might use XYZ when you need to abc. Following is an illustration of the basic XYZ concept:

![xyz image]( {{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/docs/xyz.png)

Another example of an XYZ appears in the CircleCI app as shown in the following screenshot of the abc page:

![xyz screenshot]( {{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/docs/xyz_screen.png)

Find links to XYZ at the top of the abc page.

Note: Something about XYZ that is of note.


You must set up [ABC account]({{ site.baseurl }}/2.0/abc-account/) and read [Doc Prerequisite to XYZ]({{ site.baseurl }}/2.0/xyz-prereq-info/) before configuring XYZ.

Configuring XYZ

To configure your job run or workflow for XYZ, use the following example:

version: 2
    docker: # comment about this
      - image: python:3.6.0

    working_directory: /tmp
    steps: # comment about this
      - run:
          name: Creating Dummy XYZ
          command: |
            echo "xyz" > /tmp/xyz;
workflows: # comment about this
  version: 2
      - build
      - test

Another Thing to do with XYZ

It is also possible to use abc with XYZ for 123. To set this up, follow these steps:

  1. Got the Settings > XYZ page on the CircleCI app.

  2. Click the Create XYZ button and type a name for your XYZ.

  3. Click the Done button to save the setting.


Some things you might check if you are having problems with XYZ.