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ingress_ipvs_exporter 📡

Prometheus exporter for Docker Swarm Ingress IPVS metrics


ingress_ipvs_exporter is a Prometheus exporter focused on delivering statistics gathered via netlink regarding IPVS services that live inside the docker swarm's ingress network namespace.

Usage: ingress_ipvs_exporter 
	[--listen-address LISTEN-ADDRESS] 
	[--telemetry-path TELEMETRY-PATH] 
	[--namespace-path NAMESPACE-PATH]

  --listen-address LISTEN-ADDRESS
                         address to set the http server to listen to 
                         [default: :9100]

  --telemetry-path TELEMETRY-PATH
                         endpoint to receive scrape requests from prometheus 
                         [default: /metrics]

  --namespace-path NAMESPACE-PATH
                         absolute path to the network namespace where ipv is configured
                         [default: /var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox]

  --help, -h             display this help and exit

It exports the following metrics:

ipvs_bytes_in_total                             The total number of incoming bytes a virtual server
ipvs_bytes_out_total                            The total number of outgoing bytes from a virtual server
ipvs_connections_total                          The total number of connections made to a virtual server
ipvs_destination_active_connections_total       The total number of connections established to a destination server
ipvs_destination_bytes_in_total                 The total number of incoming bytes to a real server
ipvs_destination_bytes_out_total                The total number of outgoing bytes to a real server
ipvs_destination_connections_total              The total number connections ever established to a destination
ipvs_destination_inactive_connections_total     The total number of connections inactive but established to a destination server
ipvs_destination_total                          The total number of real servers that are destinations to the service
ipvs_services_total                             The total number of services registered in ipvs


# Create three services that publish ports in ingress
for i in $(seq 1 3); do 
	docker service create \
		--no-resolve-image \
		--detach=true \
		--name service_$i \
		--publish 80 \

# Check the ports that these service have been bound to
docker service ls \
	--format '{{ json .Ports }}'

# Make 10 requests to the first service
for i in $(seq 1 10); do
        curl \
                --silent \
                localhost:30000 \
                > /dev/null

# Start the exporter
sudo ingress_ipvs_exporter

# Check the metrics captured (stripped the other 
# services for better readability).
curl \
	--silent \
	localhost:9100/metrics | \
		ag ipvs

ipvs_bytes_in_total{fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 4510
ipvs_bytes_out_total{fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 11190
ipvs_connections_total{fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 10
ipvs_destination_active_connections_total{address="",fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 0
ipvs_destination_bytes_in_total{address="",fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 4510
ipvs_destination_bytes_out_total{address="",fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 11190
ipvs_destination_connections_total{address="",fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 10
ipvs_destination_inactive_connections_total{address="",fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 10
ipvs_destination_total{fwmark="260",namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox",port="30000"} 1
ipvs_services_total{namespace="/var/run/docker/netns/ingress_sbox"} 3


Make sure you have the necessary permissions to run modprobe, ip netns and ipvsadm.

Usually, that means that you need to execute make test as a superuser.

Using sudo, make sure that $PATH is properly set - an easy way of doing so is modifying /etc/sudoers and adding the Go paths to the secure path.