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void SET_MODEL_HEADLIGHT_CONFIGURATION(uint32_t modelHash, float ratePerSecond, float rotation, bool invertRotation);

default values are:
- normal cars: 3.0f, 7.0f, true
- tropos: 30.0f, 40.0f, false
- ruiner2: 120.0f, 37.5f, false

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blattersturm committed Apr 16, 2017
1 parent acaae1a commit 0186599
Showing 1 changed file with 177 additions and 0 deletions.
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions components/handling-loader-five/src/HeadlightConfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "Hooking.h"

#include <ScriptEngine.h>
#include <ICoreGameInit.h>

static hook::cdecl_stub<void(void*, int, int, float, int, void*, void*)> setPartRotation([]()
return hook::get_call(hook::get_pattern("41 83 E0 07 48 89 44 24 30 48 83", 20));

static std::map<uint32_t, std::tuple<float, float, bool>> g_headlightConfiguration;

static void CustomHandleHeadlights(char* vehicle)
// run the function
char* modelData = *(char**)(vehicle + 32);

char* unkBit = **(char***)(modelData + 176);

// light index?
int lightIndex = *(char*)(unkBit + 277); // VERSION-SPECIFIC: 505

if (lightIndex < 0)
// no light
*(float*)(vehicle + 740) = 1.0f; // 505 specific
// default values
float rate = 3.0f;
float rotation = 7.0f;
bool inverse = true;

// is this in any configuration? if so, overwrite values
uint32_t mi = *(uint32_t*)(modelData + 24);

auto it = g_headlightConfiguration.find(mi);

if (it != g_headlightConfiguration.end())
rate = std::get<0>(it->second);
rotation = std::get<1>(it->second);
inverse = std::get<bool>(it->second);
else if (mi == HashString("tropos"))
rate = 30.0f;
rotation = 40.0f;
inverse = false;

// hardcoded 505
float deltaTime = *(float*)0x142ACFF94;
float step = (rate / rotation) * deltaTime;

// if paused, don't step at all
if (*(char*)0x142ACFF37 || *(char*)0x142ACFF38 || *(char*)0x142ACFF39 || *(char*)0x142ACFF3B)
step = 0.0f;

// should the headlights be up or down?
bool shouldBeUp = false;

if (*(uint8_t*)(vehicle + 2114) & 0x10)
if (*(uint8_t*)(vehicle + 2112) & 0xC0)
shouldBeUp = true;
else if ((*(uint8_t*)(vehicle + 2320) & 7) == 2)
shouldBeUp = true;

// rotate up/down
uint32_t stage = *(uint32_t*)(vehicle + 736);

// new rotation value
float rotationValue = *(float*)(vehicle + 740);

switch (stage)
// stage: down
case 0:
if (shouldBeUp)
// initiate moving upwards
stage = 2;

rotationValue = 0.0f;

// stage: up
case 1:
if (!shouldBeUp)
// initiate moving downwards
stage = 3;

rotationValue = 1.0f;

// stage: moving up
case 2:
rotationValue += step;

// are we up already?
if (rotationValue >= 1.0f)
stage = 1;
rotationValue = 1.0f;

// stage: moving down
case 3:
rotationValue -= step;

// are we down already?
if (rotationValue <= 0.0f)
stage = 0;
rotationValue = 0.0f;


// store new values
*(uint32_t*)(vehicle + 736) = stage;
*(float*)(vehicle + 740) = rotationValue;

// compute the actual rotation
float newRotation = (rotationValue * rotation * 0.017453292f);

if (inverse)
newRotation = -newRotation;

// set part rotation
setPartRotation(vehicle, lightIndex, 3, newRotation, 1, nullptr, nullptr);

static HookFunction hookFunction([]()
hook::jump(hook::get_pattern("83 FE 03 7C CF 48 8B CF 4C", 0x27), CustomHandleHeadlights);


static InitFunction initFunction([]()
fx::ScriptEngine::RegisterNativeHandler("SET_MODEL_HEADLIGHT_CONFIGURATION", [] (fx::ScriptContext& context)
uint32_t modelHash = context.GetArgument<uint32_t>(0);
float step = context.GetArgument<float>(1);
float rotation = context.GetArgument<float>(2);
bool inverse = context.GetArgument<bool>(3);

g_headlightConfiguration[modelHash] = { step, rotation, inverse };

trace("SET_MODEL_HEADLIGHT_CONFIGURATION: set headlight configuration for %08x to {step: %f deg, rotation: %f deg, inverse: %d}\n", modelHash, step, rotation, (inverse) ? 1 : 0);

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