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State of the CityVoice

Overview of the current code base, and info for generalizing it

High-level summary

Essentially, the current voice survey (for abandoned properties) is hard-coded.

Looking at the code with fresh eyes, it wouldn't be a terrible idea to start with a clean Rails project and build a simpler foundation, now knowing more or less the user experience that seems to work.

A few more notes on the current code base:

  1. There's a fair amount of vestigial code from previous iterations of the app (for example, the text_feedback_controller should probably be removed.)
  2. There's also a fair amount of South Bend-specific code (for example, as contained in the manage_deploy_data.rake Rake task.)
  3. The "subject" of a survey (e.g., a property) is pretty general and reusable, basically being some entity with a latitude/longitude.
  4. All the voice (Twilio) code is contained in the voice_feedback_controller.rb.
  5. The biggest pain point for generalizing for redeployment is going to be allowing arbitrary surveys, since a lot of that is currently hard-coded. I propose a strategy in the next section that I think could work by imposing opinionated limits on what the app can do.

A proposal for generalization/redeployability

Here's what I think the simplest version of a general, redeployable CityVoice looks like:

  1. A redeployer loads in the subjects of a survey by way of a simple CSV importer (via Rake task.) The CSV must contain name (unique), latitude, and longitude fields.
  2. A survey can have 1-4 "structured" questions (i.e., a question where you press a number to respond) and 1 voice question
  3. A single "structured" question can have 2-4 possible responses. These are stored as attributes of the question model (e.g., response_1_meaning, response_2_meaning, etc.) and a null value means that that particular response is not valid input.
  • Illustrative example: For a "repair or remove" question, response_1_meaning would be "Repair", response_2_meaning would be "Remove", and both response_3_meaning and response_4_meaning would be null.
  1. Survey questions are configured via a simple web form requiring admin privileges. A redeployer records voice files for their questions, and provides a URL for these voice files. (I wouldn't build an upload feature to S3 up-front, but one could.)
  • If one wanted to further simplify, one could simply do a similar CSV import strategy as with the subjects. Might be a good v1 approach.
  1. Every subject has the same survey (i.e., no contingent logic based on users' responses.)
  2. The "subject code" (the subject-specific value users enter at the beginning of a call to tell the app which subject they're responding about) should be automatically generated, and have some defined limit (I'd vote 3 digits.) If one really wanted to let this be configurable, I would vote to have the CSV import for subjects allow an optional call_in_code column that overrides the default assignment, but would still impose a limit on the characters (a known-limit obviates the need for the user to press "#")
  3. In addition to question-specific voice files, the following voice files are required (probably configured by adding URLs via admin web form.) Some of these could have default voice files for reuse:
  • Initial welcome message
  • Prompt asking for the subject-specific code
  • Prompt for people to listen to others' messages
  • Prompt to listen to another message
  • Last message reached
  • Prompt asking for consent to share respondent's phone number with survey owner
  • Error 1 ("sorry, bad input")
  • Error 2 ("sorry, we're having problems, try calling again")
  • Final thank you/goodbye message

Detailed comments on current code base


A "subject" is a geographic entity about which you're "filling out" a survey. The "subject" in the South Bend case, for example, is an abandoned property. It is represented by the Subject model.

A "property" in this code base is a subclass of Subject, referring to a South Bend-specific vacant & abandoned property. The only difference between a property and a subject is that each property has has a PropertyInfoSet, a model containing a bunch of South Bend-specific data (i.e., the info that appears in the upper left of a property-specific view).

The "subjects" of a survey (e.g., properties) are currently loaded in via a pretty dirty rake script. Because "subject" is pretty general and reusable right now, I'd recommend just adding a Rake task that imports a CSV with the core attributes for subjects (name, latitude, and longitude.)

Feedback input

A "feedback input" is a clunky name for the model that contains a single "response" to a question. It can have either a voice_file_url or

Voice interface

The voice interface (ie, the Twilio logic) lives in voice_feedback_controller.rb.

Configuration via the AppContentSet

A limited number of CMS-like configuration options are stored in the AppContentSet model.