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❗ This project is released as-is and is not actively maintained by Civis Analytics.


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A lightweight command-line utility for generating Gephi diagrams using the force-directed layout algorithm.

This utility is designed to simplify the process of creating attractive force-directed graph diagrams using Gephi. Currently, Gephi provides very flexibly functionality for diagram creation, but it can only be accessed via the GUI, which can involve tedious manual work, or programmatically via the GephiToolkit Java library, for which documentation is limited.

GephiForceDiagramTool packages an important subset of Gephi's force diagram creation functionality in a simple and portable wrapper.



To build the project with the gradle build manager:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Execute ./gradlew build in the top-level directory of the repository in order to comple the source and create the jar file build/libs/GephiForceDiagramTool.jar

Running Tests

David Copperfield

GephiForceDiagramTool is configured to generate test diagrams using a set of adjective-noun adjacency relationships from the novel David Copperfield, distributed by M. E. J. Newman. In order to run GephiForceDiagramTool on these test datasets, run either

./gradlew runFATest


./gradlew runFA2Test

at the command line.

These tasks will automatically download the test data from the web (so you should be connected to the internet), and will create the files data/adjnoun_fa.png and data/adjnoun_fa2.png, respectively. The two network diagrams differ in the choice of layout algorithm (ForceAtlas vs. ForceAtlas2) and the color scheme.

Twitter Climate Change

A third test dataset, consisting of the graph of friend-follower relationships between 4906 Twitter accounts active in the discussion of climate change, is also included in the repository. To obtain this data and generate a sample graph:

  1. Execute git lfs pull in the top-level directory of the repository, in order to get the GML file data/climatechange.gml from git Large File Storage. (You will need the git-lfs client extension)
  2. Execute ./gradlew runClimateTest to generate the diagram data/climatechange.png

Running at the command line

Examples of command line usage can be found in the script scripts/, and in the gradle runFATest task defined in settings.gradle.

To run the script or another script that invokes CreateGephiForceDiagram by means of the java executable, first unpack the GephiForceDiagram JAR file and its dependencies from the build/distributions/GephiForceDiagramTool.tar file:

mkdir runtime
tar xf build/distributions/GephiForceDiagramTool.tar -C runtime

Then, modify the CLASSPATH in appropriately (so that it includes GephiForceDiagramTool.jar as well as the supporting libraries for jColorbrewer, argparse4j, commons-math3 and gephi-toolkit) before running bash <INFILE> <OUTFILE>


Program help

  • --help (-h): Show help message and exit


  • --gml_input_file (-gml): Specify input file in GML format

  • --png_output_file (-png): Specify output file in PNG format

General Layout Options

  • --figure_height (-fight): Height of output figure in pixels

  • --figure_width (figwd): Width of output figure in pixels

  • --min_label_size (-minls): Minimum size for labels

  • --max_label_size (-maxls): Maximum size for labels

  • --min_node_size (-minns): Minimum size for nodes

  • --max_node_size (-maxns): Maximum size for nodes

  • --label_adjust (-ladj): Whether to adjust layout to prevent overlapping labels

  • --label_adjust_time_seconds (-lat): Number of seconds to spend on label adjust

  • --edge_opacity (-eo): Edge opacity for image rendering

ForceAtlas (force-directed layout) options

  • --layout_algorithm (-la): Layout algorithm to use (force_atlas or force_atlas2)

  • --layout_time_seconds (-t): Number of seconds to spend on force-directed layout

  • --gravity (-g): Gravity parameter for force_atlas/force_atlas2

  • --scaling_ratio (-sr): Scaling ratio parameter for force_atlas/force_atlas2

  • --jitter_tolerance (-jt): Jitter tolerance parameter for force_atlas2

  • --inertia (-i): Inertia parameter for force_atlas

  • --speed (-s): Speed parameter for force_atlas

Data selection and filtering options

  • --node_size_column (-nscol): Column of data to use for sizing nodes

  • --node_color_column (-ncc): Column of data to use for assigning color to nodes

  • --node_color_type (-nct): Whether to assign colors to discrete groups (partition) or using a continuous scale (ranking)

  • --node_label_column (-nlc): Column of data to use for node labels

  • --label_percentile (-labpct): Percentile cutoff in size ranking for nodes to be labled

  • --degree_filter (-df): Minimum number of connections (degree) for a node not to be filtered out of network

Color palette options

  • --color_palette_source (-cps): Source of the color palette to be used for the diagram. (One of "Gephi" or "Colorbrewer")

  • --color_palette_type (-cpt): Type of color palette. (One of "qualitative", "diverging" or "sequential")

  • --color_palette_number (-cpn): (Zero-indexed) number of palette in the given series.

  • --num_colors (-nc): Number of colors to use in constructing the desired palette.

Available color palettes are listed below. More information on Colorbrewer palettes is available from the maintainers of the jColorbrewer package.

Source Type Number Max num colors Color-blind safe?
Gephi Qualitative 0 9 ??
Gephi Qualitative 1 9 ??
Gephi Qualitative 2 9 ??
Gephi Qualitative 3 9 ??
Gephi Diverging 0 5 ??
Gephi Diverging 1 5 ??
Gephi Diverging 2 5 ??
Gephi Diverging 3 5 ??
Gephi Diverging 4 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 0 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 1 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 2 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 3 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 4 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 5 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 6 5 ??
Gephi Sequential 7 5 ??
Colorbrewer Qualitative 0 N/A No
Colorbrewer Qualitative 1 N/A No
Colorbrewer Qualitative 2 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Qualitative 3 N/A No
Colorbrewer Qualitative 4 N/A No
Colorbrewer Qualitative 5 N/A No
Colorbrewer Qualitative 6 N/A No
Colorbrewer Qualitative 7 N/A No
Colorbrewer Diverging 0 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Diverging 1 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Diverging 2 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Diverging 3 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Diverging 4 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Diverging 5 N/A No
Colorbrewer Diverging 6 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Diverging 7 N/A No
Colorbrewer Diverging 8 N/A No
Colorbrewer Diverging 9 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Diverging 10 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 0 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 1 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 2 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 3 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 4 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 5 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 6 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 7 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 8 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 9 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 10 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 11 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 12 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 13 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 14 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 15 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 16 N/A Yes
Colorbrewer Sequential 17 N/A Yes


GephiForceDiagramTool is compatible with Java 1.7 and later.

GephiForceDiagramTool uses the following external packages:


GephiForceDiagramTool is released under the BSD 3-Clause License

GephiForceDiagramTool is configured with the Gradle wrapper, distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Command-line tool for building Gephi force-directed graph diagrams.



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