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Basic websocket example using Reagent and HTTP Kit.

To recreate

Use the Leiningen template to create a new project:

lein new reagent websocket-example

Make the following edits to project.clj

Add http-kit to the project dependencies:

:dependencies [[http-kit "2.1.18"]

Add a nrepl port to the figwheel settings, to easily connect to the repl session using additional repls.

:figwheel {:http-server-root "public"
          :nrepl-port 7888

Make the following edits to handler.clj

Require http-kit and include the symbols to use:

(:require [[org.httpkit.server :refer [with-channel on-close send!]

Add an atom to store the connected client and the websocket configuration for http-kit to use, see http-kit documentation.

(def clients (atom {}))

(defn ws
  (with-channel req con
    (swap! clients assoc con true)
    (println con " connected")
    (on-close con (fn [status]
                    (swap! clients dissoc con)
                    (println con " disconnected. status: " status)))))

Add a route for websockets:

(defroutes routes
  (GET "/" [] home-page)
  (GET "/message" [] ws)
  (resources "/")
  (not-found "Not Found"))

Add a method which can be called in a repl to send a message from the server:

(defn write-message [message]
  (doseq [client @clients]
    (send! (key client) message false)))

Make the following edits to server.clj

Require http-kit instead of jetty and start the server using http-kit, see http-kit migration guide:

(:require [websocket-example.handler :refer [app]]
        [environ.core :refer [env]]
        [org.httpkit.server :refer [run-server]])
(defn -main [& args]
  (let [port (Integer/parseInt (or (env :port) "3000"))]
    (run-server app {:port port :join? false})))

Make the following edits to repl.clj

Similary, replace jetty with http-kit and use it to start and stop the server:

(:use websocket-example.handler
    [ring.middleware file-info file])
(defn start-server
  "used for starting the server in development mode from REPL"
  [& [port]]
  (let [port (if port (Integer/parseInt port) 3449)]
    (reset! server
            (run-server (get-handler)
                   {:port port
                    :auto-reload? true
                    :join? false}))
    (println (str "You can view the site at http://localhost:test:" port))))
(defn stop-server []
  (reset! server nil))

Make the following edits to core.cljs

The file can be pared down to its essentials. Add an atom to hold messages received from the server. Then connect to the websocket when the application is mounted and add server messages to the atom when a websocket message is received.

(def message (atom nil))

(defn home-page []
  [:div [:h2 "Websocket Example"]
   (if (not (nil? @message)) [:div @message])])

(defn mount-root []
  (reagent/render [home-page] (.getElementById js/document "app"))
  (let [ws (js/WebSocket. "ws://localhost:3449/message")]
    (aset ws "onmessage" (fn [m] (swap! message (fn [] (aget m "data")))))))

Running the example

Start the application:

lein do clean, figwheel

Open a browser and navigate to the page, http://localhost:3449. Then start a new nrepl connecting to the nrepl session started by figwheel.

lein repl :connect 7888

In the repl enter the namespace of the handler and send a message to the connected browser:

(in-ns 'websocket-example.handler)
(write-message "Hello from server")

The message will be displayed in the browser underneath the title text.


Simple example using websockets in reagent







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