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tj committed Apr 15, 2012
1 parent cea455b commit ff43dd9
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370 changes: 370 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@

# Jade

The jade template engine for node.js

## Synopsis

jade [-h|--help] [-v|--version] [-o|--obj STR]
[-O|--out DIR] [-p|--path PATH] [-P|--pretty]
[-c|--client] [-D|--no-debug]

## Examples

translate jade the templates dir

$ jade templates

create {foo,bar}.html

$ jade {foo,bar}.jade

jade over stdio

$ jade < my.jade > my.html

jade over s

$ echo "h1 Jade!" | jade

foo, bar dirs rendering to /tmp

$ jade foo bar --out /tmp

compile client-side templates without debugging
instrumentation, making the output javascript
very light-weight. This requires runtime.js
in your projects.

$ jade --client --no-debug < my.jade

## Tags

Tags are simply nested via whitespace, closing
tags defined for you. These indents are called "blocks".

a Foo
a Bar

You may have several tags in one "block":

a Foo
a Bar
a Baz

## Attributes

Tag attributes look similar to HTML, however
the values are regular JavaScript, here are
some examples:

a(href='') Google
a(class='button', href='') Google

As mentioned the attribute values are just JavaScript,
this means ternary operations and other JavaScript expressions
work just fine:

body(class=user.authenticated ? 'authenticated' : 'anonymous')
a( || '')

Multiple lines work too:


Multiple lines without the comma work fine:


Funky whitespace? fine:


## Boolean attributes

Boolean attributes are mirrored by Jade, and accept
bools, aka _true_ or _false_. When no value is specified
_true_ is assumed. For example:

input(type="checkbox", checked)
// => "<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />"

For example if the checkbox was for an agreement, perhaps `user.agreed`
was _true_ the following would also output 'checked="checked"':

input(type="checkbox", checked=user.agreed)

## Class attributes

The _class_ attribute accepts an array of classes,
this can be handy when generated from a javascript
function etc:

classes = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
// => "<a class="foo bar baz"></a>"

## Class literal

Classes may be defined using a ".CLASSNAME" syntax:

// => "<div class="button"></div>"

Or chained:

// => "<div class="large button"></div>"

The previous defaulted to divs, however you
may also specify the tag type:

h1.title My Title
// => "<h1 class="title">My Title</h1>"

## Id literal

Much like the class literal there's an id literal:

// => "<div id="user-1"></div>"

Again we may specify the tag as well:

li: a(href='/home') Home
li: a(href='/store') Store
li: a(href='/contact') Contact

Finally all of these may be used in any combination,
the following are all valid tags:

a.button#contact(style: 'color: red') Contact
a.button(style: 'color: red')#contact Contact
a(style: 'color: red').button#contact Contact

## Block expansion

Jade supports the concept of "block expansion", in which
using a trailing ":" after a tag will inject a block:

li: a Foo
li: a Bar
li: a Baz

## Text

Arbitrary text may follow tags:

p Welcome to my site


<p>Welcome to my site</p>

## Pipe text

Another form of text is "pipe" text. Pipes act
as the text margin for large bodies of text.

| This is a large
| body of text for
| this tag.
| Nothing too
| exciting.


<p>This is a large
body of text for
this tag.

Nothing too

Using pipes we can also specify regular Jade tags
within the text:

| Click to visit
a(href='') Google
| if you want.

## Text only tags

As an alternative to pipe text you may add
a trailing "." to indicate that the block
contains nothing but plain-text, no tags:

This is a large
body of text for
this tag.

Nothing too

Some tags are text-only by default, for example
_script_, _textarea_, and _style_ tags do not
contain nested HTML so Jade implies the trailing ".":

if (foo) {

body {
padding: 50px;
font: 14px Helvetica;

## Template script tags

Sometimes it's useful to define HTML in script
tags using Jade, typically for client-side templates.

To do this simply give the _script_ tag an arbitrary
_type_ attribute such as _text/x-template_:

h1 Look!
p Jade still works in here!

## Interpolation

Both plain-text and piped-text support interpolation,
which comes in two forms, escapes and non-escaped. The
following will output the _user.name_ in the paragraph
but HTML within it will be escaped to prevent XSS attacks:

p Welcome #{}

The following syntax is identical however it will _not_ escape
HTML, and should only be used with strings that you trust:

p Welcome !{}

## Inline HTML

Sometimes constructing small inline snippets of HTML
in Jade can be annoying, luckily we can add plain
HTML as well:

p Welcome <em>#{}</em>

## Code

To buffer output with Jade simply use _=_ at the beginning
of a line or after a tag. This method escapes any HTML
present in the string.

p= user.description

To buffer output unescaped use the _!=_ variant, but again
be careful of XSS.

p!= user.description

The final way to mess with JavaScript code in Jade is the unbuffered
_-_, which can be used for conditionals, defining variables etc:

- var user = { description: 'foo bar baz' }
- if (user.description) {
h2 Description
p.description= user.description
- }

When compiled blocks are wrapped in anonymous functions, so the
following is also valid, without braces:

- var user = { description: 'foo bar baz' }
- if (user.description)
h2 Description
p.description= user.description

If you really want you could even use `.forEach()` and others:

- users.forEach(function(user){
p User #{} is #{user.age} years old
- })

Taking this further Jade provides some syntax for conditionals,
iteration, switch statements etc. Let's look at those next!

## Assignment

Jade's first-class assignment is simple, simply use the _=_
operator and Jade will _var_ it for you. The following are equivalent:

- var user = { name: 'tobi' }
user = { name: 'tobi' }

## Conditionals

Jade's first-class conditional syntax allows for optional
parenthesis, and you may now omit the leading _-_ otherwise
it's identical, still just regular javascript:

user = { description: 'foo bar baz' }
if user.description
h2 Description
p.description= user.description

Jade provides the negated version, _unless_ as well, the following
are equivalent:

- if (!(user.isAnonymous))
p You're logged in as #{}

unless user.isAnonymous
p You're logged in as #{}

## Iteration

JavaScript's _for_ loops don't look very declarative, so Jade
also provides its own _for_ loop construct, aliased as _each_:

for user in users
p user #{} is #{user.age} year old

As mentioned _each_ is identical:

each user in users

If necessary the index is available as well:

for user, i in users

Remember, it's just JavaScript:

for letter in ['a', 'b', 'c']
li= letter

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