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cjcliffe edited this page Sep 23, 2012 · 13 revisions

Installation of KallistiOS toolchain on Linux

Note you will need GIT installed to download/update the latest toolchain files.

Create the toolchains folder

This is the path used in the default Makefile you may need to make /opt too depending on system. Note sudo is used and you will have to provide your password for access.

$ sudo mkdir /opt/toolchains
[sudo] password for myusername: ....

Set permissions so your user can write

This ensure your user can read/write the files and folders during build appropriately. 'myusername' is the username you use to log-in to the system. Run whoami if you are unsure of your username.

$ sudo chown myusername:myusername /opt/toolchains

Check out the KallistiOS install files

Clone the KallistiOS and kos-ports repositories into the toolchains folder.

$ cd /opt/toolchains
toolchains$ git clone git://
# ... download of KallistiOS here ...

toolchains$ git clone --recursive git://
# ... lots of downloading and submodule updates here ...

Download packages and prepare

Next download the dc-toolchain tools that will be built for the DC architecture.

toolchains$ cd KallistiOS/utils/dc-chain
dc-chain$ ./
# ... download of binutils, gcc, newlib ...

Unpacking and building

Next run the script to decompress all the source downloads.

dc-chain$ ./
# ... unpacks silently for awhile ...

Now build KallistiOS toolchain by running 'make'

This process can take awhile, you might want to go for a coffee.. :)

dc-chain$ make
# ... patching ...
# ... lots of compiling ...

Create KallistiOS build environment script.

To prepare the file, create /opt/toolchains/KallistiOS/ and enter the following:

# Note: modified version of /opt/toolchains/KallistiOS/doc/, comments removed:

export KOS_ARCH="dreamcast" 
export KOS_SUBARCH="pristine" 
export KOS_BASE="/opt/toolchains/KallistiOS"
export KOS_PORTS="/opt/toolchains/kos-ports"   
export KOS_MAKE="make" 
export KOS_LOADER="dc-tool -x"   
export KOS_GENROMFS="${KOS_BASE}/utils/genromfs/genromfs" 
export KOS_CC_BASE="/opt/toolchains/dc/sh-elf" 
export KOS_CC_PREFIX="sh-elf" 
export DC_ARM_BASE="/opt/toolchains/dc/arm-eabi" 
export DC_ARM_PREFIX="arm-eabi" 
export PATH="${PATH}:${KOS_CC_BASE}/bin:/usr/local/dc/bin" 
export KOS_INC_PATHS="-I${KOS_PORTS}/include" 
export KOS_CFLAGS="" 
export KOS_CPPFLAGS="" 
export KOS_LDFLAGS="" 
export KOS_AFLAGS="" 
export KOS_CFLAGS="-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer" 
. ${KOS_BASE}/

Build KallistiOS

Now that the toolchain is prepared KOS and KOS ports can be built.

Build KOS by sourcing the file and building it with make.

$ cd /opt/toolchains/KallistiOS/
KallistiOS$ source ./
KallistiOS$ make
# ... bunch of compiling ...

Build the kos-ports

Next change to the kos-ports directory build the source.

KallistiOS$ cd /opt/toolchains/kos-ports/
kos-ports$ make
# ... bunch of compiling ...

Add to your .bashrc

To avoid having to source the file for each new terminal, add it to your .bashrc file.

Edit (or create) your ~/.bashrc file and add the following at the end:

source /opt/toolchains/KallistiOS/

At this point KOS and the KOS ports should be ready to use.

Building CubicVR for Dreamcast

Check-out out the CubicVR repository

Use GIT to fetch the KallistiOS and kos-ports repositories. Using example target directory of ~/Dreamcast, you can place it anywhere.

$ mkdir ~/Dreamcast
$ cd ~/Dreamcast

# Note: current DC activity is in the dreamcast-experimental branch, instructions will change

Dreamcast$ git clone git:// -b dreamcast-experimental
... git checkout ...

Compile Bullet and CubicVR

Change to the CubicVR repository directory and build it.

$ cd ~/Dreamcast/CubicVR/dreamcast/
$ make
# ... bullet is compiled ...
# ... CubicVR is compiled ...

CubicVR is now built and ready for use.

For DC Network adapter users, see: Dreamcast: dc-load-ip

For DC Serial adapter users, see: Dreamcast: dc-load-serial

Next for compiling and running examples, see Dreamcast: examples