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A Java library for the JSON Meta Application Protocol


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Java JMAP library

A library to synchronize data between a client and a server using the JSON Meta Application Protocol. The current focus is on acting as a client library to retrieve emails from a server however it is easily extensible to also synchronize contacts and calendars. It might even be extented to act as a server library.

The library is written in Java 7 to provide full compatibilty with Android. It uses GSON for JSON serialization and deserialization and makes heavy use of Guava including its Futures.

Entities (Mailbox, Email, EmailSubmission, …) are annotated with Project Lombok’s @Getter and @Builder to make them immutable.

This library is work in progress. Not all specified methods and entities have been implemented yet. They will be added on a as needed basis. If you want to use this library and need a specific method you can add it very easily. Adding a new method is as simple as looking at the spec and creating a POJO that represents the data structure.


The library is devided into seperate modules.


Each JMAP method call and response is a POJO annotated with @JmapMethod. An annotation processor collects a lists of all available JMAP Methods. This modules holds these annotations and annotation processors.


A collection of POJOs that represent JMAP requests, responses and the entities exchanged with those. It currently holds POJOs for JMAP Core and JMAP Mail but might be extended to hold JMAP Calender and JMAP Contacts POJOs as well. Alternatively it might be split up into jmap-common-mail, jmap-common-contacts and so on.


A small collection of interfaces that are required by both jmap-common and the annotation processors in jmap-annotation.


GSON serializer and deserializer to convert the POJOs from jmap-common into JMAP compatible JSON.


A JMAP client library to make JMAP method calls and process the responses. It handles multiples calls in one request (including back references) and multiple method responses per call. Currently it only supports requests over HTTP but it has been designed with the possibility in mind to eventually support requests over WebSockets.

A simple example fetching mailboxes

JmapClient client = new JmapClient("", "password");

Future<MethodResponses> future = GetMailboxMethodCall());

GetMailboxMethodResponse mailboxMethodResponse = future.get().getMain(GetMailboxMethodResponse.class);

for(Mailbox mailbox : mailboxMethodResponse.getList()) {

Multiple method calls in the same request

JmapClient client = new JmapClient("", "password");

JmapClient.MultiCall multiCall = client.newMultiCall();

//create a query request
Request.Invocation emailQuery = Request.Invocation.create(
    new QueryEmailMethodCall(EmailQuery.unfiltered())
//create a get email request with a back reference to the IDs found in the previous request
Request.Invocation emailGet = Request.Invocation.create(
    new GetEmailMethodCall(emailQuery.createReference(Request.Invocation.ResultReference.Path.IDS))

//add both method calls to multi call
Future<MethodResponses> queryFuture = multiCall.add(emailQuery);
Future<MethodResponses> getFuture = multiCall.add(emailGet);


//process responses
QueryEmailMethodResponse emailQueryResponse = queryFuture.get().getMain(QueryEmailMethodResponse.class);
GetEmailMethodResponse getEmailMethodResponse = getFuture.get().getMain(GetEmailMethodResponse.class);
for (Email email : getEmailMethodResponse.getList()) {
    System.out.println(email.getSentAt() + " " + email.getFrom() + " " + email.getSubject());


A high level API to act as an email client. It handles everything an email client is supposed to handle minus storage backend and GUI. The storage (caching) backend is accessed via an interface that different email clients on different plattforms can implement. It comes with a reference in-memory implementation of that interface. jmap-mua only ever writes to that storage backend. Accessing data in that storage backend and displaying it in a GUI is up to the specfic email client.


A very, very rudimentary implementation of a TUI email client that uses jmap-mua. It mostly exists for development purposes and to quickly test new features in jmap-mua. Code quality (especially in regards to the TUI) is currently prettly low.

screenshot of lttrs-cli


Lttrs is a proof of concept Android client currently in development. It makes heavy use of Android Jetpack for a more maintainable code base than some of the preexisting Android Email clients. Follow the developement at iNPUTmice/lttrs-android.

screenshot of for Android


A Java library for the JSON Meta Application Protocol







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