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ncfthesis: a LaTeX class for New College of Florida theses

Getting started

Download LaTeX here, or consider using a cloud based service like Overleaf.

Put ncfthesis.cls in your directory alongside your source file. To use this class for your document, your source file should begin with \documentclass{ncfthesis}. A template file (and bibliography) are provided for reference, and a minimal example follows.

This class is based on the LaTeX report class, with chapter as the highest organizational unit, followed by section, subsection, etc. (Technically part is available above chapters, but this is not often used.) All options recognized by report may be passed to ncfthesis.

Minimal example


\title{My Thesis Title}
\author{A Student}
\division{Division of Natural Sciences}
\sponsor{Dr.~Christopher Kottke}{Assistant Professor of Mathematics}
\thesisdate{May 10, 2020}




% Optional dedication and acknowledgements sections. (See below)

% Optional table of contents.

Abstract goes here.


% Thesis content starts here.


See template.tex for a more substantial example.

Available macros

These should appear in the preamble (before the \begin{document} line):

  • \title Required.
  • \author Required.
  • \division Required.
  • \degreemonth and \degreeyear Required. These are the month and year of your baccalaureate exam.
  • \thesisdate Required. This is the date that appears on the signature lines for your signed library copy.
  • \sponsor Required. Takes two arguments (thesis sponsor's name, and title). For multiple sponsors, simply add additional \sponsor lines.
  • \degree Optional. The default is Bachelor of Arts.

These appear after \begin{document} and are responsible for setting the front matter:

  • \frontmatter Sets page numbering to roman for front matter.
  • \maketitle Required. Sets title page.
  • \begin{dedication} and \end{dedication} Optional. Should come directly after title page if used.
  • \begin{acknowledgements} and \end{acknowledgements} Optional. Should come after dedication and before abstract if used.
  • \tableofcontents Optional. Generates table of contents. If used, it should come after the dedication/acknowledgements and before the abstract.
  • \begin{abstract} and \end{abstract} Required. The abstract page also has the signature lines for your sponsor(s).
  • \mainmatter Resets page numbering to arabic after all the front matter.

Available options

The \documentclass line takes optional arguments, including the following:

  • 12pt, 11pt, or 10pt Sets the font size. 12pt is the default.
  • singlespace Typesets in single space instead of double space. Note that double space is required for the final version.
  • twoside For printing double sided. This arranges the margins for double sided printing and makes new chapters start on odd numbered pages. The default is appropriate for single sided printing. The final printed library copy must be single sided.
  • nobind Gives symmetric margins, as opposed to the offset margins required for binding a physical copy.
  • dots Uses dots instead of a solid line for the signature line.

For example, to use minimal paper when printing drafts (not for your official copy!):


In addition, you may use any option recognized by the report class (such as reqno, twocolumn, etc).

Recommended packages

For best results, the following packages are endorsed:

  • \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}, and (if you need theorem environments) \usepackage{amsthm} will provide the AMS packages for serious math typesetting.
  • \usepackage{hyperref} will make your references clickable and the associated PDF will have a navigable table of contents. (If I am getting an electronic copy of your thesis, please do this!) If the colored boxes bother you, try \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} or \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}.
  • \usepacakge{subfiles} allows you to modularize your document (consider having one file per chapter). See this guide or the official documentation for details.
  • \usepackage{tikz} for figures, \usepackage{pgfplots} for plotting data, or \usepackage{graphicx} if you will include external images.
  • \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} for UTF-8 character encoding.


New College of Florida thesis class for LaTeX







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