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Propel: Fitness and Nutrition Management Application

Welcome to Propel by HelvatiaLabs! Propel is a Java-based fitness and nutrition management application designed to assist users in various aspects of their fitness journey, including calculating performance metrics, creating training plans, and managing nutrition plans. This README will guide you through the features of the application and provide instructions on how to use them effectively.


  1. Calculate FTP (Functional Threshold Power):

    • FTP is a crucial metric for cyclists and other endurance athletes. Use this feature to calculate your FTP, which represents the highest average power you can sustain for a one-hour effort.
    • Click on the "Calculate FTP" button to initiate the calculation process.
  2. Calculate TSS (Training Stress Score):

    • TSS quantifies the intensity and duration of your workouts. It helps you track your training load and avoid overtraining.
    • Click on the "Calculate TSS" button to open a dialog where you can input your training data and calculate TSS.
  3. Calculate LTHR (Lactate Threshold Heart Rate):

    • LTHR is the heart rate at which your body produces lactate faster than it can clear it. It's a valuable metric for setting training zones.
    • Click on the "Calculate LTHR" button to open a dialog for calculating your LTHR.
  4. Calculate Training Zones

    • Training zones are an extremely important training metric in any endurance sport. Use this feature to calculate cycling/running training zones.
    • Click on either "Calculate FTP" or "Calculate LTHR" to begin the calculation
  5. Create Training Plan:

    • Planning is essential for achieving fitness goals. Use this feature to create personalized training plans based on your objectives and current fitness level.
    • Click on the "Create Training Plan" button to access the training plan creation interface.
  6. Create Nutrition Plan:

    • Proper nutrition is vital for supporting your training efforts and maintaining overall health. Use this feature to create nutrition plans tailored to your dietary needs and fitness goals.
    • Click on the "Create Nutrition Plan" button to access the nutrition plan creation interface.
  7. Save and Load Data:

    • You can save your workout data or nutrition plans for future reference or share them with others.
    • Use the "Save Data" button to save the current data displayed in the text area.
    • Use the "Load Data" button to load previously saved data into the text area.
  8. Clear Text Field:

    • Need a clean slate? Use this feature to clear the text area where output and data are displayed.
    • Click on the "Clear Text Field" button to clear the text area.

How to Use:

  • Getting Started:

    • Clone or download the Propel repository from GitHub to your local machine.
    • Compile the Java files and run the GUI class to launch the application.
    • Or simply just download the exe.
  • Navigation:

    • Upon launching the application, you'll be greeted with a user-friendly interface featuring buttons for various functionalities.
    • Simply click on the corresponding buttons to access the desired features.
  • Interacting with Dialogs:

    • Some features, such as calculating TSS, LTHR, and creating training or nutrition plans, utilize dialogs for user input.
    • Follow the instructions provided in the dialogs to input relevant data and proceed with the calculations or plan creation.
  • Saving and Loading Data:

    • Use the "Save Data" button to save the displayed data to a file.
    • Use the "Load Data" button to load previously saved data into the text area for viewing or further modification.
  • Exiting the Application:

    • When you're done using the application, you can close it by clicking the close button (X) on the window frame.
    • If there's unsaved data in the text area, you'll be prompted to save it before exiting.


Thank you for considering contributing to Propel! If you have any ideas for new features, improvements, or bug fixes, please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Your contributions are highly appreciated!


If you encounter any issues while using Propel or have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to open an issue on the GitHub repository. We'll do our best to address your concerns and provide assistance promptly.


Propel was created with love and dedication by HelvetiaLabs. We would like to extend our gratitude to the developers of the libraries and frameworks used in this project for their invaluable contributions.

Thank you for choosing Propel to support your fitness and nutrition journey. We hope you find it helpful and empowering. Stay motivated and keep pushing your limits!

Happy training,
