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Releases: cl3mcg/moonshot


05 Jul 13:39
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v0.0.1-alpha Pre-release

The Moonshot project

Information provided below are the features provided for the release of the first alpha version roll-out of The Moonshot project.
The purpose of this release was to create an MVP to be shown to management.
Following demonstration, the management seems to be interested to pursue the development of The Moonshot project in order to make a demo to higher management.

General interaction

  1. User administration, authorization and authentication
    1. Authentication via username & password
    2. Providing authorization privilege
      1. For tender team members
      2. For administrator
  2. User profile CRUD

Tender pre-advise

  1. Tender pre-advise CRUD
    1. Pre-advise a tender
    2. Modification of the data related to a tender previously pre-advised
    3. Displaying the user history of pre-advised tenders
    4. Deleting a pre-advised tender
  2. Email notification of the pre-advised tender
    1. For the registering party
    2. For the tender team
  3. Transforming a pre-advised tender into a tender registration

Tender registration

  1. Tender registration CRUD
    1. Register a tender
      1. Directly based on the data of a pre-advised tender
      2. From a blank slate
    2. Modification of the data related to a tender previously registered
    3. Displaying the user history of registered tenders
    4. Deleting a registered tender
  2. Email notification of the tender registration
    1. For the registering party
      1. With attachments
    2. For the tender team
      1. With attachments
  3. Transforming a registered tender into a outcome (also called post-mortem) analysis

Tender outcome (also called post-mortem)

Based on tender registered data (only)

  1. Register a tender feedback after bidding company award decision
  2. Modification of the data related to a feedback previously registered
  3. Email notification of the tender registration
    1. For the registering party
    2. For the tender team

Tender Management

  1. Provide the tender management team decision on a tender
    1. Accept participation of a tender
    2. Reject participation of a tender
    3. Email notification
      1. For the registering party
      2. For the tender team
  2. Issue reports
    1. PDF recap’ reports from any pre-advise or registered tender opportunity
    2. Excel Management reports with figures and statistics for pre-advise or registered tender opportunities