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Zabbix Deregister for AWS AutoScaling

A lambda function which disable host from zabbix automatically when AWS autoscaling group terminates its corresponding instance. The host is renamed to avoid collision with new host from same address and its description is updated to allow later purge.

Here are steps of the workflow:

  1. Cloudwatch event rule on the source account catchs the scale down event from autoscaling group and push to event bus of the destination account.

  2. Similar cloudwatch event rule on the destination account catchs the event and push it to a dedicated SNS topic.

  3. The SNS topic will trigger the lambda function which will connect to Zabbix API to update host.

Zabbix configuration


1/ Create a new User Group [Administration > User Groups > Create user group]

User group:
Group name: AWS AutoScaling Deregister
Frontend access: Disabled
Enabled: [x]
Host Group: [All Host Groups to manage]
Permission: Read-write

2/ Create a User [Administration > Users > Create user]

Alias: aws-autoScaling-deregister
Name: AWS AutoScaling Deregister
Surname: aws-autoScaling-deregister
Groups: AWS AutoScaling Deregister (created in step 1)
Password/confirm: (Remember it, you will need it soon)
User type: Zabbix Admin

Server configuration

1/ Create a new template [Configuration > Templates > Create template] named AWS_Metadata.

2/ Edit this template [Configuration > Templates > AWS_Metadata > Items > Create item] :

Name: InstanceID
Type: Zabbix Agent
Key: aws.metadata[instance-id]
Type of information: Character
Update interval (in sec): 90
Populates host inventory field: Alias
Description: AWS InstanceID from metadata

3/ Update all auto registration actions used for autoscaling hosts [Configuration > Actions > Auto registration] to add new operations:

  • Set host inventory mode to Automatic (if not already done)
  • Link to templates to AWS_Metadata

Agent configuration

A new UserParameter needs to be added to retrieve the AWS instanceId:

echo "UserParameter=aws.metadata[*],bash -c 'if [[ \"\$1\" == *\"security-credentials\"* ]]; then echo \"permissions denied\"; else curl -s$1; fi'" >> /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/aws.conf
service zabbix-agent restart

Script preparation

Build and zip zabbix-aws-deregister.go :

$ cd go/src/zabbix-aws-deregister && go get && go build && zip zabbix-aws-deregister

Or simply use the zip provided in this repo

AWS configuration

The following resources should be created :

  • IAM policy
  • IAM role
  • Lambda function
  • Cloudwatch event rule
  • SNS topic
  • KMS key

1/ Create the IAM policy zabbix-aws-deregister [AWS console > IAM > Policies > Create policy > JSON]:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"

2/ Create the IAM role zabbix-aws-deregister [AWS console > IAM > Roles > Create role > AWS Service > Lambda] attaching the previously created policy zabbix-aws-deregister.

3/ Create the KMS key zabbix-aws-deregister in the same region of your lambda [AWS console > IAM > Ecryption Keys > Create Key]:

Alias and Description
    Alias: lambda/zabbix-aws-deregister
    Name: zabbix-aws-deregister
Key Administrative Permissions: add admin aws role(s)
Key Usage Permissions: add the previously created role

4/ Create the lambda function zabbix-aws-deregister [AWS console > Lambda > Functions > Create function > Author from scratch]:

Name: zabbix-aws-deregister
Runtime: Go 1.x
Role: Choose an existing role
Existing role: zabbix-aws-deregister

5/ Configure the lambda function zabbix-aws-deregister as following:

Function code:
    Code entry type: Upload a .ZIP file
    Function package: Upload the zip file previously created from "Script preparation" step
    Handler: zabbix-aws-deregister
Environment variables:
    ZABBIX_USER: previously created user from "Zabbix administration" step (aws-autoScaling-deregister)
    ZABBIX_PASS: previously created password from "Zabbix administration" step
    DEBUG: true / false
    Encryption configuration:
        Enable helpers for encryption in transit: [x]
        KMS key to encrypt in transit: select the previously created key

Execution role: set the previously created role

Then, click on encrypt button for both ZABBIX_USER and ZABBIX_PASS environment variables.

6/ Create an sns topic and subscribe [AWS console > SNS > Topics > Create topic]

7/ Add subscription on sns topic to the previously created lambda

8/ Create the cloudwatch event rule [AWS console > Cloudwatch > Events > Rules > Create rule].

a/ Configure Event Source as following :

Event Pattern: [x]
Service Name: Auto Scaling
Event Type: Instance Launch and Terminate
Specific instance event(s): 
  EC2 Instance Terminate Successful
  EC2 Instance Terminate Unsuccessful
Any group name: [x]

The event pattern should be :

  "source": [
  "detail-type": [
    "EC2 Instance Terminate Successful",
    "EC2 Instance Terminate Unsuccessful"

b/ Add a new target SNS topic:

Topic: zabbix-aws-deregister (previously created sns topic)
Configure Input: Matched event

c/ Configure rule details:

Name: zabbix-aws-deregister
Description: Automatic instance deregistration from zabbix when scale down
State: Enabled


To quickly test the lambda function and get result it is possible to create a test event [configure test events > Create a new test event], it could be named ScaleDown and looks like the following json:

  "Records": [
      "EventVersion": "1.0",
      "EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:424242424242:test-zabbix:76f12898-fd88-4c72-9fa0-fa0793a98acf",
      "EventSource": "aws:sns",
      "Sns": {
        "Signature": "sRgkFMVQwHihlUmLB4u6HkdSw2z8f2uUsFXW/fJOJ8pb07G/Gbn8d+DQujIgaXg2Mx+YNrh3iclG7Llcmo/11h3HFPQMJ5HYYzN9RH0H/hAYjByl8Sx1TwxR8+9AhO0IXCrmCNz9n5egpOdglH/B3oV1z4aEMXLoHh3C8CIuWy7uyWiCgWT3cd3fq891GtRbMofQeCORqqocGvBEYf6rFttPP/lMg/VtyOtSxRKa9QA9xSBqOuGZAdr2G1saYJ3y1Nr4vIWy12VZ0B4glnp7mEwjcwrrgXjqIUnQoGfICDaxaJNVf4PZtggUDICbfgqeqO9+g5PU7fCsLHbBfVkuIA==",
        "MessageId": "723a5c6d-33df-5057-a9b8-0fedcf8f6654",
        "Type": "Notification",
        "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:424242424242:test-zabbix",
        "MessageAttributes": {},
        "SignatureVersion": "1",
        "Timestamp": "2018-05-24T17:44:48.887Z",
        "SigningCertUrl": "",
        "Message": "{\"version\":\"0\",\"id\":\"c2cf5c1e-e2bd-30ef-2524-7ffb7d579931\",\"detail-type\":\"EC2 Instance Terminate Successful\",\"source\":\"aws.autoscaling\",\"account\":\"424242424242\",\"time\":\"2018-05-24T17:44:48Z\",\"region\":\"eu-west-1\",\"resources\":[\"arn:aws:autoscaling:eu-west-1:424242424242:autoScalingGroup:dde9d75e-bb6e-4718-8840-9a3dc6a0af80:autoScalingGroupName/as.datadog-sandbox.default.webfront\",\"arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:424242424242:instance/i-0926bd0a06518bf44\"],\"detail\":{\"Description\":\"Terminating EC2 instance: i-0926bd0a06518bf44\",\"Details\":{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-5767c533\",\"Availability Zone\":\"eu-west-1b\"},\"EndTime\":\"2018-05-24T17:44:48.562Z\",\"RequestId\":\"66259088-028e-46da-ab24-9dc2b68e2607\",\"ActivityId\":\"66259088-028e-46da-ab24-9dc2b68e2607\",\"Cause\":\"At 2018-05-24T17:43:54Z a user request update of AutoScalingGroup constraints to min: 0, max: 2, desired: 0 changing the desired capacity from 1 to 0.  At 2018-05-24T17:44:06Z an instance was taken out of service in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, shrinking the capacity from 1 to 0.  At 2018-05-24T17:44:06Z instance i-0926bd0a06518bf44 was selected for termination.\",\"AutoScalingGroupName\":\"as.datadog-sandbox.default.webfront\",\"StartTime\":\"2018-05-24T17:44:06.609Z\",\"EC2InstanceId\":\"i-0926bd0a06518bf44\",\"StatusCode\":\"InProgress\",\"StatusMessage\":\"\"}}",
        "UnsubscribeUrl": "",
        "Subject": ""

Then, you just have to click on Test button to fire the function, review result message and cloudwatch logs.



Copyright (c) 2018 Claranet. Available under the MIT License.