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Microfrontend App Example using Single-SPA

Based on Mr. IvanJov work. This code sample was used on a meetup from FrontEnd Lisbon Group.

What is this?

This is a sample Micro-Frontends app wired by: single-spa Framework. There is also a shared event bus provided by: eev which allows subscribing and emitting of events There are 3 isolated apps here: a) Angular 7.2.12

b) React 15
c) Angular 4.4.7
They import and listen and emit on the shared singleton eventbus to communicate between them (ie, it's not via iframes postMessage() or window object)

Files/Folder Structure

src /angular/** /angular-header/** /event-bus/index.js /react/* /root-app/root-app.js webpack.config.js babelrc tsconfig.json package.json


Install dependencies

npm install npm run install-external

Run app (dev mode)

npm start Localhost

Bundle app (prod mode)

npm run build http-server Localhost


  • Webpack config is not supporting external CSS or HTML loaded into the Angular Componentss
  • Some changes must be made on the Angular Apps before being attached to the micro-frontend mesh.
  • Stuck on Webpack 3 (ts loader also)

Production build

Go to /dist/ You will find there the following files:

  • 0.js => Angular 7 Vendor 1.2MB (there is a second package.json, so fair enough)
  • 1.js => Angular 4 Vendor 50 KB
  • 2.js => React 15 Vendor 8.3 Kb
  • common-dependencies.js => 1MB
  • root-app.js => 60KB

Angular Constraints