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rjleveque committed Feb 5, 2017
1 parent 9b07b01 commit fcb25a7
Showing 1 changed file with 332 additions and 0 deletions.
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions notebooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
This version of was adapted from the
version in clawpack/riemann/src from Clawpack V5.3.1 to
add some new features and improve the plots.
This may be modified further as the notebooks in this
directory are improved and expanded. Eventually a
stable version of this should be moved back to
clawpack/riemann/src in a future release.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from matplotlib import animation
from clawpack.visclaw.JSAnimation import IPython_display
from IPython.display import display
import ipywidgets
import sympy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from six.moves import range
import copy


def riemann_solution(solver,q_l,q_r,aux_l=None,aux_r=None,t=0.2,problem_data=None,verbose=False):
Compute the (approximate) solution of the Riemann problem with states (q_l, q_r)
based on the (approximate) Riemann solver `solver`. The solver should be
a pointwise solver provided as a Python function.
# Call solver
>>> from clawpack import riemann
>>> gamma = 1.4
>>> problem_data = { 'gamma' : gamma, 'gamma1' : gamma - 1 }
>>> solver = riemann.euler_1D_py.euler_hll_1D
>>> q_l = (3., -0.5, 2.); q_r = (1., 0., 1.)
>>> states, speeds, reval = riemann_solution(solver, q_l, q_r, problem_data=problem_data)
# Check output
>>> q_m = np.array([1.686068, 0.053321, 1.202282])
>>> assert np.allclose(q_m, states[:,1])
if not isinstance(q_l, np.ndarray):
q_l = np.array(q_l) # in case q_l, q_r specified as scalars
q_r = np.array(q_r)

num_eqn = len(q_l)

if aux_l is None:
aux_l = np.zeros(num_eqn)
if aux_r is None:
aux_r = np.zeros(num_eqn)

wave, s, amdq, apdq = solver(q_l.reshape((num_eqn,1)),q_r.reshape((num_eqn,1)),

wave0 = wave[:,:,0]
num_waves = wave.shape[1]
qlwave = np.vstack((q_l,wave0.T)).T
# Sum to the waves to get the states:
states = np.cumsum(qlwave,1)

num_states = num_waves + 1

if verbose:
print('States in Riemann solution:')
states_sym = sympy.Matrix(states)
display([states_sym[:,k] for k in range(num_states)])

print('Waves (jumps between states):')
wave_sym = sympy.Matrix(wave[:,:,0])
display([wave_sym[:,k] for k in range(num_waves)])

print("Speeds: ")
s_sym = sympy.Matrix(s)

print("Fluctuations amdq, apdq: ")
amdq_sym = sympy.Matrix(amdq).T
apdq_sym = sympy.Matrix(apdq).T
display([amdq_sym, apdq_sym])

def riemann_eval(xi):
"Return Riemann solution as function of xi = x/t."
qout = np.zeros((num_eqn,len(xi)))
intervals = [(xi>=s[i])*(xi<=s[i+1]) for i in range(len(s)-1)]
intervals.insert(0, xi<s[0])
for m in range(num_eqn):
qout[m,:] = np.piecewise(xi, intervals, states[m,:])

return qout

return states, s, riemann_eval

def plot_phase(states, i_h=0, i_v=1, ax=None, label_h=None, label_v=None):
Plot 2d phase space plot.
If num_eqns > 2, can specify which component of q to put on horizontal
and vertical axes via i_h and i_v.

if label_h is None:
label_h = 'q[%s]' % i_h
if label_v is None:
label_v = 'q[%s]' % i_v

q0 = states[i_h,:]
q1 = states[i_v,:]

if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#ax.set_title('phase space: %s -- %s' % (label_h,label_v))
ax.set_title('States in phase space')
dq0 = q0.max() - q0.min()
dq1 = q1.max() - q1.min()
ax.text(q0[0] + 0.05*dq0,q1[0] + 0.05*dq1,'q_left')
ax.text(q0[-1] + 0.05*dq0,q1[-1] + 0.05*dq1,'q_right')
ax.axis([q0.min()-0.1*dq0, q0.max()+0.1*dq0, q1.min()-0.1*dq1, q1.max()+0.1*dq1])

def plot_phase_3d(states):
3d phase space plot
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.set_title('phase space')

def plot_riemann(states, s, riemann_eval, t, fig=None, color='b', layout='horizontal',conserved_variables=None):
Take an array of states and speeds s and plot the solution at time t.
For rarefaction waves, the corresponding entry in s should be tuple of two values,
which are the wave speeds that bound the rarefaction fan.
Plots in the x-t plane and also produces a separate plot for each component of q.

num_eqn,num_states = states.shape
if fig is None:
if layout == 'horizontal':
fig_width = 4*(num_eqn+1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,num_eqn+1,figsize=(fig_width,4))
elif layout == 'vertical':
fig_width = 9
fig_height = 4*num_eqn
fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_eqn+1,1,figsize=(fig_width,fig_height),sharex=True)
ax[0].set_title('t = %6.3f' % t)
ax = fig.axes
xmin, xmax = ax[1].get_xlim()

for axis in ax:
for child in axis.get_children():
if isinstance(child, matplotlib.spines.Spine):

tmax = 1.0
xmax = 0.
for i in range(len(s)):
if type(s[i]) not in (tuple, list): # this is a jump
x1 = tmax * s[i]
xmax = max(xmax,abs(x1))
else: #plot rarefaction fan
speeds = np.linspace(s[i][0],s[i][1],5)
for ss in speeds:
x1 = tmax * ss
xmax = max(xmax,abs(x1))

x = np.linspace(-xmax,xmax,1000)

ax[0].text(-1.8*xmax,t,'t = %4.2f -->' % t)
ax[0].set_title('Waves in x-t plane')

if conserved_variables is None:
conserved_variables = ['q[%s]' % i for i in range(num_eqn)]

for i in range(num_eqn):
qmax = states[i,:].max() #max([state[i] for state in states])
qmin = states[i,:].min() # min([state[i] for state in states])
qdiff = qmax - qmin
if layout == 'horizontal':
ax[i+1].set_title(conserved_variables[i]+' at t = %6.3f' % t)
elif layout == 'vertical':

if t == 0:
q = riemann_eval(x/1e-10)
q = riemann_eval(x/t)

for i in range(num_eqn):

return fig

def make_plot_function(states_list,speeds_list,riemann_eval_list,names=None,layout='horizontal',conserved_variables=None):
Utility function to create a plot_function that takes a single argument t.
This function can then be used in a StaticInteract widget.
Version that takes an arbitrary list of sets of states and speeds in order to make a comparison.
colors = "kbrg"
if type(states_list) is not list:
states_list = [states_list]
speeds_list = [speeds_list]
riemann_eval_list = [riemann_eval_list]

def plot_function(t):
fig = None
for i in range(len(states_list)):
states = states_list[i]
speeds = speeds_list[i]
riemann_eval = riemann_eval_list[i]

if fig is None:
fig = plot_riemann(states,speeds,riemann_eval,t,color=colors[i],layout=layout,conserved_variables=conserved_variables)
fig = plot_riemann(states,speeds,riemann_eval,t,fig,colors[i],layout=layout,conserved_variables=conserved_variables)

if names is not None:
# We could use fig.legend here if we had the line plot handles

return fig

return plot_function

def JSAnimate_plot_riemann(states,speeds,riemann_eval, times=None, **kwargs):
from clawpack.visclaw import animation_tools
figs = [] # to collect figures at multiple times
if times is None:
times = np.linspace(0,0.9,10)
for t in times:
fig = plot_riemann(states,speeds,riemann_eval,t, **kwargs)

images = animation_tools.make_images(figs)
anim = animation_tools.JSAnimate_images(images, figsize=(10,5))
return anim

def plot_riemann_trajectories(states, s, riemann_eval, i_vel=1,
fig=None, color='b', num_left=10, num_right=10):
Take an array of states and speeds s and plot the solution in the x-t plane,
along with particle trajectories.
Only useful for systems where one component is velocity.
i_vel should be the index of this component.
For rarefaction waves, the corresponding entry in s should be tuple of two values,
which are the wave speeds that bound the rarefaction fan.

num_eqn,num_states = states.shape
if fig is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

tmax = 1.0
xmax = 0.
for i in range(len(s)):
if type(s[i]) not in (tuple, list): # this is a jump
x1 = tmax * s[i]
ax.plot([0,x1],[0,tmax],color=color, lw=2)
xmax = max(xmax,abs(x1))
else: #plot rarefaction fan
speeds = np.linspace(s[i][0],s[i][1],5)
for ss in speeds:
x1 = tmax * ss
xmax = max(xmax,abs(x1))

x = np.linspace(-xmax,xmax,1000)


xx_left = np.linspace(-xmax,0,num_left)
xx_right = np.linspace(0,xmax,num_right)
xx = np.hstack((xx_left, xx_right))
xtraj = [xx]

nsteps = 200.
dt = 1./nsteps
tt = np.linspace(0,1,nsteps+1)
q_old = riemann_eval(xx/1e-15)
for n in range(1,len(tt)):
q_new = riemann_eval(xx/tt[n])
v_mid = 0.5*(q_old[i_vel,:] + q_new[i_vel,:])
xx = xx + dt*v_mid
q_old = copy.copy(q_new)

xtraj = np.array(xtraj)
for j in range(xtraj.shape[1]):

ax.set_title('Waves and particle trajectories in x-t plane')

if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest

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