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Advanced Configuration

Clayton Nummer edited this page Mar 11, 2020 · 7 revisions

Component configuration variables

Note: all variables listed below are optional

Variable Description Type Default
min_colortemp Minimum color temperature to set. Integer (1000-10000) 2500
max_colortemp Maximum color temperature to set. Integer (1000-10000) 5500
sunrise_offset Positive/negative offset for sunrise. Sting ((-)HH:MM:SS) None
sunset_offset Positive/negative offset for sunset. Sting ((-)HH:MM:SS) None
sunrise_time Time for sunrise. Time (HH:MM:SS) None (use actual sunrise at location)
sunset_time Time for sunset. Time (HH:MM:SS) None (use actual sunset at location)
latitude Latitude used to determine sunrise/sunset. Float (-90-90) None (use homeassistant value)
longitude Longitude used to determine sunrise/sunset. Float (-180-180) None (use homeassistant value)
elevation Elevation used to determine sunrise/sunset. Float None (use homeassistant value)
interval Frequency at which the lights should be updated (in seconds). Positive integer 300 (seconds - 5 minutes)
transition Transition time for the light changes (high values may not be supported by all light models). Float (0-6553) 60 (seconds - 1 minute)

Switch configuration variables

Note: all variables listed below are optional, but one of lights_ct, lights_rgb, lights_xy, or lights_brightness should be set

Variable Description Type Default
name The name to use when displaying this switch. String
lights_ct List of light entities which should be set in mireds. Array
lights_rgb List of light entities which should be set in RGB. Array
lights_xy List of light entities which should be set in XY. Array
lights_brightness List of light entities which should only have brightness adjusted. Array
disable_brightness_adjust If true, brightness will not be adjusted Boolean False
min_brightness Minimum brightness lights should be adjusted to (%). Integer (1-100) 1
max_brightness Maximum brightness lights should be adjusted to (%). Integer (1-100) 100
sleep_entity entity_id to use to determine "sleep" mode entity_id None
sleep_state State that sleep entity must be in to activate "sleep" mode. String None
sleep_colortemp Color temperature to set when in "sleep" mode. Integer (1000-10000) None
sleep_brightness Brightness to set when in "sleep" mode. Integer (1-100) None
disable_entity entity_id to use to disable this switch. entity_id None
disable_state State that disable entity must be in to disable this switch. String None
initial_transition Transition time for the light changes when the light or Circadian Lighting switch is first turned on or sleep state is changed (high values may not be supported by all light models). Float (0-6553) 1 (second)