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File heuristics

Patrick McCarty edited this page Nov 28, 2016 · 1 revision

swupd-server uses a set of heuristics that are applied to files.

Configuration file

A file is a configuration file if it has the following prefix:


If the "stateless" build-time option (see Build-options) is enabled, configuration files are removed from manifests, otherwise they are kept.

State file

A state file has one of the following file prefixes:


State files are kept in manifests, but they are always ignored by swupd-client.

Boot file

A file is marked "boot" if it has one of the following prefixes:


Boot files are kept in manifests only if they are not marked deleted. Because these files may have special lifecycles, the idea is for boot files to be managed by a program external to SWUPD. For example, in the Clear Linux OS, this program is the clr-boot-manager.

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