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Manifest metadata

Patrick McCarty edited this page Nov 28, 2016 · 5 revisions


SWUPD manifests list all update content that is referenced by a given build. There are two types of manifests:

  • MoM: The "manifest of manifests", this manifest lists all bundle manifests referenced by the given build. There is only one MoM for a build, and it is named Manifest.MoM.
  • Bundle manifest: Lists all files comprising a bundle. It is named Manifest.BUNDLE, where BUNDLE is the bundle name.


Every manifest body contains newline-separated entries, with each entry field tab-separated. The first field for an entry lists its SWUPD metadata, comprised of four characters; the first character in the file "type", and the second through fourth characters are "modifiers", referred to as "second modifier", "third modifier", or "fourth modifier" below. An undefined character in entry metadata is indicated by a . (full stop/period).

MoM manifest metadata

File types

  • M: indicates a bundle manifest

Note: There are currently no modifiers supported for MoM metadata.

Bundle manifest metadata

File types

  • F: indicates a regular file
  • D: indicates a directory
  • L: indicates a symbolic link

First modifier

  • d: indicates a deleted file/directory/symbolic link

Second modifier

  • C: indicates a configuration file
  • s: indicates a state file
  • b: indicates a boot file

Third modifier

  • r: indicates a renamed file