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A natural language processing case study to classify headlines as clickbait.

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Using Natural Language Processing to Detecting Clickbait in Headlines—A Machine Learning Case Study

Clickbait headlines are becoming the norm on many platforms exacerbating the user experience, especially with the rise of fake news. The purpose of this project was to classify textual news headlines as clickbait using natural language processing.

To build our machine learning model we used Python and the NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit). We used a Kaggle dataset that categorized headlines as clickbait from websites such as BuzzFeed and headlines as non-clickbait from sources such as The New York Times.

This group work was in collaboration with Thea A. Putnam and was part of a Decisions Support Systems course at Tilburg University in the Netherlands.

Data Exploration

Before building our classification models, we explored our data by drawing a word cloud of the most occurring words in clickbait headlines.

Most Frequent Words in Clickbait Headlines

We also created a cloud for non-clickbait headlines.

Most Frequent Words in Non-Clickbait Headlines

We also examined the distribution of headline length measured by the number of words of clickbait and non-clickbait headlines.

Number of Words in Headline Frequency Distribution

Finally, we studied the word composition of the headlines and whether there was a difference between the different headline types. We hypothesized clickbait headlines contain different kinds of words compared to non-clickbait headlines. To analyze this, we looked at auxiliary verbs (e.g. could, must, should), interrogative pro-forms—question words—(e.g. who, which, what), and personal pronouns (e.g. her, you).

Word Types in Headline Frequency Distributions

Find a detailed implementation of the exploratory data analysis and visualizations in data_exploration.ipynb or data_exploration.html.

Headline Classification

To classify headlines as clickbait and non-clickbait, we developed two supervised machine learning models:

  1. We used the most frequently occurring words in headlines to train our model thereby varying the number of top words to include in the model.
  2. Using the insights gained from our data exploration, we developed more granular features such as different word types, word sentiment, and word count in headlines.

We first tokenized the headlines, removed punctuation and special characters, converted all characters to lowercase, and removed meaningless stop-words. However, we kept certain stop words in our model that we hypothesized to only occur in clickbait headlines. Then, we randomized the headlines and divided them into a training and testing set. We used the training set to train our model using Naive Bayes and Decision Tree classification models.

Model Accuracy

The following table shows average accuracy results of the first model:

n model accuracy time (s)
10 Naive Bayes 81% 0.3
10 Decision Tree 81% 5.1
100 Naive Bayes 90% 2.5
100 Decision Tree 90% 220
1000 Naive Bayes 96% 25
1000 Decision Tree 93% 4879

where n is the number of top most frequent words (e.g. top 10 most frequent words).

The average accuracy scores of the second model were as follows:

model accuracy time (s)
Naive Bayes 79% 0.16
Decision Tree 79% 1.16

The first model resulted in higher accuracy scores, especially when increasing the number of top words used in headlines. However, the computational time to run the algorithms was significantly longer compared to our alternative classification model. On average, the choice of algorithm did not affect the accuracy scores but running the Decision Tree algorithm took significantly longer compared to the Naive Bayes classifier.

Find a detailed implementation of the machine learning models in headline_classification.ipynb or headline_classification.html.


We used data from the following sources:

Anand, A. (April 18, 2020). Clickbait Dataset (Version 1) [Dataset]. Retrieved November 23, 2021 from

Nielsen, F. Å. (2015). AFINN-en-165 [Dataset]. Retrieved December 1, 2021 from

Wikipedia contributors. (2019, April 8). Category:English interrogative pro-forms - Wiktionary. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from

Wikipedia contributors. (2021a, October 22). Auxiliary verb. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from

Wikipedia contributors. (2021b, November 15). English personal pronouns. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from


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