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  • The fridge app, known by a number of names (name pending), will search recipes with a given set of ingredients.
  • This app is meant to cut through clutter and fluff, and provide a minimalist user experience.
  • It uses React, Redux, and Material UI Components.
  • Currently a work in progress, in Alpha.

Alpha v.01


  • Install dependencies
npm i
  • This app uses spoonacular's api from Mashape
    • In order to properly use API data, you must sign up for a key from Mashape.
  • Create /src/actions/api-key.js and include the following code:
export const FOOD_API_KEY_HEADER =
  '~~*API KEY HERE*~~';
  • In /src/actions/index.js, make sure to modify the api-key import to include the correct path
import { FOOD_API_KEY_HEADER } from './api-key';

Search Ingredients

  • Search one ingredient at a time, return a list of related ingredients as buttons, select items to add to fridge

The Fridge

  • The fridge holds a list of the ingredients you wish to search
  • You can add ingredients from a common ingredients list to make adding to the fridge easy
    • The common ingredients are listed as an array in /components/CommonIngredients.js
  • Once you have added all your ingredients to the fridge, click 'Search Recipes' to bring up a list of 10 recipes in your 'Recipe Book'

Recipe Book

  • The Recipe Book holds all recipes that are included

Additional Information

Macro To Dos

  • Lazy-load or pagination of Recipe Book Results
  • A more comprehensive experience when viewing the recipe, with more details
  • A page to view individual recipes if you have the recipe id
  • 'About' page and possibly other landing page imporovements
  • Clear recipe book and fridge
  • Add a backend to allow for login and saving recipes, but the app is also meant to be a stand alone recipe search without the fluff.

Known Bugs

  • CommonIngredients Button will not disable when added to fridge
  • Recipe may overflow in modal
  • Issues rendering common ingredients buttons and button names in fridge with Chrome. Works ok with Firefox.
  • "no results." appears under ingredient search when you have recipes loaded
  • Various sized recipe cards returned. Should make consistent size.


A minimalist recipe finder






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