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Text Inputs (Secured)

Erin Heinz edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 1 revision

This will mask the text in the form, and will be used as a flag to the backend to indicate that this is sensitive data that needs to be stored securely.

When the form is being edited, the secured value is never returned and there will be a password placeholder within the text input. If a field is marked as secured, but is not required, there will be an "unset" link next to the text input. This will allow the user to unset the value.

Property Value Use Example
*type "string" Indicates that the schema object should be rendered as a text input. "type": "string"
*name String The corresponding label for the form element "name": "Form Display Name"
helpText String Will display as an information icon next to the form element. The provided string will display when the user hovers over the icon. "helpText": "This is help text that can be very long."
tooltip String The tooltip that will display when hovering over the form element. "tooltip": "Tool tip for the form element."
*isSecured Boolean Indicates that this text input is a secured field and contains sensitive information. Note: if value is false, it will be treated as a normal text input. "isSecured": true
isReadOnly boolean This property indicates that the input control cannot be changed by the user. Any data within a readonly field will not be returned upon form submission. "isReadOnly": true
isHidden boolean This flag will hide the element from the view of the user. However, this can still be programmatically set. "isHidden": true
* = required property


  • Enhancement: Added the ability to make a control readonly
  • Enhancement: Added the ability to hide a form control
  • Enhancement: Added the basic secured text input functionality
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