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Releases: cleveradssolutions/CAS-Android

Version 4.0.0-beta2

28 Aug 09:28
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Version 4.0.0-beta2 Pre-release

Read more about Early Access version.

Version 3.9.3

16 Aug 11:23
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Hotfixes (Sep 06)

  • [Gradle plugin] Published the CAS Gradle plugin version with fixes for build error invocation of 'Task.project' at execution time is unsupported.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:cas-exchange:
    • Fixed critical ANR from Adapter initialization.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:google:
    • Certified with Google Mobile Ads - 23.3.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:smaato:
    • Certified with Smaato - 22.6.3
  • com.cleveradssolutions:hyprmx:
    • Certified with HyprMX - 6.4.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Certified with Madex - 1.5.5
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.8.21
  • com.cleveradssolutions:pangle:
    • Certified with Pangle -
  • com.cleveradssolutions:unity:
    • Certified with Unity Ads - 4.12.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:ironsource:
    • Improved automatic refresh of banner ad.

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.9.2

01 Aug 12:50
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  • Added new methods for retrieving user consent information for individual vendors and additional providers.
val googleConsent = CAS.settings.getVendorConsent(755) == ConsentStatus.ACCEPTED
val audienceNetworkConsent = CAS.settings.getAdditionalConsent(89) == ConsentStatus.ACCEPTED

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the banner could attempt to reload too frequently after a failure.
  • Fixed an issue where a configuration error was returned instead of an internet error when there was no internet connection.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:bigo:
    • Certified with Bigo Ads - 4.9.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.8.11
  • com.cleveradssolutions:pangle:
    • Certified with Pangle -
  • com.cleveradssolutions:vungle:
    • Fixed an issue where banner ads would load at the wrong size.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:yandex:
    • The Yandex App Metrica 7 version is not allowed for use with Yandex Mobile Ads SDK. If you are adding the App Metrica SDK to your application, make sure to use version 6. We will notify when version 7 becomes available for use.

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.9.1

26 Jul 12:02
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  • Enhanced server request resilience.


  • The CASExchange adapter has been included to the Optimal Ads Solutions.
  • Previously beta adapters are now available to all: CASExchange, HyprMX, and StartIO.


  • [Gradle plugin] Published the CAS Gradle plugin version with fixes for build errors in res/raw.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare issue where CAS would not respond to ad loading.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the application link file was missing from the resources.
  • [Gradle plugin] Fixed an issue when the CAS Gradle plugin was integrated into the Library module.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:applovin:
    • Certified with AppLovin - 12.6.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:bigo:
    • Certified with Bigo Ads - 4.8.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:fyber:
    • Certified with DT Exchange - 8.3.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:inmobi:
    • Certified with InMobi - 10.7.5
  • com.cleveradssolutions:ironsource:
    • Certified with IronSource - 8.2.1
    • Fixed an issue where the Banner 320x50 could receive the Adaptive size ad.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.7.91
  • com.cleveradssolutions:pangle:
    • Certified with Pangle -
  • com.cleveradssolutions:superawesome:
    • Certified with SuperAwesome - 9.4.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:yandex:
    • Rollback of Yandex Mobile Ad version to 7.1.0 due to build problems with Java 8.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:cas-exchange:3.9.1
    • Reorganization of internal resources
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Fixed an issue with ads processing.

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.9.0

17 Jul 10:36
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  • ⚠️ Requires a minimum compileSdkVersion of 34.


  • [Gradle plugin] Published the CAS Gradle plugin version with fixes for build errors in AndroidManifest.xml.

Bug Fixes

  • Adjusted the response cache lifetime from the CAS server.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:cas-exchange:3.9.0
    • Minor internal improvements.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:google:
    • Certified with Google Mobile Ads - 23.2.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:ironsource:
    • Certified with IronSource - 8.2.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:loopme:
    • Certified with LoopMe - 9.0.5
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Certified with Madex - 1.5.1
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.7.81
  • com.cleveradssolutions:pangle:
  • com.cleveradssolutions:startio:
    • Certified with Start IO - 5.0.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:unity:
    • Certified with Unity Ads - 4.12.1
  • com.cleveradssolutions:vungle:
    • Certified with Liftoff Monetize - 7.4.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:yandex:
    • Certified with Yandex Mobile Ads - 7.2.0
    • Introducing Yandex Mobile Ads bidding requests. (Closed beta)

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.8.1

28 Jun 12:40
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  • [Gradle plugin] The Android Manifest modifications will be performed in temporary build files instead of project manifest.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed NoSuchMethodError when initializing ads if the latest version of org.json was used.
    Added -keep class org.json.** { *; } ProGuard rule.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:bigo:
    • Certified with Bigo Ads - 4.8.1
    • Fixed an issue where banner ads were loading at the wrong size.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:loopme:
    • Certified with LoopMe - 9.0.4
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Certified with Madex - 1.4.4
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.7.71
  • com.cleveradssolutions:ogury:
    • Certified with Ogury - 5.8.0

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.8.0

17 Jun 08:40
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  • Added a log with useful information about ad impression with disabled verbose logs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rare crash with android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException from org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor.isTablet.
  • Fixed an issue where isInterstitialReady and isRewardedReady could be true before calling the manual load ad function.
  • [Gradle plugin] Fixed configuration task in org.gradle.configuration-cache mode.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:bigo:
    • Certified with Bigo Ads - 4.8.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:facebook:
    • Internal improvements.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:hyprmx:
    • Certified with HyprMX - 6.4.1
  • com.cleveradssolutions:inmobi:
    • Certified with InMobi - 10.7.4
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Certified with Madex - 1.4.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.7.61
  • com.cleveradssolutions:startio:
    • Certified with Start IO - 5.0.1
  • com.cleveradssolutions:unity:
    • Certified with Unity Ads - 4.12.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:yandex:
    • Certified with Yandex Mobile Ads - 7.1.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:vungle:
    • Fixes focus on DFF privacy compatibility.

New ads networks support in closed beta

  • com.cleveradssolutions:cas-exchange:3.8.0
    • The CAS Exchange is a cutting-edge exchange platform designed to extend our SDK, enabling integration with Demand Side Platforms (DSPs).
  • com.cleveradssolutions:ogury:
    • Certified with Ogury - 5.7.0
    • Is required add new maven { url = "" } repo.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:loopme:
    • Certified with LoopMe - 9.0.3
    • Is required add new maven { url = "" } repo.

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.7.3

23 May 12:27
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  • Added support for the android:process attribute in the <application> tag. We do not guarantee the functionality of all SDK ad networks in mediation if the application process name differs from the package name; however, the CAS SDK will work correctly in this case.
  • [Gradle plugin] Added support for library level integration. Introduced new casId property, which needs to be defined if the CAS Gradle plugin is integrated not in the app level build.gradle.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the log message with device hash identifier when test ads mode is active.
  • Fixed some cases where the IsConsentRequired property returned wrong value.
  • Added additional information about CAS ID integration errors.
  • [Gradle plugin] Fixed NullPointerException from CAS plugin task.


  • The MyTarget network support has been removed. Our team considers MyTarget to be ineffective and excludes it from CAS mediation.

    Please remove the MyTarget adapter if you are using it.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:applovin:
    • Certified with AppLovin - 12.5.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:bigo:
    • Certified with Bigo Ads - 4.7.4
  • com.cleveradssolutions:hyprmx:
    • Certified with HyprMX - 6.4.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:ironsource:
    • Certified with IronSource - 8.1.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Certified with Madex - 1.4.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.7.41
  • com.cleveradssolutions:pangle:
    • Certified with Pangle -
  • com.cleveradssolutions:startio:
    • Fixed the AdsSize.inline.

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.7.2

09 May 11:48
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We're aware of a potential issue Failed to resolve: io.insert-koin:koin-bom:3.5.3 arising from UnityAds dependencies. An update to the adapter com.cleveradssolutions:unity: with a fix has been released. Just add the new adapter version dependency, even if you're using a solution dependency.

  • Introduced the CAS Gradle plugin to automate the integration of CAS SDK. Read updated wiki pages.
  • Introduced automatic collect impression level data to Tenjin Analytics. (Closed beta)

Bug Fixes

  • The CAS Consent Flow will be shown even if the user's geography is not defined.
  • The AdCallback.onShowFailed for AppReturnAd are no longer called if Interstitial Ads is disabled or the interval since the last impression has not yet passed.
  • Fixed an issue in the Bid expiration logic.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:applovin:
    • Certified with AppLovin - 12.4.3
  • com.cleveradssolutions:bigo:
    • Certified with Bigo Ads - 4.7.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.7.31
  • com.cleveradssolutions:pangle:
    • Certified with Pangle -
  • com.cleveradssolutions:unity:
    • Certified with Unity Ads - 4.11.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:vungle:
    • Certified with Liftoff Monetize - 7.3.2
  • com.cleveradssolutions:startio:
    • Disabled internal StartIO SDK retries to load ads after an error.
    • Fixed MREC ad size loading.
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Certified with Madex - 1.3.6

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.

Version 3.7.0

22 Apr 10:03
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  • Added ConsentFlow.showIfRequired() method to show the consent form only if it is required and the user has not responded previously.
  • Added ConsentFlow.withForceTesting(Boolean) option to force testing consent flow respect debug geography settings to enable easier testing.
  • Added ConsentFlow.withDebugGeography(DebugGeography) option to choice user geography for testing. Note that debug geography only work withForceTesting enabled or for CAS.settings.testDeviceIDs or auto present with CAS.ManagerBuilder.withTestAdMode.
  • Added ConsentFlow.Status.NETWORK_ERROR, with which the form closes if there is an error loading data from the network and will be passed to the listener function.
  • Added App-ads.txt validation to Integration Page (Test Ads).
  • In manual ad loading mode, the SDK will no longer trigger onAdFailedToLoad() before closing the Interstitial and Rewarded ads.
  • Removed dependency from core SDK.
  • Removed androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview dependency from core SDK.


  • Fixed an issue with detecting Google UMP when was called before ads initialization.
  • Fixed an issue where the ConsentFlow was waiting longer than necessary for an Activity to display.
  • Fixed an issue where continued to attempt to display the form despite errors. Now, errors will be passed as the status to the listener function.
  • Fixed rare ANR from isAdReady call when the call is not from the main thread.

Update Adapters

  • com.cleveradssolutions:bigo:
    • Certified with Bigo Ads - 4.7.0
  • com.cleveradssolutions:fyber:
    • Support Bidding ads requests. (Closed beta)
  • com.cleveradssolutions:madex:
    • Certified with Madex - 1.3.5
  • com.cleveradssolutions:mintegral:
    • Certified with Mintegral - 16.7.21
  • com.cleveradssolutions:yandex:
    • Certified with Yandex Mobile Ads - 7.0.1
    • Fixed calculations of the Adaptive Banner ad size.

See the list of all adapters on our wiki page.