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211 lines (151 loc) · 7.35 KB


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Minikin is a url shortener built in Python with asyncio. It's small in footprint, performant with little resources and yet can scale up big.

How to use

Check it out using httpie.

  • Create a short url for the 10,000 bitcoin for 2 pizza transaction on the bitcoin blockchain

http POST url=''

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 45
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2018 10:56:22 GMT
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)

    "shortened_url": ""


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 114
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2018 10:55:47 GMT
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)

    "location": ""

Building Components

  • aiohttp HTTP server for asyncio
  • asyncpg A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio
  • postgresql Used as the persistent data storage
  • redis Used as data cache


This requires python3.6 and above.

  • install pipenv pip install pipenv

  • install dependencies pipenv install

  • create postgresql database and table One table with two columns (slug and url) are the minimum needed. The slug, i.e. the path of the short url is the primary key and is indexed.

createdb -U postgres minikin
psql -U postgres minikin <<EOF
CREATE TABLE short_url (
    slug CHAR(7),
    url TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY (slug)
  • start the server pipenv run python minikin/

  • then it should be available

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Running Test

Automated tests are run on travis-ci

These are 3 types tests currently and integration test will be added later.

  • unittest
  • flake8 for style
  • mypy for type checking

To run these locally:

pip install tox

Design decisions and tradeoffs

shortening algorithm

full url -> md5 -> base62 -> take 7

The hashing algorithm ensures the process is deterministic. 7 characters from 62 candidates allows 3.5 trillion different urls, which should allow the system to grow for 110 years if growing at 1000 per second.

conflict and hash collision

Hash collision is not protected. If two urls hash into the same string, the latter will override the former. Because the chance of collision is really small, the overhead is not justified. This is also because url shortening is not critical that losing a url would not cause a big loss.

Also because the process is deterministic, the system doesn't check if the url already exists in the database and always performs an upsert.

concurrency model

Event driven async socket is used instead of multi threading because it can handle more concurrent requests with the same resource compared with threading concurrency model.


Both Postgresql and Redis have good support in asyncio. They work well togehter where Postgres is the persistent data storage and Redis sits in the front as the cache.

Load Test Benchmark

Load test uses Locust. The script are defined as

start the load test:

locust -f tests/load/ --host=

or use the script for running in master/slave mode for leveraging the multi-core CPU.

run without web interface:

python tests/load/ --host -n 6 --concurrency 2000 --hatch-rate 500

run with web interface:

python tests/load/ --host -n 6 --web

Load profile:

  • number of urls in db: 5 million
  • number of concurrent users: 1,000 ~ 5,000
  • traffic distribution
    • 10% POST /shorten_url
    • 10% GET /[NOT FOUND]
    • 80% GET /[FOUND]

Server machine:

  • Cloud provider: Google Compute Engine
  • Location: London
  • Number of vCPU: 2
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Hard driver: 30GB SSD
  • Cost: $50/month
  • Number of processes: 5
  • Reverse proxy server: Nginx

Test client machine:

  • Cloud provider: Vultr
  • Location: Amsterdam
  • Number of CPU: 6
  • RAM: 16GB


  • Request Per Second: 1,000 ~ 1,200
  • CPU utilisation: 80% ~ 100%
  • Error rates at based 500,000 requests. These are all 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway. They are caused by upstream server under heavy load and becoming unavailable.
    • 1,000 concurrent connections: 0
    • 2,000 concurrent connections: 0.2%
    • 3,000 concurrent connections: 0.6%
    • 4,000 concurrent connections: 1.9%
    • 5,000 concurrent connections: 2.8%


  • the client is in a data center with fast internet connection, so this doesn't represent real world use case.
  • the database has only 5 million records, which is about 400MB, so the memory needed for cache is small.

Scale up and out

Because the state is not shared and the shortening process is determnistic, it can be easily scaled up. several instruments can be used independantly or collectively.

get better hardware

Increasing the number of CPU should have an immediate impact. With more data, bigger RAM and hard drive will be required to keep or imporove the performance.

traffic routing

Load balancing and traffic routing and will not only increase the capacity but also reliability. Several strategies can be used independantly or collectively. These include:

  • Load balancing - split the load between multiple applications
  • Failover routing - active-passive failover
  • Geolocation routing - route traffic based on user location
  • Geopromixity routing - route traffic based on location of the resource
  • Latency routing - route traffic to server which provides the best latency

scale database

Data and accessing of data can be split so each sub system can only deal with a partition of the data.

  • split read and write - the system is heavier on read (url lookup) and lighter on write (short url creation). read operation can use slaves of a master database.
  • sharding - without any dependency, data can be split based on the value of slug. for example, if split into 2, anything slug smaller than 1.76T can go to one partition and the rest to the other. It can be split infinitely based on needs as the results from the hashing algorith follows uniform distribution.