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Shaun LeBron edited this page Sep 13, 2015 · 12 revisions

Every API or Syntax entry has an associated cljsdoc file to allow simple Pull Requests. This wiki page describes its format.

The cljsdoc file is plaintext. Its purpose is to hold supplementary information like a markdown-formatted description, usage examples, and a list of related symbols. The docs builder uses this file to supplement the auto-parsed information like history, source code, signature, etc.

For example, below is the cljsdoc file for cljs.core/assoc-in, rendered to its final page here.

===== Name

===== Signature
[m [k & ks] v]

===== Description

Associates a value in a nested associative structure, where `ks` is a sequence
of keys and `v` is the new value. Returns a new nested structure.

If any levels do not exist, hash-maps will be created.

===== Related

===== Example#e76f20

(def users [{:name "James" :age 26}
            {:name "John" :age 43}])

Update the age of the second (index 1) user:

(assoc-in users [1 :age] 44)
;;=> [{:name "James", :age 26}
;;    {:name "John", :age 44}]

Insert the password of the second (index 1) user:

(assoc-in users [1 :password] "nhoJ")
;;=> [{:name "James", :age 26}
;;    {:password "nhoJ", :name "John", :age 43}]

Lines starting with ===== are section delimiters. The title of the section follows the equal signs. All lines following the section title (up to the next section line) belong to that section.

Section Description
===== Name the fully-qualified symbol name (possibly fake)
===== Display a display name (required for syntax forms)
===== Description markdown-formatted description of the symbol
===== Signature allows renaming function parameters (vector per line)
===== Usage usage strings (for syntax forms) (one per line)
===== Related list of related fully-qualified symbols (one per line)
===== Example markdown-formatted example
===== Moved if moved to a new symbol, the fully-qualified symbol name

The Name section

The name section is straightforward for most symbols like cljs.core/assoc-in, which is a real namespace-qualified symbol.

Special forms do not have a namespace but are named as if they existed in a special/ or specialrepl/ namespace. This is never seen by the user, but is used behind the scenes for consistency.

Likewise, syntax forms are named under a syntax/ namespace. A unique symbol name is given to each form for identification. The display name is used in place of the title/reflink text and contains some part of the syntax and a name. The usage section is a place to show what the syntax looks like more fully.

===== Name

===== Display
#js literal

===== Usage
#js {...}
#js [...]

Linking to vars

A description or usage example can link to other var entries using the names discussed in the previous section, but with the doc: prefix. This is implemented as a standard github markdown link label. We append the markdown text with correct [doc:cljs.core/foo]:<...> URLs when processing them.

markdown link description
[doc:cljs.core/foo] inline link, auto-named
[custom name][doc:cljs.core/foo] inline link

The related and moved sections use the same type of names discussed in the previous section, but without the doc: prefix:

===== Related

===== Moved

Linking to namespace pages

Referencing namespaces is a little trickier, because we have a page for each API type (compiler or library), since they have different APIs.

  library/cljs.repl     <--- ns in the library API
  compiler/cljs.repl    <--- ns in the compiler API

The syntax page is its own thing which requires no prefix:

  syntax                <--- syntax forms

The special forms namespaces are also in the library API for consistency even though there aren't compiler API versions for them:

  library/special       <--- special forms ns
  library/specialrepl   <--- special forms REPL ns

Vars such as cljs.core/foo don't require an API type prefix like library/cljs.core/foo because we are (safely I hope) assuming that symbols of the same name between APIs have the same usages.

The Example sections

Example titles should have a hash like ===== Example#e76f20. This is done to create unique persisting anchor links to them. Generate example hash here

Here's an Examples Guide to help us write consistent examples.


If some attributes only apply after certain versions, include the version in parentheses after the title.

Moved requires a version to know when it was moved.

===== Moved (0.0-3211)

Description can be updated at some version.

===== Description (0.0-3211)
This symbol was removed because <reason>.  Use <alternative> instead.

NOTE: this versioning option is only implemented to capture small change deltas (i.e. renames and removals). We don't anticipate many different versions of each section to start flooding each file. It it does, we'll separate changes into separate files.

Checking Errors

The cljsdoc compiler will catch most of the mistakes that you can make, like misspelling sections or referring to non-existent ClojureScript symbols. Also, if it detects new symbols that do not have cljsdoc files, it will create stub files for them.

$ lein run

This will take 5-10 minutes to compile the first time. Subsequent runs take ~10s.


You can preview the reference page for the symbol by installing Grip and running from the project root:

$ grip catalog
 * Running on http://localhost:5000/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Then navigate to your symbol's reference page to see your changes.

Contribution Workflow

All symbol pages have a link to its _cljsdoc_ file at the bottom of its page for easier contribution.

If you want to see only symbols with unfinished cljsdoc files, follow this:

  1. Check for symbols that are missing sections.
  2. Click ref column for the full reference preview, and click cljsdoc column to edit the cljsdoc.