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Port ClojureScript info op from cljs-tooling
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In order to start consolidating Clojure and ClojureScript tooling under our
apple orchard, this patch starts porting the info op from cljs-tooling.
Consequently, it paves the way to port some of the orchard Clojure-only code to
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arichiardi committed Jan 22, 2019
1 parent 4695909 commit 69d85e0
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Showing 25 changed files with 1,438 additions and 286 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions Makefile
Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ JAVA_VERSION := $(shell lein with-profile +sysutils \
sysutils :java-version-simple | cut -d " " -f 2)


lein with-profile +$(VERSION) test $(TEST_SELECTOR)
lein with-profile +$(VERSION),$(TEST_PROFILES) test $(TEST_SELECTOR)

# Documentation management via autodoc (
# Pin a specific commit in that repo to prevent accidental changes in
Expand All @@ -36,19 +38,19 @@ docs:
# tools.jar isn't in the classpath when Eastwood runs.

lein with-profile +$(VERSION),+eastwood eastwood \
lein with-profile +$(VERSION),+eastwood,$(TEST_PROFILES) eastwood \
"{:exclude-namespaces []}"

lein with-profile +$(VERSION),+cljfmt cljfmt check
lein with-profile +$(VERSION),+cljfmt,$(TEST_PROFILES) cljfmt check

# Cloverage can't handle some of the code in this project. For now we
# must filter problematic namespaces (`-e`) and tests (`-t`) from
# instrumentation. Note: this means for now coverage reporting isn't
# exact. See issue cider-nrepl/#457 for background.

lein with-profile +$(VERSION),+cloverage cloverage --codecov \
lein with-profile +$(VERSION),+cloverage,$(TEST_PROFILES) cloverage --codecov \
-e ""

# When releasing, the BUMP variable controls which field in the
Expand Down
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions project.clj
Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,14 @@
;; See also
[org.tcrawley/dynapath "0.2.5"]
[org.clojure/java.classpath "0.3.0"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.3.0-alpha4"]]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.3.0-alpha4"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.439" :scope "provided"]]
:exclusions [org.clojure/clojure] ; see versions matrix below

:test-selectors {:java9 (complement :java9-excluded)}

:aliases {"bump-version" ["change" "version" "leiningen.release/bump-version"]}
:aliases {"bump-version" ["change" "version" "leiningen.release/bump-version"]
"test-watch" ["trampoline" "with-profile" "+1.9,+test" "test-refresh"]}

:release-tasks [["vcs" "assert-committed"]
["bump-version" "release"]
Expand All @@ -41,6 +43,17 @@

:sysutils {:plugins [[lein-sysutils "0.2.0"]]}

;; DEV tools
:test {:dependencies [[pjstadig/humane-test-output "0.9.0"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.4.474" :exclusions [org.clojure/tools.reader]]
;; mount is self-host compatible so choosen for testing
[mount "0.1.15" :scope "test"]]
:resource-paths ["test-resources"]
:plugins [[com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh "0.23.0"]]
:injections [(require 'pjstadig.humane-test-output)
:test-refresh {:changes-only true}}

;; CI tools
:codox {:plugins [[lein-codox "0.10.3"]]
:codox #=(eval
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions scripts/test-cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh

set -eu

# useful for checking the dependency tree
# lein trampoline with-profile cljs,1.9 deps :tree

lein trampoline with-profile cljs,1.9,test-refresh test-refresh $@
231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions src/orchard/cljs/analysis.cljc
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
(ns orchard.cljs.analysis
(:require [orchard.misc :as u]
#?(:clj [cljs.repl]
:cljs [orchard.cljs.special :as special]))
(:refer-clojure :exclude [find-ns find-var all-ns ns-aliases]))

(def NSES :cljs.analyzer/namespaces)

(defn all-ns
(->> (NSES env)
;; recent CLJS versions include data about macro namespaces in the
;; compiler env, but we should not include them in completions or pass
;; them to format-ns unless they're actually required (which is handled
;; by macro-ns-candidates below)
(into {} (filter (fn [[_ ns]]
(not (and (contains? ns :macros)
(= 1 (count ns)))))))))

(defn find-ns
[env ns]
(get (all-ns env) ns))

;; Code adapted from clojure-complete (

(defn imports
"Returns a map of [import-name] to [ns-qualified-import-name] for all imports
in the given namespace."
[env ns]
(:imports (find-ns env ns)))

(defn ns-aliases
"Returns a map of [ns-name-or-alias] to [ns-name] for the given namespace."
[env ns]
(let [imports (imports env ns)]
(->> (find-ns env ns)
(filter #(not (contains? imports (key %))))
(into {}))))

(defn macro-ns-aliases
"Returns a map of [macro-ns-name-or-alias] to [macro-ns-name] for the given namespace."
[env ns]
(:require-macros (find-ns env ns)))

(defn- expand-refer-map
(into {} (for [[k v] m] [k (symbol (str v "/" k))])))

(defn referred-vars
"Returns a map of [var-name] to [ns-qualified-var-name] for all referred vars
in the given namespace."
[env ns]
(->> (find-ns env ns)

(defn referred-macros
"Returns a map of [macro-name] to [ns-qualified-macro-name] for all referred
macros in the given namespace."
[env ns]
(->> (find-ns env ns)

(defn ns-alias
"If sym is an alias to, or the name of, a namespace referred to in ns, returns
the name of the namespace; else returns nil."
[env sym ns]
(get (ns-aliases env ns) sym))

(defn macro-ns-alias
"If sym is an alias to, or the name of, a macro namespace referred to in ns,
returns the name of the macro namespace; else returns nil."
[env sym ns]
(get (macro-ns-aliases env ns) sym))

(defn- public?
[[_ var]]
(not (:private var)))

(defn- named?
[[_ var]]
(not (:anonymous var)))

(defn- foreign-protocol?
[[_ var]]
(and (:impls var)
(not (:protocol-symbol var))))

(defn- macro?
[[_ var]]
(:macro (meta var)))

(defn ns-vars
"Returns a list of the vars declared in the ns."
[env ns]
(->> (find-ns env ns)
(filter (every-pred named? (complement foreign-protocol?)))
(into {})))

(defn public-vars
"Returns a list of the public vars declared in the ns."
[env ns]
(->> (find-ns env ns)
(filter (every-pred named? public? (complement foreign-protocol?)))
(into {})))

(defn public-macros
"Given a namespace return all the public var analysis maps. Analagous to
clojure.core/ns-publics but returns var analysis maps not vars.
Inspired by the ns-publics in cljs.analyzer.api."
[env ns]
{:pre [(symbol? ns)]}
#?(:clj (when (and ns (clojure.core/find-ns ns))
(->> (ns-publics ns)
(filter macro?)
(into {})))
:cljs (->> (merge
(get-in env [NSES ns :macros])
(get-in env [NSES ns :defs]))
(remove (fn [[k v]] (:private v)))
(into {}))))

(defn core-vars
"Returns a list of cljs.core vars visible to the ns."
[env ns]
(let [vars (public-vars env 'cljs.core)
excludes (:excludes (find-ns env ns))]
(apply dissoc vars excludes)))

(defn core-macros
"Returns a list of cljs.core macros visible to the ns."
[env ns]
(let [macros (public-macros env #?(:clj 'cljs.core :cljs 'cljs.core$macros))
excludes (:excludes (find-ns env ns))]
(apply dissoc macros excludes)))

(def ^:private language-keywords
#{:require :require-macros :import
:refer :refer-macros :include-macros
:refer-clojure :exclude
:keys :strs :syms
:as :or
:pre :post
:let :when :while
:clj :cljs
:private :doc :author
:req :req-un :opt :opt-un
:args :ret :fn
:arglists :tag :static :added})

(defn keyword-constants
"Returns a list of both keyword constants in the environment and
language specific ones."
(concat language-keywords (filter keyword? (keys (:cljs.analyzer/constant-table env)))))

;; grabbing directly from cljs.analyzer.api

(defn ns-interns-from-env
"Given a namespace return all the var analysis maps. Analagous to
clojure.core/ns-interns but returns var analysis maps not vars.
Directly from cljs.analyzer.api."
[env ns]
{:pre [(symbol? ns)]}
(get-in env [NSES ns :macros])
(get-in env [NSES ns :defs])))

(defn sanitize-ns
"Add :ns from :name if missing."
(-> m
(assoc :ns (or (:ns m) (:name m)))
(update :ns u/namespace-sym)
(update :name u/name-sym)))

(defn var-meta
"Return meta for the var, we wrap it in order to support both JVM and
(cond-> {}
(map? var) (merge var)
(var? var) (-> (merge (meta var))
(update :ns #(cond-> % (u/ns-obj? %) ns-name)))
true sanitize-ns
#?@(:cljs [true (-> (update :ns u/remove-macros)
(update :name u/remove-macros))])))

(defn ns-meta
"Return meta for the var, we wrap it in order to support both JVM and
(cond-> {}
(map? var) (merge var)
(u/ns-obj? var) (merge {:ns (ns-name var)
:name (ns-name var)})
true sanitize-ns
#?@(:cljs [true (-> (update :ns u/remove-macros)
(update :name u/remove-macros))])))

(defn find-symbol-meta
"Given a namespace-qualified var name, gets the analyzer metadata for that
[env sym]
(let [ns (find-ns env (u/namespace-sym sym))]
(some-> (:defs ns)
(get (u/name-sym sym))

(defn special-meta
"Given a special symbol, gets the analyzer metadata."
[_ sym]
(when-let [meta #?(:clj (or (get @#'cljs.repl/special-doc-map sym)
(get @#'cljs.repl/repl-special-doc-map sym))
:cljs (or (get special/special-doc-map sym)
(get special/repl-special-doc-map sym)))]
(merge {:name sym
:ns 'cljs.core
:special-form true}

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