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richhickey committed Feb 8, 2018
1 parent 1215ba3 commit 86a158d
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Showing 4 changed files with 214 additions and 6 deletions.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions src/clj/clojure/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3759,6 +3759,21 @@
([opts stream]
(. clojure.lang.LispReader (read stream opts))))

(defn read+string
"Like read, and taking the same args. stream must be a LineNumberingPushbackReader.
Returns a vector containing the object read and the (whitespace-trimmed) string read."
{:added "1.10"}
([] (read+string *out*))
([^clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader stream & args]
(.captureString stream)
(let [o (apply read stream args)
s (.trim (.getString stream))]
[o s])
(catch Throwable ex
(.getString stream)
(throw ex)))))

(defn read-line
"Reads the next line from stream that is the current value of *in* ."
{:added "1.0"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -7766,3 +7781,43 @@
"Return true if x is a"
{:added "1.9"}
[x] (instance? x))

(defonce ^:private tapset (atom #{}))
(defonce ^:private ^java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue tapq (java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue. 1024))

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vemv Feb 13, 2018

Wouldn't creating a clojure.core.tap ns be reasonable approach?

That gives you opportunity to add a ns docstring describing what taps are, and why would one use them.

Sometimes one can only see the leaves (individual docstrings) but not the forest :)

Other concerns also apply:

  • Code autocompletion for clojure.core will be less wild (fewer candidates)
  • One can discover tap-related functions by typing clojure.core.tap <TAB>

(the least thing I would want is to engage in discussion with you / make you spend time explaining. You either agree or not, generally we all trust Clojure core to make sound designs)

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puredanger Feb 13, 2018


This was added to core so that you don’t have to add a require when you are debugging and need to add a tap>.

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vemv Feb 13, 2018

Sounds fair. Although maybe users could place a (require 'clojure.core.tap) in some project initialization code, so it's always there?

Even in a debugger context, one may want the described autocompletions (discoverability)

(defn add-tap
"adds f, a fn of one argument, to the tap set. This function will be called with anything sent via tap>.
This function may (briefly) block (e.g. for streams), and will never impede calls to tap>,
but blocking indefinitely may cause tap values to be dropped.
Remember f in order to remove-tap"
{:added "1.10"}
(swap! tapset conj f)

(defn remove-tap
"remove f from the tap set the tap set."
{:added "1.10"}
(swap! tapset disj f)

(defn tap>
"sends x to any taps. Will not block. Returns true if there was room in the queue,
false if not (dropped)."
{:added "1.10"}
(.offer tapq x))

(defonce ^:private tap-loop
(doto (Thread.
#(let [x (.take tapq)
taps @tapset]
(doseq [tap taps]
(tap x)
(catch Throwable ex)))
(.setDaemon true)
139 changes: 134 additions & 5 deletions src/clj/clojure/core/server.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,11 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.main :as m])
(:import [ InetAddress Socket ServerSocket SocketException]
[java.util.concurrent.locks ReentrantLock]))
[clojure.lang LineNumberingPushbackReader]
[ InetAddress Socket ServerSocket SocketException]
[ Reader Writer PrintWriter BufferedWriter BufferedReader InputStreamReader OutputStreamWriter]
[java.util.concurrent.locks ReentrantLock]))

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,8 +109,8 @@
(when (not (.isClosed socket))
(let [conn (.accept socket)
in (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader. ( (.getInputStream conn)))
out ( ( (.getOutputStream conn)))
in (LineNumberingPushbackReader. (InputStreamReader. (.getInputStream conn)))
out (BufferedWriter. (OutputStreamWriter. (.getOutputStream conn)))
client-id (str client-counter)]
(str "Clojure Connection " name " " client-id) client-daemon
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,4 +182,130 @@
:init repl-init
:read repl-read))
:read repl-read))

(defn prepl
"a REPL with structured output (for programs)
reads forms to eval from in-reader (a LineNumberingPushbackReader)
Closing the input or passing the form :repl/quit will cause it to return
Calls out-fn with data, one of:
{:tag :ret
:val val ;;eval result
:ns ns-name-string
:ms long ;;eval time in milliseconds
:form string ;;iff successfully read
{:tag :out
:val string} ;chars from during-eval *out*
{:tag :err
:val string} ;chars from during-eval *err*
{:tag :tap
:val val} ;values from tap>
You might get more than one :out or :err per eval, but exactly one :ret
tap output can happen at any time (i.e. between evals)
If during eval an attempt is made to read *in* it will read from in-reader unless :stdin is supplied
[in-reader out-fn & {:keys [stdin]}]
(let [EOF (Object.)
tapfn #(out-fn {:tag :tap :val %1})]
(in-ns 'user)
(binding [*in* (or stdin in-reader)
*out* (PrintWriter-on #(out-fn {:tag :out :val %1}) nil)
*err* (PrintWriter-on #(out-fn {:tag :err :val %1}) nil)]
(add-tap tapfn)
(loop []
(when (try
(let [[form s] (read+string in-reader false EOF)]
(when-not (identical? form EOF)
(let [start (System/nanoTime)
ret (eval form)
ms (quot (- (System/nanoTime) start) 1000000)]
(when-not (= :repl/quit ret)
(set! *3 *2)
(set! *2 *1)
(set! *1 ret)
(out-fn {:tag :ret
:val (if (instance? Throwable ret)
(Throwable->map ret)
:ns (str (.name *ns*))
:ms ms
:form s})
(catch Throwable ex
(set! *e ex)
(out-fn {:tag :ret :val (Throwable->map ex) :ns (str (.name *ns*)) :form s})
(catch Throwable ex
(set! *e ex)
(out-fn {:tag :ret :val (Throwable->map ex) :ns (str (.name *ns*))})
(remove-tap tapfn)))))))

(defn- resolve-fn [valf]
(if (symbol? valf)
(or (resolve valf)
(when-let [nsname (namespace valf)]
(require (symbol nsname))
(resolve valf))
(throw (Exception. (str "can't resolve: " valf))))

(defn io-prepl
"prepl bound to *in* and *out*, suitable for use with e.g. server/repl (socket-repl).
:ret and :tap vals will be processed by valf, a fn of one argument
or a symbol naming same (default pr-str)"
[& {:keys [valf] :or {valf pr-str}}]
(let [valf (resolve-fn valf)
out *out*
lock (Object.)]
(prepl *in*
#(binding [*out* out, *flush-on-newline* true, *print-readably* true]
(locking lock
(prn (cond-> %1
(#{:ret :tap} (:tag %1))
(assoc :val (valf (:val %1))))))))))

(defn remote-prepl
"Implements a prepl on in-reader and out-fn by forwarding to a
remote [io-]prepl over a socket. Messages will be read by readf, a
fn of a LineNumberingPushbackReader and EOF value or a symbol naming
same (default #(read %1 false %2)),
:ret and :tap vals will be processed by valf, a fn of one argument
or a symbol naming same (default read-string). If that function
throws, :val will be unprocessed."
[^String host port ^Reader
in-reader out-fn & {:keys [valf readf] :or {valf read-string, readf #(read %1 false %2)}}]
(let [valf (resolve-fn valf)
readf (resolve-fn readf)
^long port (if (string? port) (Integer/valueOf ^String port) port)
socket (Socket. host port)
rd (-> socket .getInputStream InputStreamReader. BufferedReader. LineNumberingPushbackReader.)
wr (-> socket .getOutputStream OutputStreamWriter.)
EOF (Object.)]
(thread "clojure.core.server/remote-prepl" true
(try (loop []
(let [{:keys [tag val] :as m} (readf rd EOF)]
(when-not (identical? m EOF)
(out-fn (cond-> m
(#{:ret :tap} tag)
(assoc :val (try (valf val) (catch Throwable ex val)))))
(.close wr))))
(let [buf (char-array 1024)]
(try (loop []
(let [n (.read in-reader buf)]
(when-not (= n -1)
(.write wr buf 0 n)
(.flush wr)
(.close rd))))))
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/clj/clojure/core_print.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -545,3 +545,27 @@
(print-method (:form o) w))

(def ^{:private true} print-initialized true)

(defn ^ PrintWriter-on
"implements given flush-fn, which will be called
when .flush() is called, with a string built up since the last call to .flush().
if not nil, close-fn will be called with no arguments when .close is called"
{:added "1.10"}
[flush-fn close-fn]
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)]
(-> (proxy [Writer] []
(flush []
(when (pos? (.length sb))
(flush-fn (.toString sb)))
(.setLength sb 0))
(close []
(.flush ^Writer this)
(when close-fn (close-fn))
(write [str-cbuf off len]
(when (pos? len)
(if (instance? String str-cbuf)
(.append sb ^String str-cbuf ^int off ^int len)
(.append sb ^chars str-cbuf ^int off ^int len)))))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/jvm/clojure/lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public int read() throws IOException{
_atLineStart = false;
if(sb != null)
if(sb != null && c != -1)
return c;
Expand Down

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