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ClojureScript Puppet Manifest

Fogus edited this page Jan 9, 2013 · 6 revisions

Below is a Puppet manifest to get ClojureScript up and running.

You might use this in a Vagrant Virtual Machine setup, for example.

    class lucid32 {
      package { "git-core":
        ensure => present,
      package { "curl":
        ensure => present,

      package {"libssl-dev":
        ensure => present,

      package {"libreadline5-dev":
        ensure => present,
      # package{"default-jdk":
      #  ensure => present,
      # }

      package {"unzip":
        ensure => present,

Please note that the default-jdk line was commented out. Due to a bug in ClosureScript (reference: mailing list archive) you should not use this JDK (at least at this writing - July 23, 2011)

The solution is to install the Oracle JDK (manually, because - at least on the Ubuntu VM I was working in - you need to uncomment out an APT(-GET) source. See these excellent instructions on installing Oracle JDK on Ubuntu

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