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Add documentation to perf ns, and add sleep arg to decrease GC's affe…
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Alexander Taggart committed Oct 10, 2011
1 parent b916876 commit bb3a2aa
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 23 deletions.
92 changes: 69 additions & 23 deletions src/test/clojure/clojure/data/codec/perf_base64.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,58 +4,85 @@
[clojure.string :as str])

(comment ;Example usage
(gen-data-file "" 1 12 20) ; generate the data file to be used
(init-time-file "" "time.out" 100) ; initialize timing file
(run-perf "" "time.out" 100 false) ; add timings for (encode ...)
(run-perf "" "time.out" 100 true) ; add timings for (encode! ...)

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defn rand-bytes [n]
(defn rand-bytes
"Returns a randomly populated byte-array of length n."
(->> #(byte (- (rand-int 256) 128))
(take n)

(defn gen-data-file [file from to times]
(defn gen-data-file
"Prints to file randomly generated byte vectors between lengths from and to,
inclusive, with times number of each length."
[file from to times]
(with-open [w (PrintWriter. (io/writer file))]
(binding [*out* w]
(doseq [n (range from (inc to))]
(doseq [_ (range 0 times)]
(println (into [] (rand-bytes n))))))))

(defn read-data-file [file]
(defn read-data-file
"Lazily reads a data file, returning a lazy sequence of byte-arrays."
(->> (line-seq (io/reader file))
(map read-string)
(map #(map byte %))
(map byte-array)))

(defmacro time-it [expr]
(defmacro time-it
"Like clojure.core/time, but returns the time in nanos instead of printing it."
`(let [start# (System/nanoTime)
_# ~expr
stop# (System/nanoTime)]
(- stop# start#)))

(defn perf-clj [bas]
(defn perf-clj
"Returns a lazy sequence of encode timings for the given sequence of byte arrays."
[bas sleep]
(for [ba bas]
(Thread/sleep 100)
(Thread/sleep sleep)
(time-it (encode ba)))))

(defn perf-clj-buf [bas]
(defn perf-clj-buf
"Returns a lazy sequence of encode! timings for the given sequence of byte arrays."
[bas sleep]
(let [out (memoize (fn [n] (byte-array (enc-length n))))]
(for [^bytes ba bas]
(let [len (alength ba)
output (out len)]
(Thread/sleep 100)
(Thread/sleep sleep)
(time-it (encode! ba 0 len output)))))))

(defn perf-apache [bas]
(defn perf-apache
"Returns a lazy sequence of apache base64 encode timings for the given sequence of
byte arrays."
[bas sleep]
(for [ba bas]
(Thread/sleep 100)
(Thread/sleep sleep)
(time-it (Base64/encodeBase64 ba)))))

(defn append-times [table times]
(defn append-times
"Lazily adds a column of timings to the given table."
[table times]
(map (fnil conj []) table times))

(defn write-time-file [table file]
(defn write-time-file
"Writes a table of timings to file."
[table file]
(with-open [w (PrintWriter. (io/writer file))]
(binding [*out* w]
(doseq [row table]
Expand All @@ -65,17 +92,20 @@
(print e))

(defn read-time-file [file]
(defn read-time-file
"Lazily reads a file containing a table of timings."
(->> (line-seq (io/reader file))
(map #(str/split % #"\t"))
(map vec)))

(defn init-perf-apache [bas]
(map #(vector (count %1) %2) bas (perf-apache bas)))

(defn third [[_ _ x]] x)

(defn latest-time-file [basis]
(defn latest-time-file
"Returns the name of the latest enumerated file with the given basis, or nil if it
doesn't exist."
(let [dir (io/file ".")
nums (->> (.list dir )
(filter #(.startsWith ^String % basis))
Expand All @@ -86,22 +116,38 @@
(if (seq nums)
(format "%s.%03d" basis (apply max nums)))))

(defn next-time-file [file]
(defn next-time-file
"Returns the name of the next enumerated file after the given enumerated file name."
(if-let [[_ prefix suffix] (re-matches #"(.+\.)([0-9]{3})" file)]
(format "%s%03d" prefix (inc (Integer/parseInt suffix)))))

(defn init-time-file [data-file time-file]
(write-time-file (init-perf-apache (read-data-file data-file)) (str time-file ".000")))

(defn run-perf [data-file time-file use-buffer?]
(defn init-perf-apache
"Returns a lazy sequence of [count apache-timing] for each byte-array."
[bas sleep]
(map #(vector (count %1) %2) bas (perf-apache bas sleep)))

(defn init-time-file
"Using the given data file, creates a timing file using apache base64 encoding.
Sleep specifies the delay between iterations, thus reducing the chance of delays
from GC affecting the timing."
[data-file time-file sleep]
(write-time-file (init-perf-apache (read-data-file data-file) sleep) (str time-file ".000")))

(defn run-perf
"Using the given data file, adds a column of clojure base64 encode times to the
specified timing file. If use-buffer? is true, encode! will be used instead.
Sleep specifies the delay between iterations, thus reducing the chance of delays
from GC affecting the timing."
[data-file time-file sleep use-buffer?]
(let [prev-time-file (latest-time-file time-file)
next-time-file (next-time-file prev-time-file)]
(read-time-file prev-time-file)
(if use-buffer?
(perf-clj-buf (read-data-file data-file))
(perf-clj (read-data-file data-file))))
(perf-clj-buf (read-data-file data-file) sleep)
(perf-clj (read-data-file data-file) sleep)))

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