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separate enumeration from instrument and test
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Signed-off-by: Stuart Halloway <>
Signed-off-by: Rich Hickey <>
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stuarthalloway authored and puredanger committed Apr 26, 2017
1 parent 5c10d42 commit 452a916
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 153 deletions.
274 changes: 121 additions & 153 deletions src/clj/clojure/spec/test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,44 @@
(in-ns 'clojure.spec.test)
(alias 'stc 'clojure.spec.test.check)

(defn- throwable?
(instance? Throwable x))

(defn ->sym
(@#'s/->sym x))

(defn- ->var
(if (var? s-or-v)
(let [v (and (symbol? s-or-v) (resolve s-or-v))]
(if (var? v)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str (pr-str s-or-v) " does not name a var")))))))

(defn- collectionize
(if (symbol? x)
(list x)

(defn enumerate-namespace
"Given a symbol naming an ns, or a collection of such symbols,
returns the set of all symbols naming vars in those nses."
(mapcat (fn [ns-sym]
(fn [name-sym]
(symbol (name ns-sym) (name name-sym)))
(keys (ns-interns ns-sym)))))
(collectionize ns-sym-or-syms)))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; instrument ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *instrument-enabled*
"if false, instrumented fns call straight through"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +91,6 @@
(.applyTo ^clojure.lang.IFn f args)))
(.applyTo ^clojure.lang.IFn f args)))))

(defn- no-fn-spec
[v spec]
(ex-info (str "Fn at " v " is not spec'ed.")
Expand All @@ -64,15 +100,6 @@
"Map for instrumented vars to :raw/:wrapped fns"
(atom {}))

(defn- ->var
(if (var? s-or-v)
(let [v (and (symbol? s-or-v) (resolve s-or-v))]
(if (var? v)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str (pr-str s-or-v) " does not name a var")))))))

(defn- instrument-choose-fn
"Helper for instrument."
[f spec sym {over :gen :keys [stub replace]}]
Expand All @@ -85,14 +112,6 @@
[spec sym {overrides :spec}]
(get overrides sym spec))

(defn- collectionize
(if (symbol? x)
(list x)

(def ->sym @#'s/->sym)

(defn- instrument-1
[s opts]
(when-let [v (resolve s)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,40 +142,39 @@
(reduce into #{} [(:stub opts) (keys (:replace opts)) (keys (:spec opts))]))

(defn- sym-matcher
"Returns a fn that matches symbols that are either in syms,
or whose namespace is in syms."
(let [names (into #{} (map str) syms)]
(fn [s]
(or (contains? names (namespace s))
(contains? names (str s))))))
(defn- fn-spec-name?
(symbol? s))

(defn- validate-opts
(assert (every? ident? (keys (:gen opts))) "instrument :gen expects ident keys"))
(defn instrumentable-syms
"Given an opts map as per instrument, returns the set of syms
that can be instrumented."
([] (instrumentable-syms nil))
(assert (every? ident? (keys (:gen opts))) "instrument :gen expects ident keys")
(reduce into #{} [(filter fn-spec-name? (keys (s/registry)))
(keys (:spec opts))
(:stub opts)
(keys (:replace opts))])))

(defn instrument
"Instruments the vars matched by ns-or-names, a symbol or a
collection of symbols. Instruments the current namespace if
ns-or-names not specified. Idempotent.
A var matches ns-or-names if ns-or-names includes either the var's
fully qualified name or the var's namespace.
"Instruments the vars named by sym-or-syms, a symbol or collection
of symbols, or all instrumentable vars if sym-or-syms is not
If a var has an :args fn-spec, sets the var's root binding to a
fn that checks arg conformance (throwing an exception on failure)
before delegating to the original fn.
The opts map can be used to override registered specs, and/or to
replace fn implementations entirely. Opts for symbols not matched
by ns-or-names are ignored. This facilitates sharing a common
replace fn implementations entirely. Opts for symbols not included
in sym-or-syms are ignored. This facilitates sharing a common
options map across many different calls to instrument.
The opts map may have the following keys:
:spec a map from var-name symbols to override specs
:stub a collection of var-name symbols to be replaced by stubs
:stub a set of var-name symbols to be replaced by stubs
:gen a map from spec names to generator overrides
:replace a map from var-name symbols to replacement fns
Expand All @@ -176,63 +194,33 @@ invokes the fn you provide, enabling arbitrary stubbing and mocking.
:spec can be used in combination with :stub or :replace.
Returns a collection of syms naming the vars instrumented."
([] (instrument (.name ^clojure.lang.Namespace *ns*)))
([ns-or-names] (instrument ns-or-names nil))
([ns-or-names opts]
(validate-opts opts)
(let [match? (sym-matcher (collectionize ns-or-names))]
(locking instrumented-vars
(comp cat
(filter symbol?)
(filter match?)
(map #(instrument-1 % opts))
(remove nil?))
[(keys (s/registry)) (opt-syms opts)])))))

(defn unstrument
"Undoes instrument on the vars matched by ns-or-names, specified
as in instrument. Returns a collection of syms naming the vars
([] (unstrument (.name ^clojure.lang.Namespace *ns*)))
(let [match? (sym-matcher (collectionize ns-or-names))]
(locking instrumented-vars
(comp (map ->sym)
(filter match?)
(map unstrument-1)
(remove nil?))
(keys @instrumented-vars))))))

(defn instrument-all
"Like instrument, but works on all vars."
([] (instrument-all nil))
(validate-opts opts)
([] (instrument (instrumentable-syms)))
([sym-or-syms] (instrument sym-or-syms nil))
([sym-or-syms opts]
(locking instrumented-vars
(comp cat
(filter symbol?)
(comp (filter (instrumentable-syms opts))
(map #(instrument-1 % opts))
(remove nil?))
[(keys (s/registry)) (opt-syms opts)]))))

(defn unstrument-all
"Like unstrument, but works on all vars."
(locking instrumented-vars
(comp (map ->sym)
(map unstrument-1)
(remove nil?))
(keys @instrumented-vars))))
(collectionize sym-or-syms)))))

(defn unstrument
"Undoes instrument on the vars named by sym-or-syms, specified
as in instrument. With no args, unstruments all instrumented vars.
Returns a collection of syms naming the vars unstrumented."
([] (unstrument (map ->sym (keys @instrumented-vars))))
(locking instrumented-vars
(comp (filter symbol?)
(map unstrument-1)
(remove nil?))
(collectionize sym-or-syms)))))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; testing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(defn- explain-test
[args spec v role]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,10 +248,6 @@ with explain-data under ::check-call."
(explain-test args (:fn specs) {:args cargs :ret cret} :fn))

(defn- throwable?
(instance? Throwable x))

(defn- check-fn
[f specs {gen :gen opts ::stc/opts}]
(let [{:keys [num-tests] :or {num-tests 100}} opts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,74 +292,52 @@ with explain-data under ::check-call."
[{:keys [s f v spec]} {:keys [result-callback] :as opts}]
(when v (unstrument s))
(nil? f)
{:type :no-fn :sym s :spec spec}
(let [f (or f (when v @v))]
(nil? f)
{:type :no-fn :sym s :spec spec}

(:args spec)
(let [tcret (check-fn f spec opts)]
(make-test-result s spec tcret))
(:args spec)
(let [tcret (check-fn f spec opts)]
(make-test-result s spec tcret))

{:type :no-argspec :sym s :spec spec})
{:type :no-argspec :sym s :spec spec}))
(when v (instrument s)))))

;; duped from spec to avoid introducing public API
(defn- collectionize
(if (symbol? x)
(list x)

(defn- sym-matcher
"Returns a fn that matches symbols that are either in syms,
or whose namespace is in syms."
(let [names (into #{} (map str) syms)]
(fn [s]
(or (contains? names (namespace s))
(contains? names (str s))))))

(defn- sym->test-map
(let [v (resolve s)]
{:s s
:v v
:spec (when v (s/get-spec v))}))

(defn- validate-opts
(defn- validate-test-opts
(assert (every? ident? (keys (:gen opts))) "test :gen expects ident keys"))

(defn syms-to-test
"Returns a coll of registered syms matching ns-or-names (a symbol or
collection of symbols).
A symbol matches ns-or-names if ns-or-names includes either the symbol
itself or the symbol's namespace symbol.
If no ns-or-names specified, returns all registered syms."
([] (sequence
(filter symbol?)
(keys (s/registry))))
(let [match? (sym-matcher (collectionize ns-or-names))]
(comp (filter symbol?)
(filter match?))
(keys (s/registry))))))

(defn test-fn
"Runs generative tests for fn f using spec and opts. See
'test' for options and return."
([f spec] (test-fn f spec nil))
([f spec opts]
(validate-opts opts)
(validate-test-opts opts)
(test-1 {:f f :spec spec} opts)))

(defn testable-syms
"Given an opts map as per test, returns the set of syms that
can be tested."
([] (testable-syms nil))
(validate-test-opts opts)
(reduce into #{} [(filter fn-spec-name? (keys (s/registry)))
(keys (:spec opts))])))

(defn test
"Checks specs for vars named by syms using test.check.
"Run generative tests for spec conformance on vars named by
sym-or-syms, a symbol or collection of symbols. If sym-or-syms
is not specified, test all testable vars.
The opts map includes the following optional keys, where stc
aliases clojure.spec.test.check:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,10 +373,15 @@ Values for the :type key can be one of
:no-gen unable to generate :args
:no-fn unable to resolve fn to test
([syms] (test syms nil))
([syms opts]
(validate-opts opts)
(pmap #(test-1 (sym->test-map %) opts) syms)))
([] (test (testable-syms)))
([sym-or-syms] (test sym-or-syms nil))
([sym-or-syms opts]
(->> (collectionize sym-or-syms)
(filter (testable-syms opts))
#(test-1 (sym->test-map %) opts)))))

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; test reporting ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(defn abbrev-result
"Given a test result, returns an abbreviated version
Expand All @@ -425,20 +392,21 @@ suitable for summary use."
(update (dissoc x ::stc/ret) :spec s/describe)))

(defn summarize-results
"Given a collection of test-results, e.g. from 'test',
pretty prints the abbrev-result of each.
"Given a collection of test-results, e.g. from 'test', pretty
prints the summary-result (default abbrev-result) of each.
Returns a map with :total, the total number of results, plus a
key with a count for each different :type of result."
(fn [summary result]
(pp/pprint (abbrev-result result))
(-> summary
(update :total inc)
(update (:type result) (fnil inc 0))))
{:total 0}
([test-results] (summarize-results test-results abbrev-result))
([test-results summary-result]
(fn [summary result]
(pp/pprint (summary-result result))
(-> summary
(update :total inc)
(update (:type result) (fnil inc 0))))
{:total 0}

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