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Computing Infrastructure Migration Model

This repository provides computing infrastructure migration features. This is a sub-system of Cloud-Barista platform, and intended to deploy a multi-cloud infra as a target computing infrastructure.


As a Cloud Computing Infrastructure Migration Framework (codename: cm-damselply) is going to support:

  • Target cloud computing infra migration model (Defined using the JSON format and Go Structure.)
  • Migration model management test codes for target cloud computing infra

Execution and development environment

  • Operating system (OS):
    • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Languages:
    • Go: 1.19

How to run CM-Damselfly

Source code based installation and execution

Configure build environment

  1. Install dependencies
# Ensure that your system is up to date
sudo apt update -y

# Ensure that you have installed the dependencies, 
# such as `ca-certificates`, `curl`, and `gnupg` packages.
sudo apt install make gcc git
  1. Install Go

Note - Install the stable version of Go. For example, install Go v1.19 or v1.21.x

# Set Go version

# Get Go archive

# Remove any previous Go installation and
# Extract the archive into /usr/local/
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz

# Append /usr/local/go/bin to .bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> ~/.bashrc

# Apply the .bashrc changes
source ~/.bashrc

# Verify the installation
echo $GOPATH
go version

Download the source code

Clone CM-Damselfly repository

git clone ${HOME}/cm-damselfly

Run Test code

Run Migration Model Management Test code

cd ${HOME}/cm-damselfly/Test

go run model-test.go