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Oratos Kubernetes Deployment

Oratos is a Greek based name positioned to be part of the Kubernetes community, like other names such as Istio and Prometheus.

ορατός • (oratós) m (feminine ορατή, neuter ορατό)

visible, in sight, seen

This repo contains the objects required to run loggregator on kubernetes.

Note: This project is currently experimental and may change in breaking ways.


  • A k8s cluster up and running.
  • kubectl installed locally and configured to target your k8s cluster (minimum supported version of kubernetes API and CLI: 1.10).
  • docker installed locally and configured to target a dockerd for running a certificate generation container.

Generate TLS Certs and Keys

To generate TLS certs and keys for your loggregator deployment you need to run a container. To make this easy you can simply:

pushd secrets


The following script will apply all the objects to your cluster:



The following script will delete all the objects from your cluster:


Configuring the syslog drains for the Syslog Nozzle.

The kubernetes deployment manifest for syslog nozzle can be found under optional/deployments/syslog-nozzle.yml.

Configure the syslog nozzle with the DRAINS environment variable.

  • In order to forward logs for a specific namespace, specify the namespace property.
  • In order to forward all logs of the kubernetes cluster, set all: true.

This is an example,

- name: DRAINS
  value: |
        "namespace": "kube-system",
        "url": ""
        "all": true,
        "url": ""

Apply the config,

kubectl apply -f optional/deployments/syslog-nozzle.yml

Accessing logs via LogCache

  1. Target Log Cache via the loadbalancer service:

    export LOG_CACHE_ADDR="http://$(kubectl get service log-cache-reads -o jsonpath='{$.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' -n oratos):8081"

    or via Minikube:

    export LOG_CACHE_ADDR="$(minikube service -n oratos log-cache-reads --url)"
  2. Install the stand alone log-cache-cli.