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JMX Consumer Release


Testing with jconsole

Assuming the bosh is targeted correctly.

bosh create-release --force
bosh upload-release --rebase
bosh -d jmx-consumer deploy manifests/consumer.yml \
  --vars-store vars.yml \
  --vars-file ~/workspace/cf-deployment/deployments-vars.yml \
  -v cf_deployment_name=cf \
  -v zone=az1 \
  -v vm_type=default \
  -v network_name=default
bosh -d jmx-consumer vms #grab IP address of VM

# since self signed certs are used, a truststore needs to be generated for `jconsole`
bosh int vars.yml --path /jmx_ssl/certificate > /tmp/jmx.crt
keytool -import -alias jconsole -file /tmp/jmx.crt -keystore /tmp/jconsole.truststore -storepass password -noprompt

# jconsole will then ask for the credentials and IP:Port to access
# Host: <IP Address>:44444
# Username: admin
# Password: insecure-password

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