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@a-b a-b released this 05 Jan 18:18

Package Manager Installation




docker pull cloudfoundry/cli:8.1.0

Change Log

  • Detect CF-on-K8s in cf api

    This makes cf api able to detect the cf-on-k8s flag in the root
    endpoint response and persist this information in the config. This will
    allow us to enable CF-on-K8s-specific behaviour for every following
    We have introduced a new selfcontained integration suite which
    contains tests that do not need to be run against a cf deployment.
    Issue: cloudfoundry/cf-k8s-api#10

  • Unpin protobuf
    client-go v0.22 does not work with protobuf v1.3.4.
    protobuf v1.5 leads to a runtime panic in go-loggregator and
    go-log-cache. See:cloudfoundry/go-log-cache#30
    pin go-log-cache to a fork containing this PR that fixes the above
    problem: cloudfoundry/go-log-cache#31
    Having done all this allows us to use the latest version of the client-go
    package, which is needed for the cf-on-k8s support.

  • Implement cf login for CF-on-K8s

    This implements a CF-on-K8s-compatible version of the cf login
    command. When a user runs cf login against a CF-on-K8s, they will be
    prompted to choose an auth-info from the ones specified in their
    $KUBECONFIG. Passing any extra option, except for -a, will result in
    a failure.
    The main changes here are the extraction of the AuthActor and
    UserConfig interfaces, which we implement both for the default use
    case and the Kubernetes one. This allow us to provide specific
    implementations of methods like Authenticate, GetLoginPrompts and
    While the choice of the AuthActor implementation can happen in the
    NewActor constructor, this can't be done for UserConfig. cf login
    hits the root endpoint and mutates the Config accordingly, and the
    selection of the UserConfig implementation depends on those mutations.
    We have then decided to perform this choice dynamically via the
    DynamicUserConfig decorator.

  • Use the latest cloudfoundry/go-log-cache

    This removes the rewrite to eirini-forks/go-log-cache and bumps
    cloudfoundry/go-log-cache to the latest master commit which includes
    the protobuf fix.

  • Introduce a ConnectionWrapper for Kubernetes

    This introduces a new implementation a new ConnectionWrapper
    implementation to be used when targeting a CF-on-K8s API. The wrapper
    leverages the Kubernetes configuration directly. Only auth-provider
    credentials are supported at the moment.

  • Refactor the creation of the wrapped CC client
    API and Login commands do not require auth, so skip the auth wrapping
    explicitly by calling a wrapper that doesn't add it.
    Other commands do require auth, so call the auth wrapping command.
    Remove the nil checks in the auth wrappers, as they will now only be
    involved when auth is actually required.

  • Support Kubernetes inline client certificates
    This only supports inline client certificates and keys for now.

  • Support Kubernetes client certificates of any kind

    This change leverages the client-go rest.TLSConfigFor method to
    build a tls.Config regardless of the authentication method. This
    allows us to support any authentication method that uses client
    certificates (inline certs, filepath certs, exec plugins) with the same

  • Test Kubernetes exec plugins

    This only adds tests as the behaviour comes for free from the previous

  • Support inline and filepath Kubernetes tokens

    Support the case where a token is provided directly in the auth-info
    with token or using token-file.
    The logic here is that there won't any certificates in the TLSConfig,
    and the WrapTransport method of transportConfig will be nil, as it is
    only set in the exec and auth-provider plugins. Therefore we'll just
    wrap the http request with whatever auth info is left, which is
    'hard-coded' tokens in this case.

  • Clear the Kubernetes auth information in cf api
    Issue: cloudfoundry/korifi#183

  • Clear the Kubernetes auth information in cf api --unset
    Issue: cloudfoundry/korifi#182

  • Clear the Kubernetes auth information in cf logout
    Issue: cloudfoundry/korifi#157

  • Use the real Kubernetes username when creating a space role

    Previously, CurrentUserName implementation was split in the config
    area for standard CF and CF-on-k8s. It would have been great to update
    the k8s version to call /whoami, but the cloud controller logic doesn't
    seem to belong in the config area.
    So instead, GetCurrentUser() has been added to the actor interface, and
    also to the AuthActor interface. This has a standard CF and a k8s CF
    implementation. The standard implementation just defers to the config
    method, whereas the k8s implementation invokes the new /whoami endpoint
    on the cloud controller.
    This commit also introduces handling that endpoint.
    Issue: cloudfoundry/korifi#147

  • Use the real Kubernetes username everywhere

Special thanks to our many contributors to this release, including but not limited to:
Giuseppe Capizzi, Danail Branekov, Georgi Sabev, Kieron Browne, Mario Nitchevi, Cristhian Camilo Peña, George Gelashvili, Héctor José Calderón, Hema Ranganathan, Juan Diego Gonzalez, Ryker Reed, Shwetha Gururaj, Alexander Berezovsky

Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v8.1.0

This CF CLI release is tested with minimum version CAPI release 1.109.0 and 1.124.0-rc.9
See our minimum supported version policy for more information.