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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 7, 2019. It is now read-only.


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This repository is depracted by cloudify-ui-common.

  • Master Circle CI

Build Status

To set up projects like this one do the following:

  1. Install ruby (I used 1.8)
  2. gem install compass
  3. install node
  4. npm -g install yo (this installs grunt and bower as well).
  5. npm -g install generator-express-angular
  6. Create an empty project in github
  7. cd to that project
  8. run yo express-angular

tweaks made to the "express-angular" template

  1. I modified some "src" tags from "component/..." to "bower_component/..." - seems like a minor bug.

Working with this project

  1. grunt server - runs the server with "watch" capabilities (it reloads when you change the scss files).
  2. IDEs should ignore the following folders
  3. dist
  4. .tmp
  5. .sass-cache
  6. node_modules

Adding new angular items

To add new angular items such as "directive" or "controller" etc.. You need to use yeoman generators. Since we used "" to generate this project you can freely use all supported generators for angular.

For example - a new directive should be made with yo angular:directive myDirectiveName

This will create the directive file and a test file.

Remote debug

Thanks to stackoverflow's answer

You can easily remote debug node with the flag --debug-brk.

Since Grunt is usually executed directly grunt args - to debug it you need to do node --debug-brk /full/path/to/grunt myTask

How should this be used?

This does not go through a build process. When you add js-ui-infra in your project as bower dependency, it downloads the entire thing. That way, you can include only the resources you require.