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Morphological Image-based Profiling of Skin Lesions for Scientific Community

| Anna Heine | | Indiana University | hid: fa18-523-52 | github: ☁️ | code: ☁️

Keywords: fa18-532-52, lesion, medical


One major area that is being utilized highly today within big data platforms is that of medical image collection. Medical image datasets are often used as training tools as a source of comparison when analyzing diagnostic images from current or past cases of diseases. The issue in this field is that current datasets lack the diversity and number of samples that is necessary to make sufficient predictions based on analysis. With valuable datasets, medical advances can be made to deliver more personalized medicine, to create predictive diagnostic models, research treatment methods, improve the overall value of healthcare, and much more. The main goal of medical big data analysis is to find associations and correlations within complex data. The HAM10000 dataset is a significant resource for analysis because it includes over 10,000 dermatoscopic images that have been carefully stained and optimized to display skin-lesion biopsies. The grafts entered into this dataset were verified and therefore proven worthy based on expert consensus, a follow-up, and in-vivo microscopy. Each individual donation is tracked by its patient identification number, image identification number, donor age, donor sex, localization on the body, and a final inclusion reasoning.


The big data revolution has changed multiple industries around the world, one of which largely includes the field of medicine. The role of big data in the medical sector is high-grade as it aims to be predictive in order to diagnose patients and even discover new treatment methods. This means that the data obtained and used in these models must be wide enough to include a variety of patients and diseases. Disease is a major unknown for many reasons in medicine. Big data has recently been shown to be beneficial in disease management as it provides aggregate information around multiple aspects of a disease. For example, some datasets include functionality and characteristics of DNA and RNA, proteins, cell types, tissues, organs, and more [@fa18-523-52-intro]. The ability for these models to evolve and grow are what will advance the predictive analysis so desired in the field today. The sources of big data are varied. Some of which include administrative claim records, health records, the internet, medical imaging, and clinical trials [@fa18-523-52-ncbi].

Despite the vast number of sources, medical big datasets can be quite different than other types of big data. The main difference is located in the form of accessing the data. Because of privacy laws and ethical stances, some medical data is hard to come by. The fact that data has been breached in other industries such as in business and consumerism models, most people are hesitant to include large amounts of people's private health records in one location. That being said, medical datasets have to be managed so that the records being added follow a specific, structured protocol. These datasets are also costly, as they may need to be examined and measured multiple times by trained personnel to ensure correctness. The nature of the data is therefore, dangerously susceptible to human error, as most of it usually contains information we are not very sure about to begin with. Although data scientists have found methods and reasonings that allow for the production of medical datasets, they are often unreliable because the amount of data contained is just too small to make any valuable inferences or claims.

Though there are many challenges medical big data will need to dissolve in order to gain popularity and trust, the field is already proven to hold valuable insights. For example, the field will expand the use of big data into other industries by providing a basis for accumulating data of various sources and materials. Medical big data can provide answers to uncertainties even when lacking substantial evidence. The influx of continued large medical datasets is contributing to the advance of trusted future predictive healthcare learning models. The overall goal is not to automate the position of a trained physician, but to make the diagnostic process much easier and more efficient as well as aid in several areas of medical research.

The realm of skin cancer research is more or less crying out for big data analysis. Melanoma, specifically, affects around 73,000 new people each year which will result in about 9,000 deaths [@fa18-523-52-digital]. There is no general biomarker for melanoma, which causes for imprecise diagnostic margins. With this prelavence of disease in society, the amount diagnoses per melanoma skin lesion sometimes reaches up to 36 because of false-negative uncertainties [@fa18-523-52-digital]. However, with big datasets and the use of computer algorithms, there has been a significant increase in diagnostic accuracy -less than 5% error rates.


This project requires Python 2.7 or greater to integrate the Pandas and NumPy packages. It requires at least 420 KB of storage to hold the HAM10000 dataset. The project also requires the Anaconda platform to access Jupyter Notebook with Numpy and Pandas packages installed. The cloud service analytics were performed on KNIME's Cloud Analytics Platform.


The design of the project was to obtain the dataset and test it on a web services. First, we tested the dataset on Jupyter Notebook to get a baseline of the components. After creating some visualizations, we then incorporated the data into KNIME's Analytics Cloud Platform.


Before we made any implementations on this project, we realized that we would be using multiple software packages. Therefore, we wanted to ensure that they were all in the same place. To do this, we installed Anaconda. Anaconda is an open-source, free distribution software with Python and R available packages already installed. It's main purpose is to provide simple tracking of these packages with an easy, user-friendly dashboard design[@fa18-523-52-conda]. Each version of its packages are managed by its package management system, Conda. In Anaconda, we used Jupyter and Jupyter Notebook to perform most of my data analysis. Jupyter allows for data manipulation across many programming languages. Jupyter is also an open-source web application that allows for distribution of documents, code, and other projects for collaboration. It has many uses: data cleansing, statistical data modeling, visualization, machine and deep learning, data transformation, and more. Once a project has been created, your work can be output as HTML, images, video, or LaTeX[@fa18-523-52-jupyter]. The Notebook specifically can contain both code and text. These formats have the ability to create descriptions and visible output for graphs of many types. Jupyter runs via client-server, which means it does not need Internet access to be run. Each notebook contains a kernel which controls the execution of the code inside it. For example, if you wanted to execute Python code, the notebook would execute via the ipython kernel. To manually execute a file, the user must either choose to run each cell one at a time by clicking Run on the left of each line or by cliking on Run All in the Cell menu[@fa18-523-52-jupyterNotebook].

NumPy is a package that interacts with Python to provide numerical operations. NumPy uses its own defined library to make things like arrays and matrices and invoke operations on them. The most basic object in NumPy is the ndarray object. The ndarray holds arrays of homogeneous data types which are compiled for efficiency. NumPy arrays have a fixed size array and are homogeneous, which is different from regular Python arrays. NumPy also has vectorized and broadcasting behavior which both work to amplify performance and decrease compile time. Vectorized code is simple and easy to read code that typically is prone to less bugs. The code sometimes is mistaken for mathematical notations, but of course, results in Python-looking code. Broadcasting describes the step-by-step behavior of operations. It is beneficial in taking the outer operation of two arrays to make a combined array. However, both arrays must be of same dimension[@fa18-523-52-numPy].

Pandas is a Python package also automatically downloaded with Anaconda. It provides many data analysis features that are widely used in data visualization. Pandas is able to incorporate many types of data formats as well. For example, Pandas can read in tabular data from SQL or Excel, it can obtain ordered or unordered data, arbitrarily matrixed data, and it can even read in data that has no labels. Pandas is able to handle missing values and also non-floating point data by labeling it as NaN. One important feature we specifically used was to convert data that incorporated NumPy structures into DataFrame objects. This feature allowed Pandas to easily read and control the data into an acceptable format that was able to successfully create a readable graph. Another convienient tool we used while manipulating my dataset was Pandas ability to slice and create subsets of my data. This allowed me to create new tables and graphs from carefully selected data where we saw possible correlations. To create detailed visualizations, Pandas incorporates matplotlib API [@fa18-523-52-pandas]. Matplotlib allows the import of visualization libraries that can be read by Pandas. Matplotlib is a 2D plotting library that can be used in Python scripts and the Jupyter notebook, which we have previously mentioned. Some examples of the types of plots matplotlib includes is histograms, bar charts, scatterplots, errorcharts, power spectra, and more[@fa18-523-52-matplotlib].


To install Jupyter itself you must already have Python 2.7 or Python 3.3 or greater. It is recommended to go ahead and download Anaconda, like we did, so that all of your packages are in one place. To download the latest version of Anaconda, follow the code below:

import webbrowser'')

From there, you will have to choose which operating system to download from. That is all you have to do to install Anaconda. You know have an open platform with many packages for use. One of these packages is Jupyter Notebook. To run Jupyter Notebook the following line into the command prompt:

jupyter notebook

Now you can begin using Jupyter's Notebook to create visuals and write code for that manipulates your data. NumPy and Pandas are also automatically downloaded with the latest version on Anaconda.


The dataset we have chosen is often used in training tools for medical professionals and is one of the only few available skin lesion datasets. The HAM10000 (Human Against Machine with 10000 training images) dataset contains dermatoscopic images from different populations that include all general diagnostic categories that have been discovered in this type of medicine. The diagnostic categories in this dataset include diseases such as: Bowen's disease (akiec), basal cell carcinoma (bcc), benign keratosis- like lesions (bkl), dermatofibroma (df), melanoma (mel), melanocytic nevi (nv), and vascular regions (vasc). The confirmation of the samples that were entered into the dataset are given: histopathology (histo), follow-up examination (follow_up), expert consensus (consensus), or confirmation via in-vivo confocal microscopy (confocal). Each image within the dataset can be tracked by their lesion-id [@fa18-523-52-harvard].


The first part in analyzing the HAM10000 dataset is to acquire it as well as the Anaconda platform. Once you access the Jupyter Notebook and import the necessary Python packages, you are ready to begin analyzing the data. Jupyter is a great tool to use in data analysis becuase you can easily manipulate your code line-by-line. By performing multiple plotting algorithms, you get a great visualization of relationships amongst the dataset. Of course, there are simple methods to analyze singular features and columns in your dataset. The method below shows multiple statistical analyses on the age feature.


count    9919.000000
mean       52.067749
std        16.686741
min         5.000000
25%        40.000000
50%        50.000000
75%        65.000000
max        85.000000

The first algorithm that was used in my Jupyter-based script was a DataFrame comparison between the localization and age features. This comparison shows the number of patients who recorded diagnosed skin lesions for different locations in addition to their differing ages. The Pandas DataFrame is a class that has the ability to take in a mutable, two-dimensional data structure that contains labeled axes[@fa18-523-52-pandas]. It is known as the primary Pandas data structure. There are many examples of methods that can be used with this structure on Pandas documentation. To configure a visual of this correlation, the following code was imposed:

#name the database file to your liking after completed download
df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 2), columns=['age', 'localization']).cumsum()
df3['localization'] = pd.Series(list(range(len(db))))
df3.plot(x='localization', y='age')

The generated plot is as shown below +@fig:localAge :

Correlation of localization and age{#fig:localAge}

The visualization makes it obvious that there can be many different localizations per age group. This visualization also supports the need for varied datasets in the clinical domain. It ultimately makes it quite difficult to make assumptions on singular lesion samples because the locations are varied no matter the age.

Another algorithm that was imposed on Jupyter Notebook to create a visual analysis was an autocorrelation analysis. Autocorrelations are important in data analysis because they give important information regarding the quality of your dataset. Specifically, it checks randomness within your values with can also give clues to missing or empty values that you may have missed when cleaning the data. Over time, the data is compared to see if it lies near zero. If the data is considered random, the time series autocorrelation will be near zero for all time- lag separations. If the series is considered non-random, then the autocorrelations will be non-zero. The graph that is generated shows two horizontal lines that indicate 95% and 99% confidence bands. Using the following code, we have generated the following autocorrelation plot +@fig:autocorrelation.


Since the values in the above autocorrelation plot are within the 95%, and some very close to the 99% correlation lines, it can be said that the dataset is far from random. This is promising because it reinforces the quality and trust within the dataset.

Another technical tool that we used to analyze my dataset was the KNIME Cloud Analytics Platform [@fa18-523-52-KNIME]. The KNIME cloud can be integrated via the Azure Marketplace or on Amazon AWS. KNIME stands for KoNstanz Information MinEr and is an open source data analytics software that creates services and applications for data science projects. KNIME allows its users to create visual workflows with a user-friendly drag and drop graphical interface that depletes the need for any programming. However, KNIME does allow implementation of other scripting languages such as Python [@fa18-523-52-KNIME] or R [@fa18-523-52-KNIME] that creates connections to abilities within Apache Spark or other machine learning tools. KNIME allows imports of datasets from a variety of formats, some of which include CSV [@fa18-523-52-machine] , PDF [@fa18-523-52-machine] , JSON [@fa18-523-52-JSON] and more. The workflows and visualizations that KNIME produces allows export in many of these formats as well. It also supports several unstructured data types from images, documents, and certain networks. KNIME operates by a node system that includes embedded modules that help its users build their workflow. With this node system, users can make changes at every step of their analysis to ensure the most current version. KNIME also provides detailed visualizations from a set of defined graphs and charts which can lead to predictive analyses and machine learning implementations. Users can shape their data by a variety of mathematical models such as statistical tests, standard deviations, and means. Users can even select specific features for use in possible machine learning datasets and apply filters to mark out some of the data if needed.

KNIME is a platform that can perform intense data analytics on a graphical user interface and incorporate a user-friendly workflow. It incorporates large or small data sets and even projects as broad as deep learning. KNIME is diverse in that its users do not necessarily need to know any coding languages to use it. KNIME is a process-oriented, single base workflow with basic input/output manipulations. KNIME is an open source platform that uses thousands of its documented nodes within the node repository for use in the KNIME workbench. A node is a single processing point of data manipulations within your workflow. A workflow is described as a sequence of steps a user follows in their platform that is used to complete their final product. The collection of nodes that creates a KNIME workbench is able to be executed locally or within the KNIME web portal on its own server. The workflow that KNIME follows first begins with data collection, data cleaning, data integration, and finally, feature extraction. This workflow allows for large files such as a CSV to be accessed through the web portal and it can therefore be manipulated through several wizards [@fa18-523-52-guided].

KNIME has the ability to be integrated with other techonlogies for larger open-source projects. These cloud services allow for user's projects to be analyzed even further. For example, KNIME can be used with Amazon AWS [@fa18-523-52-aws] and Azure [@fa18-523-52-azure]. KNIME's platform can be hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud Services. Azure allows KNIME to perform its analytical, machine g learning, and deep learning tasks on its integrated server. This application can be downloaded from Azure's Marketplace. KNIME can also be incorporated with Amazon AWS. When KNIME is connected to AWS resources, users can leverage the memory available while connected to the relational database service to construct SQL queries visually. KNIME's Analytic Platform is a free service for all who use it. However, if you are using KNIME on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS, there are often subscription fees associated. Students and other organizations can receive discounts or allocated amounts for a specified time of use. KNIME is a data analysis software platform that allows for easy read and manipulation of large datasets that can ultimately be used to make inferences and predictions. Its user-friendly interface allows for a broad integration of users and sometimes more efficient workflows. KNIME has several applications for its users such as data modeling, machine learning, predictive analysis, and more. After visualization, users can extract specific features from their data and implement it into a model of their choice, which can then be exported as a CSV file.

Creating visualizations in the KNIME platform is extremely easy. The steps to create visual analyses on KNIME's analytic platform are to first drag and drop the CSV Reader node into the workflow. Once in the workflow, import the dataset from where you saved it locally by right- clicking on the CSV Reader node, and choosing Configure. Once the dialog box pops up, choose the number of rows and columns to include (we included them all). Then, choose which algorithm you would like to impose on the dataset by searching the node directory again. For my first analysis, we chose to do a basic graph showing the amount of different diagnostic descriptions per area (localization). The figure below shows this correlation, +@fig:dx.

Descriptions by location{#fig:dx}

The above image shows proof that although some diseases are more relevant than others, it is important to have variable datasets such as these. Having so improves the accuracy of other diagnoses because of the increased comparison amongst individual units of data. It emphasizes that no matter the location, there can be many different types of apparent disease types. Another created image is the visual of density among three data features. We chose to generate this graph with all three features along separate axes. The figure below indicates these results +@fig:subplots52.


Using KNIME's analytical platform, we was able to use defined algorithms to further expand my visualizations. One algorithm we explored was that of parallel coordinates. Parallel coordinates is a graph that exemplifies the many differences between multiple variables and features. In the graph I've generated, the age and sex features are placed on their own axes. The lines that connect the two features together are the actual values of the two features. Each line can be seen as an accumulation of the points that lie upon each axis [@fa18-523-52-pc]. The downside of this algorithm is that sometimes the dataset can make the graph look somewhat dense. The figure below shows the parallel coordinates of age and sex within the HAM10000 dataset, which is also quite dense +@fig:pc.

Parallel Coordinates of Age and Sex{#fig:pc}

KNIME allowed me to create this visualization without the use of any code, as their GUI is simple enough that programming is not always necessary. However, we also created this picture through code in Jupyter Notebook. The following script shows how we was able to do this.

from pandas.plotting import parallel_coordinates
df=pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 2), columns=['age', 'sex'])
parallel_coordinates(df, 'dx')

Another algorithm we incorporated was logistic regression. This type of analysis compares a nominal independent and dependent variable. The regression model is used to predict a possible outcome between the two given variables[@fa18-523-52-lg]. The logical question we thought of when performing this analysis was if the location of skin cancer on a person's body had any influence or correlation on which type of cancer it was. The following image +@fig:lg52 was created to show the logistic regression in this dataset. It shows that the relationship between cause of diagnosis (description/dx) and location is very much varied. There are, of course, some outliers, but it seems as though one can conclude that many different types of skin cancers can occur in numerous locations. This can be useful for medical professionals or students who are using this dataset as a training tool. It can also be said that conclusions can not automatically be made on what type of cancer is in a given region just by initial glance or statistics.

Logistic Regression of dx and localization features{#fig:lg52}

It turns out that our analysis is correct in that different types of cancers can occur in varied locations. The figure below, +@fig:locations52, actually shows the amount of different localizations within the dataset. Therefore, the relationship between these two features is not very strong. Everyone knows that one of the most common risks for skin cancer is sun exposure and ultraviolet light. Melanoma (mel) and basal cell carcinoma (bcc), most often caused by these factors, can occur in areas such as the face, arms, chest, back, scalp, ears, neck, and so on [@fa18-523-52-cancsociety]. However, skin cancers can also occur in areas where the sun cannot reach [fa18-523-52-abchealth]. These occurances can be caused by a genetic mutation or a change in gene regulation that causes healthy cells to divide with errors. These mutated cells could then invade other parts of the body and spread. It has also been seen that skin cancers can possibly be caused by pollutants or toxins in the environment [fa18-523-52-abchealth].

Skin Cancer Localizations Within the HAM10000 Dataset{#fig:locations52}

A good algorithm to test the relationship between diseases and the sexes is a regression tree. A regression tree is an algorithm that predicts the results of two, usually categorical, variables. The regression model is quite easy to interpret. Using KNIME's analytical platform, we conducted a predictive regression tree diagram of the sexes within the HAM10000 dataset. The results show that the dataset includes a higher number of diseased males than females. The figure below shows the results in the model of the actual regression tree +@fig:tree52. This analysis is also important to know because there is no evidence that strongly supports a specific sex to have a greater or lesser chance of developing a disease. It is easy to see that there are 54.7% of males with diseases in the dataset and 48.8% of females with diseases.

Regression Tree of the Sexes{#fig:tree52}


The presence of big data analysis in healthcare is increasing exponentially. The burden placed on medical professionals to read and understand each patient's medical history as well as handling the current visit is sometimes too much to ask. The use of big data in the healthcare sector would make the time spent analysing each patient's medical history much shorter, resulting in an increased amount of face-to-face communication time between the patient and professional. Predictive analysis is a large advantage taking place in healthcare's use of big data today. Predictive analyses can be used to identify risks for future diseases among patients and therefore, doctors can use that information to prescribe certain medications, health-promoting activities, and other preventative measures. As mentioned earlier, electronic health records are now being used as one of the most reliable forms of big data in healthcare. It is obvious, especially in the modern age, that we realize people's health is ever-changing and there are multiple factors that weigh in for almost every medical situation. Use of big data in healthcare setting is also being seen in medical research. Analysis of recovery methods for certain drugs and treatments in cases of cancer can be used to discover the best-working plan [@fa18-523-52-realworld].


The use of big data analytics in heathcare is variable, but has an exciting future. The teaming up of data scientists with medical professionals will expand society's knowledge for determining the identity of a disease or even a patient's future. Big data in healthcare has the ability to give us inferences to outcomes and diseases we may have not even seen coming. The combination of these two fields will definitely speed up research and increase the rate of discovery from both sides. This starry-eyed future, however, comes at a cost. Acquiring reliable datasets are expensive, the data must be kept confidential, and it must also be extremely accurate regarding its inclusion requirements. The HAM10000 dataset, which satisifies all of the above credentials, is one of many big datasets being used for analysis among medical professionals. The analyses performed on this dataset is just the beginning of what can truly be done to explore further information into the relationship between the donated skin lesions and its multiple features.


Thanks are given to Professor Geoffrey Fox and Professor Gregor von Laszewski for providing the inspiration to create the analyses displayed in this project.