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Credit Scoring Algorithm and its Implementation in Production Environment

| Nhi Tran | | Indiana University | hid: fa18-523-83 | github: ☁️ | code: ☁️


A credit scoring algorithm is essential to help any bank determine whether to authorize a loan to consumers. Most of the decisions require fast results and high accuracy in order to improve the bank customer satisfaction and profit. Choosing a correct machine learning algorithm will result in high accuracy in the prediction and a reasonable implementation of the algorithm will result in the fast service a bank can provide to its customers.


fa18-523-83, machine learning, predict algorithm, classification, docker, deployment, API


For every machine learning problem, there are primarily two main areas that everyone focuses on: which machine learning algorithms to use and how to implement and integrate the machine learning code into a new or existing production infrastructure.

Most of the time, machines make predictions by learning and observing the data patterns from previously existing data with known results. That process is called training. Once the training is over, the machine learning code can predict the unknown results by applying the trained models into new data.

The next thing to do after prediction would be determining how to retrieve and apply the result of the prediction into a new or existing production application and how to ensure the continuous deployment into the production environment without resulting deployment code defects.

The business problem that will be focused on is how to determine whether or not a customer will be experiencing a financial distress in the next two years. By predicting the business problem, banking companies can use the results as part of their business rules to decide whether to approve their products to the customers. Once the algorithm is finalized and trained into a model, the deployment of code will be performed and benchmarked to provide an overview of how long it will take to prepare and run the code from one environment to another.



We are utilizing an existing dataset from the 'Give Me Some Credit' competition on Kaggle to train and test algorithms and determine which algorithms would be the best to predict the probability of someone experiencing financial distress in the next two years [@fa18-523-83-www-gmsc-kaggle-competition]. However, due to Kaggle competition dataset can no longer be downloaded after the competition ended, the same data provided by the competition was reuploaded by a Kaggle user in Kaggle Dataset section [@fa18-523-83-www-kaggle-dataset]

The Kaggle competition contains a training set, a test set, and a data dictionary. The training set contains 150,000 records of previous customer data with an existing label indicating whether or not each customer had serious bank delinquency within two years. The test set contains about 100,000 records without any label data, which will not be part of the analysis but 50 test records will be used as part of the benchmarking report.

Data descriptions, as mentioned in [@fa18-523-83-www-gmsc-kaggle-data], are:

  • SeriousDlqin2yrs: label data, contains 'Yes' or 'No' indicator
  • RevolvingUtilizationOfUnsecuredLines: total balance of unsecured lines such as credit cards and personal lines
  • age: bank customers' age
  • NumberOfTime30-59DaysPastDueNotWorse: number of times each customer has been 30-59 days past due but no worse in the last 2 years
  • DebtRatio: monthly debt payments divided by monthly gross income
  • MonthlyIncome: bank customers' monthly income
  • NumberOfOpenCreditLinesAndLoans: number of open loans and lines of credit
  • NumberOfTimes90DaysLate: number of times each customer has been 90 days or more past due
  • NumberRealEstateLoansOrLines: number of mortgage and real estate loans
  • NumberOfTime60-89DaysPastDueNotWorse: number of times each customer has been 60-89 days past due but no worse in the last 2 years
  • NumberOfDependents: number of dependents in family excluding themselves (spouse, children etc.)

Data Visualization

Using the describe() function in Python pandas package, the statistics for each attribute within training dataset is populated. The statistics include count, mean, standard deviation, minimum, quantiles, and maximum. The function helps with seeing outliers and identifies values or columns that need to be cleaned up. For example, in the training set, some areas that will need to be carefully examined are age with a minimum value of 0, MonthlyIncome and NumberOfDependents contains NaN value in their quantiles.

age MonthlyIncome NumberOfDependents
count 150000.0 120269.0 146076.0
mean 52.29520 6670.22123739 0.7572222678605657
std 14.77186 14384.6742152 1.1150860714872997
min 0.0 0.0 0.0
25% 41.0 NaN NaN
50% 52.0 NaN NaN
75% 63.0 NaN NaN
max 109.0 3008750.0 20.0

Data Visualization in Python can be done using graphing packages such as matplotlib, seaborn, etc.

Using matplotlib, +@fig:agecounttraining shows that there is a small count of 0 value as outliers and the distribution without those outliers will be a right-skewed distribution. Therefore, it is better to replace those outliers with the median value of the distribution.

Count of Customer by Age{#fig:agecounttraining}

+@fig:attributescounttraining shows the overall distribution of the count of customers that experienced past due, the count of customers that have open credit and real estate lines, and the count of customers that have dependents other than themselves. Most of the distributions are right-skewed, the majority of them do not have any past due or dependents.

Count of Customer by Multiple Attributes{#fig:attributescounttraining}

+@fig:labeldistribution shows the distribution of the label that will be what the machines are trying to predict. If the label distribution is not even, the model might overfit and give a higher chance of predicting the label that has a higher population. In this case, the amount of customers that had no delinquency is 14 times more than the number of customers that had delinquency. This issue will need to be handled during the Data Cleaning or Model Training process to avoid overfitting.

Label Distribution{#fig:labeldistribution}

Data Preperation

From the Data Visualization step, the first basic data preparation is replacing missing value with median value. Another way to handle this issue is to drop records that have missing data, however, due to low data volumes and imbalanced class data distribution, it is better to replace missing data instead.

Using seaborn, heatmap can be used to visualize the correlation of all attributes. Correlation is a measurement of the strength of association between two variables and the relationship's direction [@fa18-523-83-www-correlation-stats]. Correlation is an important indicator in the Feature Selection process to help determine which attributes should be used as part of the training set and which attributes should be irrelevant. There are multiple correlation methods to calculate the correlation coefficient, the method that is used for this training set is called Spearman. +@fig:correlation1 shows the first observation of the correlation between all variables.

Correlation First Run{#fig:correlation1}

From +@fig:correlation1, DebtRatio has a very low correlation to the class label. It means that the debt ratio of a customer does not impact whether a customer will be likely to default in the next 2 years. At the same time, the DebtRatio variable is highly correlated with the number of open credit lines and real estate loans, which could potentially interrupt the training algorithms and result in a false prediction. Therefore, it is better to exclude DebtRatio out of the final dataset.

Another observation from +fig:correlation1 is that all number of past due variables have a high impact on the class label and between themselves at the same time. Since they are all past due type of data, adding them all into a new variable called TotalNumberOfPastDue and dropping all individual past due variables could be a good idea to avoid conflict between those variables.

Similar to past due variables, NumberOfOpenCreditLinesAndLoans and NumberOfRealEstatesLoansOrLines are highly correlated to each other, therefore, adding them together into a new variable called TotalNumberOfOpenLines is a way to solve the problem.

Once all of the new variables are added and individual variables are removed, it is good to run the heatmap again to determine whether or not there is more cleaning to be done. +@fig:correlation2 is the second heatmap run with all prepared variables.

Correlation Second Run{#fig:correlation2}

The final observation is that MonthlyIncome and the new variables TotalNumberOfOpenLines are also highly correlated to each other. Since MonthlyIncome has a higher correlation than TotalNumberOfOpenLines, the last step to have a final training dataset is to drop TotalNumberOfOpenLines.

Model Training

Because the training data has imbalanced classes, there are multiple ways to handle this issue:

Methods that will be used [@fa18-523-18-www-imbalanced-classes]:

  • Changing Performance Metric: instead of using only Accuracy as the main performance metric to evaluate models, try to include other metrics such as Confusion Matrix, Precision, Recall, F1 Score, Kappa, ROC Curves.

  • Resample Dataset: add copied of instances from low volume class as an over-sampling method, or delete instances from high volume class as an under-sampling method, or re-run the algorithm on shuffled data (k-fold cross-validation). Under-sampling and cross-validation are used as part of the training process for this problem and will be included as part of the result evaluation section.

  • Different Algorithms: run data on multiple algorithms and evaluate and choose the best algorithms that fit the provided data.

  • Penalized Models: Use penalized methods to cause the model to pay more attention to the minority class to evaluate.

Methods that will not be used [@fa18-523-18-www-imbalanced-classes]:

  • Increase Training Data: gaining more data to provide more balance and insights in data.

  • Generate Synthetic Samples: use popular algorithms such as Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique to generate synthetic data.

The goal is to determine whether someone will experience financial distress in the next two years, therefore, there will only be two values in the label. With a binary classification problem on supervised data, it is best to use classification algorithms such as Random Forest, Logistic regression, XGBoost, Support Vector Machine, Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine.

  • Random Forest: an ensemble of Decision Tree algorithm, builds and merge multiple decision trees together to get average results for prediction [@fa18-523-83-www-random-forest] . Using Python, the algorithm can be used from RandomForest() function in sklearn package.

  • Logistic Regression: uses an equation with weights for coefficient values of input values to make a prediction. For Binary Logistic Regression, a threshold between 0 and 1 is needed to determine the category of the prediction [@fa18-523-83-www-logistic-regression]. This algorithm is LogisticRegression() function in sklearn package.

  • XGBoost: xgboost is

"a scalable and accurate implementation of gradient boosting machines and it has proven to push the limits of computing power for boosted trees algorithms as it was built and developed for the sole purpose of model performance and computational speed" [@fa18-523-83-www-xgboost-kdnuggets].

There is an XGBoost API that can be called via sklearn using the function XGBClassifier.

  • Neural Network: a neural network is a machine learning algorithm that is inspired by the human brain. Neural network identifies the pattern of input data through multiple layers of artificial neural layers [@fa18-523-83-www-neural-network]. The function MLPClassifier from sklearn is one of the Neural Network algorithms for classification problem.

  • Support Vector Machine: an algorithm that finds patterns and predicts output data by finding hyperplane(s) in an N-dimensional space fa18-523-83-www-svm]. The function LinearSVC from sklearn is one of the Support Vector Machine algorithms for classification problem.

Result Comparison

There are two sets of run that were evaluated in the provided dataset: normal run and balanced run. On a normal run, due to imbalanced data distribution, it is important to compare metrics for algorithms with defaulted parameters and algorithms with penalized configured parameters.

In order to evaluate and determine which algorithms to use, it is important to understand what each metric mean and what the expectation of each metric is. In the evaluation, there are five metrics that will be used to compare between models [@fa18-523-83-www-metrics-evaluate]:

  • Classification Accuracy: the ratio between correct prediction over the total sample sizes. It only works well if we have a balanced class label distribution.

  • Area Under Curve (AUC): often used for binary classification problem. AUC measures the area under the curve of False Positive Rate vs True Positive Rate plot. AUC ranges from 0 to 1 and a higher AUC indicates a better-performed model.

  • Precision: the number of correct positive results divided by the number of positive results predicted. Precision indicates how many instances that were predicted correctly.

  • Recall: the number of correct positive results divided by the number of records that should have been identified as positive. Recall indicates how much data was misclassified.

  • F1 Score: the F1 score is the balance between precision and recall, a better model gives a higher F1 score.

The metrics for all models are being performed by cross_validation() function in sklearn with a parameter of cv=10 to allow the data to be re-shuffled and re-validated ten times. It is to ensure a high-quality result and optimize the data volume. The results are the average of all ten runs.

LR LR Pnlzd RF LSVC LSVC Pnlzd XGBoost XGBoost Pnlzd MLPClassifier MLPClassifier Pnlzd
fit_time 0.64 0.43 2.50 32.10 31.87 5.34 5.10 36.90 12.13
score_time 0.03 0.02 0.26 0.02 0.02 0.35 0.30 0.28 0.17
test_f1 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.05 0.00
train_f1 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.05 0.00
test_accuracy 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.87 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.88 0.93
train_accuracy 0.93 0.93 0.98 0.87 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.88 0.93
test_recall 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.11 0.00
train_recall 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.11 0.00
test_precision 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.06 0.07 0.49 0.20 0.10 0.00
train_precision 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.05 0.60 0.25 0.31 0.01
test_roc_auc 0.64 0.58 0.68 0.59 0.58 0.80 0.79 0.64 0.54
train_roc_auc 0.64 0.58 1.00 0.58 0.58 0.80 0.80 0.64 0.54

Accuracy will not be a relevant metric to determine the performance of each model. It is included to emphasize a point that a model can provide a really high accuracy but can still perform poorly. In term of F1 Score, Random Forest seems to perform well comparing to the rest of the models. In term of AUC, Random Forest has a high AUC value in training dataset and a lower AUC value in test dataset whereas XGBoost performed consistently in both train and test run.

The same algorithms will be applied to the balanced dataset. Sklearn has a function that allows data to be shuffled with a specification of how many samples are needed for each label to ensure a result of the balanced-label dataset. This evaluation will not require penalized algorithms.

LR Random Forest XGBoost MLPClassifier Linear SVC
fit_time 0.16 0.34 0.66 1.61 1.59
score_time 0.02 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.01
test_f1 0.61 0.66 0.72 0.51 0.26
train_f1 0.61 0.97 0.73 0.51 0.26
test_accuracy 0.60 0.68 0.73 0.55 0.50
train_accuracy 0.60 0.97 0.73 0.55 0.50
test_recall 0.61 0.63 0.72 0.58 0.36
train_recall 0.61 0.96 0.73 0.59 0.36
test_precision 0.60 0.70 0.73 0.59 0.40
train_precision 0.60 0.98 0.74 0.60 0.47
test_roc_auc 0.64 0.74 0.79 0.59 0.55
train_roc_auc 0.64 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.56

Accuracy is now an important factor to determine how well a model performed. In this case, XGBoost has the highest accuracy out of all models as well as a high and consistent AUC value. Random Forest also returns a great result but seems to be inconsistent due to its higher result in train data comparing to test data.

After both comparisons, XGBoost is the model that yields high and consistent performance. The XGBoost model on balanced dataset will be saved and used in the credit score application to predict the banking credit problem we are trying to solve.


Technologies Used

Python Packages

  • click: allows arguments to be passed to python code.

  • sklearn: contains off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms packages with evaluation/report functions to cross-validation, shuffle data, and report metrics

  • xgboost: contains xgboost algorithm

  • pandas: allows easy-to-use abilities to read, process, slice, write and store data via dataframe and pickle

  • flask: allows the ability to run and process APIs via web services via Python

  • jupyter : jupyter notebook package that allows user to run and see Python result without having to construct a full syntax Python application

  • kaggle: Kaggle API provides the ability to pull and push data from Kaggle website using command tool implemented in Python 3. The Kaggle API GitHub page provides a detailed installation, API credentials and commands instruction [@fa18-523-83-www-kaggle-api-github].

  • flask: Flask API is a Python package that allows RESTful web service from Python.

  • matplotlib: python package that allows graphing in Python

  • seaborn: another python package that allows more new graph types in Python


Docker creates containers that are standalone images that bundle all dependent configuration files, packages, tools, libraries, and applications. A user can run any application through images without having to worry about the rest of the dependent components.


AWS EC2 provides cloud services to host server, run and deploy the code.

Other Technologies

  • GitHub
  • Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver or 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish Server


In order the run the code and reproduce the run, the following prerequisites need to be met:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver or 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish Server: all codes were tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10 Server

  • AWS Account : an AWS account is required to be able to launch a cloud server instance for deployment and benchmarking results. The AWS account can be created via the AWS EC2 page [@fa18-523-83-www-aws-ec2]. Credit card information is required during registration but the server instance can be launched for free.

  • Setting up EC2 Server Instance: once the AWS is created, AWS EC2 instances can be created. Once logged in, the user can Launce Instance with the following configurations [@fa18-523-83-www-aws-ec2]:

    • Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Cancel and Exit: select Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type
    • Step 2: Choose an Instance Type: default to free tier option
    • Step 3: Configure Instance Details: use all default options
    • Step 4: Add Storage: use all default options
    • Step 5: Add Tags: use all default options
    • Step 6: Configure Security Group: allow SSH (Port 22) and HTTPS (Port 443) with Source and ::/0
    • Step 7: Review Instance Launch: after hitting launce, make sure to choose an existing or create a new key pair and download the key. This will be the only time user can download a key pair. Ensure the key permission is 400.

    To connect to AWS EC2 server, run the following command:

    ssh -i <key-file-and-directory> ubuntu@<AWS-public-DNS>
  • Make: ensure that make is installed. If not, use the following command to install make:

    sudo apt-get install make

    This will allow the make command from Makefile to be run. The rest of the prerequisites packages and software can be run using make command.

  • Project's Git Command: install git command by running the following command:

    sudo apt-get install git-core
  • Project's Github Repository Cloned: ensure all project is cloned from GitHub using the following command:

    sudo git clone
  • Kaggle Account: a Kaggle account is required to pull data from Kaggle.

  • Kaggle API Credentials File: after the Kaggle account is created, go to the Account tab of user profile and select Create API Token to generate and download kaggle.json and save as kaggle.json. This file will be moved to a specific folder once kaggle package is installed [@fa18-523-83-www-kaggle-api-github].

Project Code Structure and Components

The directory structure of the project are:

├── bin
│   └──
├── data
│   ├── interim
│   ├── processed
│   └── raw
├── Makefile
├── notebook
│   ├── 00-Visualization-Notebook.ipynb
│   └── 01-Evaluation-Notebook.ipynb
└── src
    ├── data
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── docker
    │   ├──
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   └── requirements.txt
    └── evaluation
        ├── result_balanced.csv
        └── result_imbalanced.csv


LICENSE file indicates which licensing the project and its code are under. In this case, it is MIT license.


README file provides a short description of the project and code components and instruction on how to run the code.


Makefile contains a list of shortcut commands that can easily run via a make command when the user is in the directory where the Makefile is.


This file contains the instruction and components to build the docker image. The file content is:

FROM python:3.6


COPY . /app

RUN pip install --trusted-host -r requirements.txt


CMD python ./

Dockerfile includes six major steps: FROM, WORKDIR, COPY, RUN, EXPOSE, CMD. The steps instruct docker to know which programming language and version to use, temporary working directory, package dependencies, port to use, and the python main script to run.


This file contains all the necessary packages to be part of building the docker image.

The four packages that are required for Flask API app are:

pandas is the main app that utilizes flask API to take JSON file data from API POST command and apply the machine learning model to output prediction into a JSON file.

Other python codes

  • python code that reads raw data and cleans the data into a good form to feed into machine learning algorithms
  • python code to convert file from dataframe format to JSON format
  • python code to train and build XGBoost model and output the model for the credit flask API app
  • Python notebooks for visualization and evaluation:
    • 00-Visualization-Notebook
    • 01-Evaluation-Notebook

Code Running Instruction

Environment and Files Preparation

After all the prerequisites are met and the Ubuntu server is up and running, the following steps can be used to reproduce the environment and files preparation process starting at the directory that the Makefile is in (to output make command and runtime status into a log file, append 2>&1 | sudo tee report.log next to every make command, e.g. make clean 2>&1 | sudo tee report.log)

Step 1: Environment preparation

Option A: run one command to update, upgrade and install all required software and packages:

make prepare-environment

Option B: run smaller commands in the right order listed if there is a connection failure during Option A

To update and upgrade Ubuntu environment:

make update-environment

To install other packages:

make packages-install

To install docker:

make docker-install

Step 2: Move kaggle.json file downloaded as prerequisite earlier into ~/.kaggle folder. If the folder does not exist, either create one or run:


An error will occur and the folder will be generated. Also, it is good to change the file permission to 660 by running bash command:

$ sudo chmod 660 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

Step 3: File and model preparation

Option A: Run one make command to achieve all:

make file-prep

Option B: Run the following make command in the correct order:

To download files:

make download-file

To preprocess files:

make preprocessing-files

To prepare a 50-records JSON test file:

make prepare-test-file

To create XGBoost Balanced Dataset model:

make create-model

Analysis (Optional)

Run the following command:

sudo jupyter notebook

A web browser should pop up to direct to the GUI of Jupyter Notebook.


Step 1: Build a docker image

make docker-build-image

Step 2: Run docker image

make docker-run-image

Test Run Application

POST JSON test data to API Flask app

In a new terminal, run the following command:

make post-test-data

The application will return the label of 0 or 1 along with the correct ID to indicate whether the user ID will be more likely to experience financial distress in the next two years (1) or not (0).

Clean Up

The following command to clean up files after the deployment:

make clean

To stop docker service, run:

make docker-stop


All benchmarks were performed on:

Local Desktop - VMWare running Ubuntu 18.10 with 2GB Memory and 1 Processor

Local Laptop - VMWare running Ubuntu 18.10 with 8GB Memory and 4 Processors

AWS Server - Instance Type: t2.micro (1 CPU and 1GB Memory) running Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

Deployment Benchmarks

Desktop Laptop AWS Server
prep file 23.48 secs 10.71 secs 5.28 secs
docker build 33.62 secs 1 min 13.40 secs 56.43 secs

Application Benchmarks

Desktop Laptop AWS Server
50 records test 0.12 sec 0.06 sec 0.09 sec


Data volume is limited due to the provided dataset is from a Kaggle competition; increasing in data volume would improve the prediction results.

Prediction results could also be improved by running and evaluating more other classification algorithms. Algorithm parameters can be enhanced to provide more customization to all algorithms to observe this specific pattern of the training set.

In term of network and security, we did not focus on security and authentication/authorization aspect of the code, most of the ports and network are set to allow any IP access to the EC2 server.

Also, there are other applications that can be paired with Docker that have not been explored such as docker compose and Kubenetes or AWS ECS to enhance the implementation (DevOps) process and mimic a more ideal production environment.


There are many algorithms that would give different results depends on different types of training data being fit into the algorithms. Just because one algorithm performs well does not mean it will give high results for all different datasets.

There are multiple tools and software that integrate all of the machine learning algorithms and turn them into real-time and responsive decision machine engine.

With every machine learning algorithm codes, there are many components involved and it would take multiple steps and complex code to deploy from one environment to another. Makefile and Docker provides convenient deployments that only require simple command and speed up implementation in machine learning code.


The author would like to thank professor Gregor von Laszewski and his class's TAs for helping with materials, markdown writing techniques, and review of this project.
