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  firstname: "Limeng"
  lastname: "Liu"
  hid: "fa19-523-202"
  community: "423"
  semester: "fa19"

# FA19 423 Final Project

* Using the IAM off-line Handwritten Text Recognition dataset for implementing a deep learning project.
* Neural Network created by TensorFlow (TF) and trained on the IAM dataset
* I used the words images for testing and used the sentences for training
* 3/4 of the words from the validation-set are correctly recognized and the character error rate is around 10%

## Folder/File Explanation

* i423_project_fa19-523-202_Limeng_Liu.ipynb: Main project file
* i423_project_fa19-523-202_Limeng_Liu.pdf: Final Paper
* Image Processing Testing.ipynb: Image processing for sentences samples
* testing code.ipynb: Prelim try for projects with testing codes
* forms_for_parsing.txt: Image forms for parsing
* checkpoint2: Model epoches checkpoints
* data_subset: dataset of 50 writters handwriting-database of text-line sentence
* data-words: IAM dataset of words images and forms for parsing
* Report(LaTex).zip: Latex file for the final report

## References

\[1\] [The IAM-database: an English sentence database for offline handwriting recognition](

\[2\] [Handwritten Text Recognition (OCR) with MXNet Gluon] (

\[3\] [Handwritten Text Recognition with TensorFlow] (

\[4\] [IAM Handwriting Top50: Offline IAM Handwriting Dataset's subset, w.r.t. the 50 most common writers.] (

\[5\] [Build a Handwritten Text Recognition System using TensorFlow: A minimalistic neural network implementation which can be trained on the CPU] (

\[6\] [English Deep Writer] (

\[7\] [DeepWriter: A Multi-Stream Deep CNN for Text-independent Writer Identification] (

\[8\] [Handwriting recognition using Tensorflow and Keras] (

\[9\] [Keras CNN training to recognize captcha: Get low loss and get low accuracy] (