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Document infrastructure integration testing decisions (#329)
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* Document infrastructure integration testing decisions

* fix link

* Explain test kitchen

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-Authored-By: osterman <>

* Address code review

* Explain that bats does not precluding using other language-specific testing frameworks.
  • Loading branch information
osterman committed Feb 4, 2019
1 parent f4a664e commit 1db3532
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
title: "Strategy for Infrastructure Integration Testing"
date: "2018-12-14"
description: "We need a consistent way to test and validate that our infrastructure automation (`kops`, `helm`, `terraform` modules, etc) are working correctly."
weight: 2

## Status


## Context

We maintain 250+ active projects on GitHub. These projects receive a lot of contributions from community members.

We need a way to test `terraform` modules, `kops` clusters, `helm` charts, `helmfile` deployments, and more generally the functionality of our `geodesic` containers.
Our situation is a bit unique in that we need to test the integration of dozens of tools that span languages, authors, and organizations. We do not have the privilege of just testing one language or framework.

To date, we have not done much in the form of automated testing. When we receive contributions from members, someone on our team needs to manually checkout the changes to validate them. This is time consuming and we do not have the engineering resources to scale with the growth in popularity of our Open Source projects.

We have seen some formal approaches to automated testing of terraform, but nothing for the other tools.

### Test Kitchen

[Test Kitchen]( is the original testing framework for terraform written in Ruby. It presents a familiar testing interface for terraform, for anyone with a software development background. The lightweight DSL presents an easy way to define tests plus with the full support of the Ruby language, a `gem` for everything under the sun. Ruby is a fantastic language for writing DSLs and aptly suited for the purpose of writing tests.

For non-ruby developers, Ruby is a bit of a mystery. Most developers require something like `rbenv` or `rvm` to run Ruby due to issues with version compatibilities. If a company depends on Ruby, this is not a big deal, but for companies that do not use it make it a daunting task. Gems install Gems install Gems and before you know it, you have installed the actual "kitchen sink". This is to say, Ruby apps are anything but lightweight and installing gems across platforms is a hit-or-miss business, especially when they require [`ffi`]( to compile dependencies (which also means you need developer tools installed). Ruby is also a polarizing language, much the same way of Python, Go or Java.

### Terratest

[Terratest]( is a project by Gruntworks that they use internally for building and running automated tests against terraform modules.

The project has received immense interest and is engineering-wise a beautiful solution to the problem. By writing the integration tests in Go and compiling them down to a single, cross-architecture/platform binary, the end-user is able to run tests without needing to install the ["kitchen sink"]( to testing tools.

The problem with this approach is it sets the bar very high for users of `terraform`, many of which do not come from a strict software development background.
The persons who will most of the time run the tests are not the end users of the modules, but the developers of them. Getting started with Go requires a bit of commitment to get it setup and installed. In the end, we feel that this will exclude a large part of our community, which is contrary to our inclusive ethos.

For an example, let us consider the wildly popular blogging platform of WordPress. Much of its success was derived from the fact that it made it very easy
for anyone to get started without needing to be a rocket scientist. We should embrace some of those same elements.

This is also a terraform-centric approach. It does not address our need to test Kops, Helm, Helmfile, etc. We would prefer not to need to develop (5) new
techniques for each tool because that will increase the burden on our contributors to master testing frameworks.

### Bats

Bats stands for the "Bash Automated Testing System". It has been around for many years. While the original maintainers have abandoned the project, there is an active community effort and [official fork]( that is committed to maintaining it (as of 2017-09).

Bats presents a familiar testing DSL for running ad-hoc commands using the `bash` shell. This is really nice since it is a general way to test commands and outcomes in a largely language/framework agnostic manner. That is, it is not opinionated in the same way as more language-specific testing frameworks.
Since the tests are just commands wrapped with a simple DSL plus some syntactic sugar, it is easy for anyone who has ever written a shell script to pick it up in a matter of minutes.

The downside with `bats` is that it is written in `bash`, which is not a *modern* programming language. The underlying code that powers `bats` is complicated
for the uninitiated shell programmers. Also, since it is interpreted (not compiled), lots of files/libraries get installed on the system much like a Python or Ruby app. The tests we write will most likely run commands like `curl` or `jq`, so there are more *native dependencies* that need to be installed.

Using the `bats` strategy will probably necessitate running tests in a container to avoid needing to install too many native dependencies. It also does not preclude using other native testing frameworks (e.g. Terratest).

We noticed that [HashiCorp]( is using `bats-core` for the automated testing of their [`consul-helm`]( chart. This is a good example of the versatility of `bats` for testing.

### Makefile

We could of course use a simple (or not so simple) `Makefile` to run our tests. By default `make` will abort on the first non-zero exit codes received by any of the commands.

The problem with using a general purpose tool like `make` is that it is overloading the purpose of the tool: task running. We would need to develop
our own testing framework and methodology on top of it, which is not our core competency or business differentiator.

Also, `make` is not a well understood language by developers because a `Makefile` is basically templated shell scripts, so the execution flow is awkward.

We love `make` and will continue to use it. In fact, we should use it to call our test-suite, just the `Makefile` itself should not be our test-suite.

## Decision

Use [bats-core]( for implementing automated tests.

## Consequences

1. We will add examples to all terraform modules so we can run automated tests against them
2. We will integrate our `test-harness` into the `build-harness` to reduce extra work of integrating tests
3. We will write standard tests for `terraform`, `helm`, etc in the `test-harness` and use them in our modules
4. We will assume tests run in a container (e.g. `cloudposse/test-harness`)

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