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smoothen state monadic code (dont have to look for WOs from LBR1 -> L…
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…BR2 in more than one case) + makeResults fn for Duel
  • Loading branch information
clux committed May 5, 2012
1 parent 3ece966 commit 1533fcf
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 131 deletions.
290 changes: 159 additions & 131 deletions Game/Tournament.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,18 +15,25 @@ module Game.Tournament (

import Data.Char (intToDigit, digitToInt)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase, readInt)
import Data.List (sort, sortBy, genericTake)
import Data.List (sort, sortBy, groupBy, genericTake)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Bits (shiftL)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad.State --what? at least State constructor
import Data.Map (Map)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) -- while developing
import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--testor :: Tournament -> IO()
testor Tourney { matches = ms } = mapM_ print $ Map.assocs ms
testor Tourney { matches = ms, results = rs } = do
mapM_ print $ Map.assocs ms
if isJust rs
then do
print "results:"
mapM_ print $ fromJust rs
else do print "no results"
-- Based on the theory from
-- TODO should somehow ensure 0 < i <= 2^(p-1) in the next fn

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,9 +104,6 @@ type Score = Int
-- if scored, scored all at once - zip gives the correct association between scores and players
data Match = M [Player] (Maybe [Score]) deriving (Show, Eq)

--getScores :: Match -> Maybe [Int] -- convenience
--getScores (M _ scr) = scr

type Matches = Map MatchId Match
--showTournament t = mapM_ print $ Map.toList t
Expand All @@ -121,25 +125,64 @@ data Tournament = Tourney {
, results :: Maybe Results

-- Called when final game's state was modified by scoreElimination/scoreFFA.
--finalize :: Tournament -> Tournament
--finalize t@{Tourney {results = rs}) = t { results = rx } where -- modify only results
-- rx = rs
--GET LAST GAME, should be easy due to Ord instance on Match if used right..
-- DE:
--find winner => @1
--find loser => #2
--find LB final loser => #3
--find LB pre-final?/semi? 4-5 or 4 then 5-6?
-- throws if bad tournament
-- NB: tournament does not have updated Mathces, as this is called mid score
-- uses supplied extra argument for updated matches
makeResults :: Tournament -> Matches -> Maybe Results
makeResults (Tourney {rules = Duel e, size = np}) ms = rs where
p = pow np
wbf@(M _ wbfsc) = fromJust $ Map.lookup (MID WB (R p) (G 1)) ms
gf1@(M _ gf1sc) = fromJust $ Map.lookup (MID LB (R (2*p-1)) (G 1)) ms
gf2@(M _ gf2sc) = fromJust $ Map.lookup (MID LB (R (2*p)) (G 1)) ms
rs = if e == Single && isJust wbfsc
then Just $ scorify (winner wbf) ms
else if e == Double && isJust gf2sc
then Just $ scorify (winner gf2) ms
else if e == Double && isJust gf1sc && maximum (fromJust gf1sc) == head (fromJust gf1sc)
then Just $ scorify (winner gf1) ms
else Nothing

-- TODO: need to map scorify's index to an actual position
-- TODO: need to fold Matches to get nr of wins
-- thus we can return [(Player, Pos, Wins)] sorted by Pos descending (Pos non-unique)

-- scoring function assumes winner has been calculated so all that remains is:
-- sort by maximum (last bracket's) round number descending, possibly flipping winners
scorify :: Int -> Matches -> Results
scorify winner ms = ps where
ps = filter ((>0) . fst)
. flipFirst winner
. sortBy (flip compare `on` snd)
. map joinMax
. groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
. sortBy (comparing fst)
. Map.foldrWithKey rfold [] $ ms

rfold (MID br (R r) _) (M [a, b] _) acc =
if e == Single || (e == Double && br == LB)
then (a, r) : (b, r) : acc
else acc
rfold _ _ _ = error "/=2 players in match sent to rfold"

flipFirst w (x:y:xs) = if fst x == w then x : y : xs else y : x : xs
flipFirst _ _ = error "<2 players in Match sent to flipFirst"

joinMax ls@(x:_) = (fst x, foldr (max . snd) 1 ls)
joinMax _ = error "empty list in joinMax"

makeResults (Tourney {rules = FFA (GS _) (Adv _), size = _}) _ = undefined

-- helpers

-- these are rules agnostic
-- TODO: maybe export this?
scores :: Match -> [Int]
scores (M pls Nothing) = replicate (length pls) 0
scores (M pls (Just scrs)) = map fst $ reverse $ sortBy (comparing snd) $ zip pls scrs

-- these can be exported
winner, loser :: Match -> Int
winner = head . scores
loser = last . scores
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,8 +283,7 @@ tournament rs@(Duel e) np
-- construct matches
wbr1 = map makeWbR1 [1..2^(p-1)]
wbr1pairs = take (2^(p-2))
$ filter (\(_ , (l, _)) -> even (gameNum l))
$ zip wbr1 (tail wbr1)
$ filter (even . gameNum . fst . snd) $ zip wbr1 (tail wbr1)
wbr2 = map makeWbR2 wbr1pairs
lbr1 = map makeLbR1 wbr1pairs
lbr2 = map makeLbR2 lbr1
Expand All @@ -257,15 +299,6 @@ tournament rs@(Duel e) np
ms = if e == Single then wb else wb `Map.union` lb

-- | General score tournament function
-- Can eventually invoke the state monadic individual functions : )
-- TODO: make a strict version of this
score :: MatchId -> [Score] -> Tournament -> Tournament
score id sc trn@(Tourney {rules = Duel e, size = np, matches = ms}) =
let msUpd = execState (scoreElimination np e id sc) ms
in trn { matches = msUpd }
score _ _ _ {-id sc trn@(Tourney {rules = FFA _ _})-}= undefined

testcase :: IO ()
testcase = let
upd :: MatchId -> [Score] -> State Tournament ()
Expand All @@ -289,115 +322,110 @@ testcase = let

upd (MID WB (R 3) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID LB (R 4) (G 1)) [1,0]
upd (MID LB (R 5) (G 1)) [0,1] -- gf1
upd (MID LB (R 5) (G 1)) [1,0] -- gf1

return ()

in testor $ execState manip $ tournament (Duel Double) 5

-- Private helper to update a duel tournament's match map statefully.
-- Takes the player number, the (MatchId, Idx) pair from a progress fn to determine location.
playerInsert :: Maybe (MatchId, Int) -> Int -> State Matches (Maybe Match)
playerInsert Nothing _ = return Nothing
playerInsert (Just (kmid, idx)) x = do
tmap <- get
let (updated, tupd) = Map.updateLookupWithKey updFn kmid tmap
put tupd
return updated
where updFn _ (M plsi _) = Just $ M plsm (woScores plsm) where
plsm = if idx == 0 then [x, plsi !! 1] else [head plsi, x]

-- | Update a duel elimination tournament by passing in the Match, MatchID, and its
-- associated tournament. Returns an updated tournament with the winner propagated
-- to the next round, and the loser propagated to the loser bracket if applicable.
scoreElimination :: Int -> Elimination -> MatchId -> [Score] -> State Matches (Maybe Match)
scoreElimination np e id scrs
= let p = pow np in do
-- 0. verify match exists
(Just (M pls _)) <- gets (Map.lookup id) -- short circuits if isNothing
let m = M pls (Just scrs)

-- 1. score given match
modify $ Map.adjust (const m) id

-- 2. move winner right
let nprog = mRight True p id
nres <- playerInsert nprog $ winner m

-- 3. move loser to down if we were in winners
let dprog = mDown p id
dres <- playerInsert dprog $ loser m

-- 4. WO Checks in LB (R {1,2})
let r1checkp = woCheck p dprog dres
-- a) Check if dres was scored in LBR1, place its winner in LBR2
if isJust r1checkp
then do
let r1check = fromJust r1checkp
lbr2res <- uncurry playerInsert $ r1check
let r2check = woCheck p (fst r1check) lbr2res
-- b) Check if lb2res was WO scored, place its winner in LBR3
if isJust r2check
then do
uncurry playerInsert $ fromJust r2check
else return Nothing
else do
let r2check = woCheck p nprog nres
-- c) Check if mprog was WO scored in LBR2, place winner in LBR3
if isJust r2check
then do
uncurry playerInsert $ fromJust r2check
else return Nothing

return $ Just m

-- given (power,) _prog and _res produce a new prog and its winner to send to playerInsert
woCheck :: Int -> Maybe (MatchId, Int) -> Maybe Match -> Maybe (Maybe (MatchId, Int), Int)
woCheck p (Just (mid, _)) (Just mi)
| winner mi == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (mRight False p mid, winner mi)
woCheck _ _ _ = Nothing

mRight :: Bool -> Int -> MatchId -> Maybe (MatchId, Int) -- winner moves right to this (MatchId, Position)
mRight gf2Check p (MID br (R r) (G g))
| r < 1 || g < 1 = error "bad MatchId"
-- Nothing if last Match. NB: WB ends 1 round faster depending on e
| r >= 2*p || (br == WB && (r > p || (e == Single && r == p))) = Nothing
| br == LB = Just (MID LB (R (r+1)) (G ghalf), pos) -- standard LB progression
| r == 2*p-1 && br == LB && gf2Check && maximum scrs == head scrs = Nothing
| r == p = Just (MID LB (R (2*p-1)) (G ghalf), 0) -- WB winner -> GF1 path
| otherwise = Just (MID WB (R (r+1)) (G ghalf), pos) -- standard WB progression
ghalf = (g+1) `div` 2
| br == WB = if odd g then 0 else 1 -- WB maintains standard alignment
| r == 2*p-2 = 1 -- LB final winner => bottom of GF
| r == 2*p-1 = 0 -- GF(1) winnner moves to the top [semantic]
| (r == 1 && odd g) || (r > 1 && odd r) = 1 -- winner usually takes the bottom position
| otherwise = if odd g then 0 else 1 -- normal progression only in even rounds + R1
-- by placing winner on bottom consistently in odd rounds the bracket moves upward each new refill
-- the GF(1) and LB final are special cases that give opposite results to the advanced rule above

mDown :: Int -> MatchId -> Maybe (MatchId, Int) -- loser moves down to this (MatchId, Position)
mDown p (MID br (R r) (G g))
| br == LB || e == Single || r > p = Nothing
| r == 1 = Just (MID LB (R 1) (G ghalf), pos) -- WBR1 -> r=1 g/2 (LBR1 only gets input from WB)
| otherwise = Just (MID LB (R ((r-1)*2)) (G g), pos) -- WBRr -> 2x as late per round in WB
ghalf = (g+1) `div` 2
-- drop on top >R2, and <=2 for odd g to match bracket movement
pos = if r > 2 || odd g then 0 else 1

-- conditions for whether a Tournament is finished: TODO: factor to new fn?
-- NB: if LB advancing player wins GF(1) a GF(2) is necessary
{-deFinalOneWon = etype == Double && br == LB && r == 2*n-1 && not deFinalIsDouble
deFinalTwoWon = etype == Double && br == LB && r == 2*n
seFinalWon = etype == Single && br == WB && r == n
needFinalize = seFinalWon || deFinalOneWon || deFinalTwoWon
-- | Score a match in a tournament and propagate winners/losers.
-- TODO: make a strict version of this
-- TODO: documentation absorb the individual functions?
-- TODO: test if MID exists, subfns throw if lookup fail
score :: MatchId -> [Score] -> Tournament -> Tournament
score id sc trn@(Tourney {rules = Duel e, size = np, matches = ms}) =
let msUpd = execState (scoreDuel (pow np) e id sc) ms
rsUpd = makeResults trn msUpd
in trn { matches = msUpd, results = rsUpd }
score _ _ _ {-id sc trn@(Tourney {rules = FFA _ _, matches = ms}) -}= scoreFFA

-- | Update the scores of a duel in an elimination tournament.
-- Returns an updated tournament with the winner propagated to the next round,
-- and the loser propagated to the loser bracket if applicable.
scoreDuel :: Int -> Elimination -> MatchId -> [Score] -> State Matches (Maybe Match)
scoreDuel p e mid scrs = do
-- 0. get involved players / verify match exists
(Just (M pls _)) <- gets (Map.lookup mid) -- NB: throws if invalid MID
let m = M pls (Just scrs)

-- 1. score given match
modify $ Map.adjust (const m) mid

-- 2. move winner right
let nprog = mRight True p mid
nres <- playerInsert nprog $ winner m

-- 3. move loser to down if we were in winners
let dprog = mDown p mid
dres <- playerInsert dprog $ loser m

-- 4. check if loser needs WO from LBR1
let dprog2 = woCheck p dprog dres
uncurry playerInsert $ fromMaybe (Nothing, 0) dprog2

-- 5. check if winner needs WO from LBR2
let nprog2 = woCheck p nprog nres
uncurry playerInsert $ fromMaybe (Nothing, 0) nprog2

return $ Just m

-- insert player x into list index idx of mid's players, and woScore it
-- progress result determines location and must be passed in as fst arg
playerInsert :: Maybe (MatchId, Int) -> Int -> State Matches (Maybe Match)
playerInsert Nothing _ = return Nothing
playerInsert (Just (mid, idx)) x = do
tmap <- get
let (updated, tupd) = Map.updateLookupWithKey updFn mid tmap
put tupd
return updated
where updFn _ (M plsi _) = Just $ M plsm (woScores plsm) where
plsm = if idx == 0 then [x, plsi !! 1] else [head plsi, x]

-- given tourney power, progress results, and insert results, of previous
-- if it was woScored in playerInsert, produce new (progress, winner) pair
woCheck :: Int -> Maybe (MatchId, Int) -> Maybe Match -> Maybe (Maybe (MatchId, Int), Int)
woCheck p (Just (mid, _)) (Just mi)
| winner mi == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (mRight False p mid, winner mi)
woCheck _ _ _ = Nothing

-- right progress fn: winner moves right to (MatchId, Position)
mRight :: Bool -> Int -> MatchId -> Maybe (MatchId, Int)
mRight gf2Check p (MID br (R r) (G g))
| r < 1 || g < 1 = error "bad MatchId"
-- Nothing if last Match. NB: WB ends 1 round faster depending on e
| r >= 2*p || (br == WB && (r > p || (e == Single && r == p))) = Nothing
| br == LB = Just (MID LB (R (r+1)) (G ghalf), pos) -- standard LB progression
| r == 2*p-1 && br == LB && gf2Check && maximum scrs == head scrs = Nothing
| r == p = Just (MID LB (R (2*p-1)) (G ghalf), 0) -- WB winner -> GF1 path
| otherwise = Just (MID WB (R (r+1)) (G ghalf), pos) -- standard WB progression
ghalf = (g+1) `div` 2
| br == WB = if odd g then 0 else 1 -- WB maintains standard alignment
| r == 2*p-2 = 1 -- LB final winner => bottom of GF
| r == 2*p-1 = 0 -- GF(1) winnner moves to the top [semantic]
| (r == 1 && odd g) || (r > 1 && odd r) = 1 -- winner usually takes the bottom position
| otherwise = if odd g then 0 else 1 -- normal progression only in even rounds + R1
-- by placing winner on bottom consistently in odd rounds the bracket moves upward each new refill
-- the GF(1) and LB final are special cases that give opposite results to the advanced rule above

-- down progress fn : loser moves down to (MatchId, Position)
mDown :: Int -> MatchId -> Maybe (MatchId, Int)
mDown p (MID br (R r) (G g))
| br == LB || e == Single || r > p = Nothing
| r == 1 = Just (MID LB (R 1) (G ghalf), pos) -- WBR1 -> r=1 g/2 (LBR1 only gets input from WB)
| otherwise = Just (MID LB (R ((r-1)*2)) (G g), pos) -- WBRr -> 2x as late per round in WB
ghalf = (g+1) `div` 2
-- drop on top >R2, and <=2 for odd g to match bracket movement
pos = if r > 2 || odd g then 0 else 1

--scoreFFA ::
scoreFFA = undefined

-- | Checks if a Tournament is valid
Expand Down

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