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@cmsbuild cmsbuild released this 23 May 17:18
· 620 commits to master since this release

Changes since CMSSW_14_1_0_pre3:


  • #45019 from @smuzaffar: VertexFinder: Fix unused variable warnings l1
  • #45015 from @TomasKello: TkAlignment: Multi-IOV Zmumu mode, fixes to DMR averaged, PV trends alca trk
  • #45013 from @mmusich: fix to include TrackerAdditionalParametersPerDet ESSource dqm trk
  • #45009 from @swagata87: Stop dz from being NaN in PackedCandidates reconstruction xpog pf
  • #45008 from @CMSTrackerDPG: SiStripHitEfficiencyWorker: adding consecutive missing hits recovery when one of the two hits is in an inactive module alca trk
  • #45006 from @VinInn: remove "-march=native``` BuildFile.xml reconstruction
  • #44996 from @duff-ae: Including per ROC histograms for Pixel Cluster Counting luminosity alca reconstruction
  • #44994 from @mmusich: Improvements for Tracker Alignment DiMuonValidation alca trk
  • #44989 from @smorovic: (DAQ) jsoncpp moved to a namespace (14_1_X) daq hlt
  • #44986 from @steggema: Add protection against nan inputs for DeepMET reconstruction
  • #44983 from @phnattla: Adding PPS and ECALTiming Runs to HLT Menu veto of PCL alignment alca
  • #44979 from @smorovic: (DAQ) fix input source cv notification [14_1_X] daq
  • #44971 from @mmusich: update data used for the Pixel,ECal,HCal GPU online DQM clients for post-alpaka migration in the HLT menu dqm
  • #44967 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca247X Add possibility to uncorrect the RecHit energies for AlCaReco tests alca
  • #44966 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgc355A Complete the PR #44907 by adding the dd4hep of the algorithm DDHGCalPassive to be used for the V19 Geometry of HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #44964 from @AdrianoDee: Introducing DIGInoHLT + HLTOnly Steps pdmv upgrade
  • #44959 from @rseidita: Fixing JECs for PUPPI in offline DQM dqm
  • #44955 from @abdoulline: HBHE stuck ADC filter reconstruction hcal
  • #44952 from @rseidita: Adding per-LS MEs for Muon POG DQM dqm
  • #44950 from @Dr15Jones: Added noexcept to more methods called by async core
  • #44948 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 14_0_X (7/N) [14_1_X] hlt
  • #44945 from @fabiocos: Simulation: update the test for the definition of back-scattering from CALO simulation
  • #44944 from @makortel: Use standard edm::exceptionContext() in Worker::prePrefetchSelectionAsync() core
  • #44941 from @fabiocos: MTD simulation: add support for pre-mixing in pileup management of MtdSimLayerCluster simulation upgrade
  • #44938 from @smorovic: [DAQ] range check for microstate (141X) daq
  • #44935 from @aehart: Removed variable-length arrays l1
  • #44933 from @mmusich: Pixel GPU client: fix siPixelPhase1RawDataErrorComparator collections post-alpaka migration dqm trk
  • #44932 from @mmusich: change input siPixelClusters collection for 1040.0 wf step2 pdmv upgrade
  • #44929 from @abhih1: Change parameters for ECAL MLDQM dqm
  • #44928 from @KIT-CMS: Fix relval embedding workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #44926 from @mmusich: BTV HLT monitoring: exclude paths requiring pfMassDecorrelatedParticleNetDiscriminatorsJetTags when pp_on_PbPb_run3 is active dqm btv
  • #44925 from @mmusich: fix process name for TIER0RAWSIPIXELCAL step pdmv upgrade
  • #44916 from @AdrianoDee: Phase2 Fast CPE Template Error Fix reconstruction trk
  • #44914 from @mmusich: Fix multiple RelVals errors with Unknown trigger name exception pdmv upgrade
  • #44911 from @NJManganelli: Phase 2 GTT L1TrackObjectNtupleMaker fixes l1 upgrade
  • #44909 from @vlimant: preserving autoNano ordering xpog
  • #44907 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx355 Provision for the passive layers of HGCal in the V19 version geometry upgrade
  • #44906 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca247 Modify scripts for getting better estimates of correction factors from IsoTrack calibration alca
  • #44905 from @rovere: Add L1 filters early on for Muon paths hlt
  • #44904 from @VinInn: Speedup (grouped)limitedCandidates by changing the implementation of the candidates' number limitation. hlt reconstruction tracking
  • #44903 from @VinInn: Speedup fullJacobian reconstruction simulation tracking
  • #44902 from @Dr15Jones: Added noexcept to methods called by async functions core db
  • #44900 from @stahlleiton: Use singularity for gridpack generation generators
  • #44897 from @BenjaminRS: L1TP2: Bug Fix: Adding a setting of TTTrack word to allow Track Quality MVA to read variables l1
  • #44893 from @kbunkow: OMTF emulator corresponding to the 2024 OMTF firmware l1
  • #44891 from @makortel: Fix exception handling in Worker::prePrefetchSelectionAsync() core
  • #44890 from @VinInn: Speedup GBRTree by making it non branching alca reconstruction db
  • #44885 from @VinInn: Fix compilation issue with clang reconstruction simulation
  • #44884 from @smuzaffar: Move GsfTrack dicts in to GsfTrackReco from EgammaCandidates reconstruction
  • #44883 from @smuzaffar: Remove unnecessary private include of simulation
  • #44882 from @slava77: switch to CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits to avoid numerous single character symbols in global scope alca dqm fastsim generators geometry reconstruction visualization simulation db upgrade tracking trk
  • #44877 from @Dr15Jones: Explicit namespace used in TaggingVariableList reconstruction
  • #44875 from @francescobrivio: Propagate downstream the valid state check in PATLeptonTimeLifeInfoProducer reconstruction xpog tau
  • #44874 from @AdrianoDee: Fixes for Alpaka Phase2 Pixel Reco geometry reconstruction heterogeneous trk
  • #44872 from @kdeleo: MTD: fix phase-2 config for RecoVertex and RecoTrack dqm reconstruction tracking
  • #44870 from @fwyzard: Reorder include statements reconstruction
  • #44868 from @mmusich: Add track-to-track monitoring of HLT GSF electron tracks with respect to offline dqm operations tracking egamma
  • #44864 from @francescobrivio: Add check on PATLeptonTimeLifeInfoProducer closestState valid state reconstruction xpog tau
  • #44860 from @perrotta: Update L1T menu tag in GTs to L1Menu_Collisions2024_v1_2_0_xml alca
  • #44859 from @rdelliga: ETL hits accumulation on a pixel-basis in MTD Validation dqm reconstruction simulation upgrade mtd
  • #44858 from @DenkMybu: Computation of silicon strip hit efficiency : Consecutive missing hits recovery alca trk
  • #44849 from @swagata87: Fix ordering of egamma HLT modules in unseeded paths hlt egamma
  • #44847 from @battibass: [14_1_X] Apply MUDPGNANO EventContent customizations to EDMNANO and NANOSIM as well xpog
  • #44846 from @bsunanda: Phase2-sim156Z Modify the scripts in Validation/HGCalValidation for all new scenarios dqm
  • #44845 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim156Y Update the remaining scripts of SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo for new scenarios simulation
  • #44843 from @wddgit: Fix bug in TICLLayerTileProducer. reconstruction upgrade hgcal
  • #44841 from @makortel: Reduce Alpaka event synchronization calls via EDMetadata heterogeneous
  • #44840 from @wddgit: Improve behavior after exception in begin/end global lumi core
  • #44838 from @makortel: Propagate child process exit code properly in edmPluginRefresh core
  • #44835 from @CTPPS: Update and fix of DQM plots for PPS timing detectors dqm ctpps
  • #44834 from @VinInn: Make "Extended Vector" Default reconstruction tracking
  • #44832 from @mmusich: TrackingMonitoringClient: fix axis labels for fake rate vs OnlineLumi, LS and PU dqm
  • #44831 from @AuroraPerego: fix in MTD electron isolation dqm mtd
  • #44830 from @bsunanda: run3-sim156X Update some of the scripts to make checks to existing geometries simulation
  • #44818 from @martinamalberti: [MTD] Mtd association maps: remove energy selection for ETL clusters simulation upgrade
  • #44806 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx354E Remove warning messages in geometry upgrade
  • #44804 from @smuzaffar: Update ROOT::TAttMarker class version dqm
  • #44800 from @jfernan2: [DT DQM] Fix some minor style bugs dqm
  • #44787 from @perrotta: Add LumiPixelsMinBias to Run1/2 Tier0Exp step pdmv upgrade
  • #44770 from @jonamotta: Fix L1NNCaloTau verbosity l1 upgrade
  • #44767 from @makortel: Throw a clear exception if OutputModule SelectEvents refers to a non-existent Path or Process core
  • #44757 from @syuvivida: DQM: reportSummaryMap: change the sqrt(s) energy from 13 to 13.6 TeV dqm
  • #44754 from @aniketkhanal: Adding PNET scores to offline HLT DQM dqm
  • #44751 from @SohamBhattacharya: [14_1_X] [Phase-2] Changed Phase-2 JME and BTV HLT paths to use the L1 P2GT emulator hlt l1 pdmv upgrade
  • #44737 from @p2l1-gtEmulator: PuppiNNTau to Phase2GT interface refactor l1 upgrade
  • #44701 from @alaperto: 4 minor improvements to Online DQM Pixel Summary dqm trk
  • #44686 from @CMS-LUMI-POG: pileup profiles for RunIII2022Summer24 and RunIII2023Summer24 MC compaigns operations simulation
  • #44682 from @iarspider: Do not include EventSetup record definitions in device code reconstruction heterogeneous tracking
  • #44677 from @gkaratha: fixing bugs in track triplet l1 upgrade
  • #44606 from @pallabidas: [Phase-2 L1T] Updated of GCT jets and taus collection l1 upgrade
  • #44581 from @iarspider: [GCC13] Fix Woverloaded-virtual warning alca dqm l1 simulation db trk
  • #44578 from @AdrianoDee: Scripts to Test MC 22-23 Production (UL-like) in IBs core pdmv upgrade
  • #44577 from @Duchstf: L1 Modify Btag Jet Types [Merged with 14_0_0_pre3] l1 upgrade
  • #44576 from @emiglior: introducing BigPixel for phase-2 InnerTracker in T39 geometry alca dqm geometry hlt l1 operations reconstruction pdmv db upgrade tracking trk
  • #44571 from @EmyrClement: Produce and use custom HGCal towers for baseline GCT calo jets and taus. l1 upgrade
  • #44557 from @mbluj: Phase2 OMTF emulator l1 upgrade
  • #44424 from @Dr15Jones: Be able to generate dummy files for ConfDB parsing core
  • #44363 from @Dr15Jones: Generated cfi files can now use new module syntax core
  • #43921 from @nabrandman: Implements HMT triggers in test vector code for uGT emulator in master l1
  • #43871 from @KIT-CMS: Tau Embedding update and integration reconstruction simulation tau
  • #43786 from @mseidel42: Adaptions for Pythia 8.311 fastsim generators simulation
  • #43751 from @CMS-HGCAL: HGCAL Electronics mapping alca geometry reconstruction simulation db upgrade hgcal

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_14_1_0_pre3/el8_amd64_gcc12 and REL/CMSSW_14_1_0_pre4/el8_amd64_gcc12:
