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You need to first get JRuby, here is the link to the 64 bit msi installer:

Get JRuby's complete jar file. You can put it anywhere you want just remember where you put it! I put it in the directory where JRuby is installed.

You also need Maven: Place where you would like Add the bin directory of the created directory [apache dir] to the PATH environment variable

Confirm with mvn -v in a new shell.

You need to make sure you have the source code for the ISAAC-rest project on your system.

git clone

In rails root you will find a file called setup.bat.template. Move this file to setup.bat, then you will need to modify the following environment variables:
Download jdk if you don't already have it for line 5

GEM_HOME : (this is in line 2, make sure you create the directory you reference)

JAVA_HOME : (Line 4)

JRUBY_JAR: (This references JRuby's complete jar file. Line 8)

ISAAC_PATH: (Line 6, the path to the folder where your Isaac Rest project is installed)

From a dos shell make sure you are in rails root (you can see the app directory right?), and run:


Now that your environment is setup you need to install bundler:

gem install bundler

Install your bundle!

bundle install

RAILS_COMMON - git submodule We have moved the prop loader and logging code into a git repository at so that the code can be shared with rails_komet and the PRISME project

To pull the latest code do the following (replace my username with yours where appropriate.):

git reset .

You should now see an rails_common directory under the lib directory.

In RubyMine you may see a message concerning rails_common being under source control. If/when you do, click the add root button. This will allow you to make changes within the rails_komet project to the code in rails_common and commit those changes as well.

Open a terminal and navigate to rails root and run the command:

  • jars.bat
  • This will create the file:
  • ./config/generated/yaml/IsaacMetadataAuxiliary.yaml
  • it will also populate the ./lib/jars directory
  • Now run the following command to build the Isaac Rest project
  • bundle exec rake isaac:build_isaac_rest

Copy the /config/props/ and save it as Uncomment the ISAAC_ROOT line and change it to the URL of your ISSAC REST server

You can now bring up the server:


Your rails server will come listening on port 3000 or 3001. Just hit:
(Be aware that the server will show a harmless exception when it comes up.)


Working with Isaac-Rest:

Isaac-rest can be managed in your ruby mine IDE. To build isaac rest, in your IDE run 'rake isaac:build_isaac_rest' This will build isaac rest and generate the auxiliary metadata file. To launch isaac-rest: 'rake isaac:launch_isaac_rest'. To do it all: 'rake isaac:build_and_launch_isaac_rest' Make sure you have configured your setup.bat (first) as outlined in setup.bat.template. Make sure maven is on your path.

By the way, you need to have your git credentials stored locally so run...

git config --global credential.helper wincred

Developer addded config variables:

1: REST_CACHE_SIZE determines the maximum number of key,value pairs (Integer required > 0) of ISAAC data this application will cache.

set REST_CACHE_SIZE = 1000

Installing react_on_rails: Installing 1. Install yarn ( 2. Restart rubymine after yarn install 3. Make sure below exist * root/client(directory) * root/client/package.json * root/ * config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb 4. cd client && yarn ( from root) * This installs dependencies on node_modules with versions listed in yarn.lock 5. yarn.lock needs to be in source control for correct version installs. development 1. if working with react * run command in This turns on webpack watch that builds and updates bundle. sh -c 'rm app/assets/webpack/* || true && cd client && bundle exec rake react_on_rails:locale && yarn run build:development' * start rails server 2. if not working with react 1. rake react_on_rails:assets:webpack (generates webpack bundle and makes sure it has latest changes) 2. start server Production *This step should already be automated when building for deployment. 1. rake react_on_rails:assets:webpack (generates app/assets/webpack/webpack-bundle.js) 2. rake assets:precompile will build webpack bundle with rails assets into public dir