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Changefeed Performance

Bob Vawter edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 10 revisions

Changefeed Performance

The overall throughput and latency of Replicator is driven by the performance of the source changefeed and the target's ability to accept writes. There are a variety of configuration knobs that can be tweaked.

Operators with more than one changefeed should consider the use of changefeed metrics labels.

Low-latency configuration

SET CLUSTER SETTING changefeed.experimental_poll_interval = '10ms';
SET CLUSTER SETTING changefeed.mux_rangefeed.enabled = true;
SET CLUSTER SETTING kv.rangefeed.closed_timestamp_refresh_interval = '3s';
SET CLUSTER SETTING kv.rangefeed.catchup_scan_concurrency = 64;  --default is 8
SET CLUSTER SETTING kv.rangefeed.concurrent_catchup_iterators = 64; --default is 16
SET CLUSTER SETTING kv.rangefeed.scheduler.enabled = true;

-- Enable schema-locking on each table that is part of the changefeed.
-- This can be set and reset on the fly. It allows the changefeed emitter
-- to skip schema versioning checks in the steady-state.
ALTER TABLE foo_tbl SET(schema_locked=t);
ALTER TABLE foo_tbl RESET schema_locked; -- If/when schema changes are necessary.

-- Minimum required WITH options for webhook delivery.
  INTO 'webhook-'
  WITH updated, resolved='1s', min_checkpoint_frequency='1s',

Idempotent redelivery

CockroachDB changefeeds guarantee at-least-once delivery of each message, but do not guarantee idempotent redelivery of mutations under all circumstances in the default configuration. That is, for some row R, it would be possible to see a sequence of row timestamps (1, 2, 3, 2, 4) or just (1, 2, 3, 2).

Replicator's default, fully-consistent mode inherently debounces repeated deliveries. However, to prevent a row from being rolled back in eventually-consistent modes (BestEffort or Immediate), Replicator must write "stub" entries to the staging tables to know which versions of a row have already been applied to the target.

Idempotent changefeed redelivery can be configured by setting the changefeed.frontier_checkpoint_frequency cluster setting to 0. Once this has been done, the --assumeIdempotent flag may be passed to the start command to disable the extra version-tracking queries.

High network latency

In deployments with high network latency, consider bandwidth delay product effects and optimize for larger transfer windows.


Pre-splitting tables across a larger number of ranges also provides additional opportunities for concurrent data transfer between CockroachDB and Replicator.

Additional guidance can be found at CRDB Advanced Chagnefeed Configuration

Discard mode

The replicator start command supports a --discard flag that will discard incoming changefeed payloads and immediately return a 200 OK response. This mode can be used to test the maximum throughput that any particular source cluster and Replicator deployment can achieve. An accompanying --discardDelay flag can add an artificial delay to this mode to help with BDP-related testing.

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