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User Scripts

Bram Gruneir edited this page May 15, 2024 · 15 revisions

User Scripts

All configuration languages eventually become Turing-complete, so let's start with a Turing-complete language for configuration.

Replicator contains an embedded JavaScript / ES5+ runtime that has a TypeScript loader frontend. This allows users to inject arbitrary logic into the data-processing pipeline. Sufficiently complicated scripts may be pre-processed by other build systems that produce CommonJS-compatible output.

The user script imports API bindings from a module named replicator@v1. TypeScript definitions for the module are baked into the Replicator binary and can be printed by running the following:

replicator userscript --api > 'replicator@v1.d.ts'

Most Replicator subcommands support a --userscript flag which specifies the entry-point file:

replicator start --userscript ./path/to/main.ts

Data flow

The following model describes the flow of data. Records are fanned out from a source, dispatch()ed to a per-destination map() function, and then applied to one or more destination tables.

source -> dispatch() -> map() -> some_table
                     -> map() -> another_table
                     -> map() -> third_table

Modules and imports

All userscripts should import the runtime bindings as

import * as api from "replicator@v1";

Running replicator userscript --api will print the current d.ts file, for better tooling integration.

The embedded loader supports module-relative import paths or importing from arbitrary URLs:

import * as lib from "./lib";
import * as something from "https://some.cdn/package@1";

Non-script resources can also be imported:

import externalData from "./data.txt";


C2X and XYLogical modes

In CDC-based modes, the input schema name is used as the source. That is, if a changefeed is sending data to https://replicator.svc/my_db/public, then one would call api.configureSource("my_db.public") or api.configureSource("MY_DB") for single-level namespaces. Similarly, if the pglogical or mylogical frontends are used, the source name is taken from the incoming schema.

The meta object passed to the dispatch function contains the following fields:

  • cdc | mylogical | pglogical : One of these properties is set to true, depending on the frontend.
  • logical: The logical component of the mutation's HLC timestamp.
  • nanos: The wall component of the mutation's HLC timestamp.
  • schema: The destination schema, e.g. my_db.public or MY_DB.
  • table: The name of the destination table. This will be needed to produce the dispatch() output as shown below.
// configureSource is useful for renaming tables on the fly or adjusting schemas on the fly.
api.configureSource("my_db.public", {
    dispatch: (doc: Document, meta: Document): Record<Table, Document[]> => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(doc), JSON.stringify(meta));
        let tbl: api.Table; // Just a string.
        switch (meta.table) {
          case "oldTbl1":
            tbl = "newTbl1";
          case "oldTbl2":
            tbl = "newTbl2";
            tbl = meta.table;

        // Other schema fixups could be performed on the document.
        // Multiple documents can be dispatched to multiple
        // tables as well to create a fan-out effect.
        let ret: Record<Table, Document[]> = {};
        ret[tbl] = [ doc ];
        return ret

// Data behaviors are configured using fully-qualified table names.
// Unqualified table names are acceptable, but are ambiguous if
// a single instance of Replicator is processing multiple schemas.
api.configureTable("my_db.public.my_table", {
    map: (doc: Document): Document => {
        console.log("map", JSON.stringify(doc));
        return doc;
    // See other configuration options in the d.ts file.

Document store

If Replicator is using a document store as its source, a mapping of source collections to destination table(s) must be established.

This shows a configuration where a source collection some_collection is passed directly through to some_table in the destination.

import * as api from "replicator@v1";
api.configureSource("some_collection", {
    target: "some_table"

As is often the case, source documents will have nested structures that require non-trivial mapping to multiple destination tables:

import * as api from "replicator@v1";
api.configureSource("complex", {
    dispatch: (doc, meta) => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(doc), JSON.stringify(meta));

        return {
            // "destination table" => array of column/value pairs
            "parent": [{"foo":, "bar":}],
            "child": [
                {"column": "value"},
                {"column": "value"},
    deletesTo: "parent" # Allows ON DELETE CASCADE

The dispatch function can be arbitrarily complex. It is often the case that the return value is built entirely dynamically.

Table mappers

Each destination table may have a map() function associated with it that has an opportunity to inspect or modify all records bound for that table. The mapper function can also act as a filter by returning null instead of an object.

import * as api from "replicator@v1";
api.configureTable("has_mapper", {
    // Final document fixups, or return null to drop it.
    map: doc => {
        doc.msg = doc.msg.trim();
        doc.num = 42;
        console.log("Hello debug", JSON.stringify(doc));
        return doc;

Similarly, a deleteKey() function may be defined for a table which can alter the primary-key values used to processing incoming deletes or to elide deletions altogether. The function receives an array of values representing the primary-key columns and it may return a revised key or null. This supports use cases where the target schema does not exactly match the source schema.

import * as api from "replicator@v1";

// Elide all deletes for the table, e.g.: for archival use cases.
api.configureTable("delete_elide", {
    deleteKey: () => null,

// Swap the order of PK elements.
api.configureTable("delete_swap", {
    deleteKey: key => [key[1], key[0]]

Data behaviors

All data application behaviors can be configured programmatically.

import * as api from "replicator@v1";
api.configureTable("all_features", {
    // Compare-and-set operations.
    cas: ["cas0", "cas1"],
    // Drop old data.
    deadlines: {
        "dl0": "1h",
        "dl1": "1m"
    // Provide alternate SQL expressions to (possibly filtered) data.
    exprs: {
        "expr0": "fnv32($0::BYTES)",
        "expr1": lib.libraryFn(),
    // Place unmapped data into JSONB column.
    extras: "overflow_column",
    // Allow column in target database to be ignored.
    ignore: {
        "ign0": true,
        "ign1": true,
        "ign2": false

Custom SQL interactions

It is possible for the userscript to replace Replicator's interactions with the target database table by defining an apply function for a given table. The apply function will receive a collection of operations to perform on the target table, which it should translate to (arbitrary) SQL commands. The use of an apply handler supplants any other data behavior which may be configured for the table.

The example below is explicitly typed to that readers may refer to the replicator@v1 type definitions.

api.configureTable("sql_demo", {
    // The apply function must return a Promise. The runtime supports
    // async functions, greatly improve readability.
    apply: async (ops: Iterable<ApplyOp>): Promise<void> => {
        // Access to the target database is provided via an already-established
        // transaction. The api.getTX() function will return the same value
        // in the apply callback and in any asynchronous (Promise) callbacks
        // that the apply function may trigger.
        let tx: api.TargetTX = api.getTX();

        // The userscript can access Replicator's introspection of the target
        // table.
        let cols: api.TargetColumn[] = tx.columns();

        // We can perform arbitrary queries against the database. The query()
        // function returns a Promise, on which we await in the following
        // for loop. The value returned by the Promise implements the
        // JavaScript Iterable protocol; this allows it to be used with
        // the for..of construction. The returned arrays have elements which
        // correspond to the columns of the result set.
        let rows: Promise<Iterable<any[]>> = tx.query(
            `SELECT *
             FROM (VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4))`);
        for (let row of await rows) {
            console.log("rows query", JSON.stringify(row));

        // This is a not-entirely-contrived example where one might
        // interact with a database that can't update, but can delete
        // and then insert.
        for (let op of ops) {
            // The transaction object has a table() method which will
            // return a quoted, SQL-safe identifier for the configured
            // table. The script is free to execute SQL that affects
            // any table. Substitution parameters are supported as a
            // varargs. The specific syntax for substitution points
            // is specific to the target database.
            await tx.exec(
                 FROM ${tx.table()}
                 WHERE pk = $1`, 2 *[0])
            // The operation is a union type, distinguished by the action
            // property, which contains either "upsert" or "delete".
            if (op.action == "upsert") {
                await tx.exec(
                    `INSERT INTO ${tx.table()} (pk, val)
                     VALUES ($1, $2)`,
                    2 *, -2 *;

CLI flags

Most CLI flags can be set or overridden by the user script.

import * as api from "replicator@v1";
  "immediate": "true"
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