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Pre installation: Linux distribution packages

Yvan Fournier edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 7 revisions

Recommended pre-requisites are described in detail in the installation documentation, but since some packages and names vary across Linux distributions. Here is an attempt to list recommended prerequisite packages, on a "per-distribution basis."

Arch Linux

Base packages

For the installation of a .tar.gz release, the following packages should be installed first:

gcc gcc-fortran openmpi python-pyqt5 zlib

The hdf5 and cgns packages can be used, but we have not checked if MED 4.0 is compatible with HDF5 1.12, so if that is needed, building a HFD5-1.10 version (either manually or using code_saturne's semi-automatic installer) is recommended. This implies building CGNS also if that library is desired.

For installation from git clone or development

The following packages will be needed for the "bootstrap" phase, needed for new git clones or when the source tree has been modified:

autoconf automake

libtool (for code_saturne versions 7.2 and older)

gettext (for code_saturne version 6.0 and older)

For generation of documentation

Generating the documentation requires:

doxygen graphviz texlive-science

For release 6.0, the following is also needed:


For installation of ParaView Catalyst

This will require the installation of a Python and MPI-enabled Parawiew. If you choose to install a separate version based on OSMesa (off-screen Mesa), the mesa package can be used. Ray-tracing will require the ospray package.

In any case, cmake will be useful.

Debian GNU/Linux

Debian systems already have a properly working packaged version of code_saturne, so installing the relevant packages should already provide you with a working system.

Since the release cycles are not aligned, if the Debian package is older than the desired code_saturne version, installing the code_saturne package, then uninstalling it (without using the apt auto-remove) will install the main recommended dependencies. on top of which the desired code_saturne version can be installed.

Ubuntu (18.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS)

Base packages

For the installation of a .tar.gz release, the following packages should be installed first:

gcc g++ gfortran openmpi-bin pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools zlib1g-dev

The libhdf5-dev package can be used as a prerequisite for installation of the CGNS and MED libraries, though the semi-automatic installer can also build and install a slightly more recent version.

For installation from git clone or development

The following packages will be needed for the "bootstrap" phase, needed for new git clones or when the source tree has been modified:

autoconf automake autotools

libtool (for code_saturne versions 7.2 and older)

gettext (for code_saturne version 6.0 and older)

For generation of documentation

Generating the documentation requires:

doxygen graphviz texlive-science

For release 6.0.0, the following is also needed:


For installation of ParaView Catalyst

This will require the installation of a Python and MPI-enabled Parawiew. If you choose to install a separate version based on OSMesa (off-screen Mesa), the libosmesa6-dev package can be used. In any case, cmake will be useful.

Possible issue on Windows Subsystem for Linux

Some users have reported issues detecting/loading PyQt on WSL-based Debian, Ubuntu, or Arch Linux systems. This is a known issue

For this, the workaround seems to be to run:

sudo strip --remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


sudo strip --remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib64/

depending on the installation path.