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LinkedIn Public Data BOT🤖

Arian Aghnaei

Spring 2020

Python 3.7.3

Scraping🕷 and autoamtion🔄 BOTs for Linkedin website.

Invitation bot which sends custom invitation to all of the users who are suggested by Linkedin itself.

Scraper bot capable of scraping user data such as general, educational and experience information

  1. 💾Saving all suggested users ID who has been invited in a text file
  2. ✅Will not crash if the suggested user is in our friends list.
  3. 👤A admin user account is required to automate the proccess.
  4. 🆙The number of invitations rate has been set to 100,000 but it is not limited and we can change it how we want.

What I learned :

  • Combining selenium and BeautifulSoup to develope the automation and scraping proccess at the same time.
  • Using selenium with proxies while getting website urls.
  • Recursive autoamtion algorythms.