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A general purpose validation library to validate strings or numbers.


# Using yarn package manager
$ yarn add @braces/validator

# Using npm package manager
$ npm install --save @braces/validator


Initialize new validator instance with default configurations

import Validator from "@braces/validator";

const validator = new Validator();

Initialize new validator instance with custom fail messages.

  • $field will be replaced with field name.

  • $maxLength, $include etc will be replaced with defined validation criteria values.

  • $value will be replaced with value to be validated.

import Validator from "@braces/validator";

const validator = new Validator({
  failMessages: {
    include: "Custom validation message for $field to validate the value contain '$include'",
    maxLength: "custom validation message to validate $field max length",
    maxValue: "custom validation message to validate $field max value",
    minLength: "custom validation message to check $field min length",
    minValue: "custom validation message to check $field min value",
    noTrailingSpace: "custom validation message to check $field has trailing spaces",
    required: "custom validation message to check $field is required",
    type: "custom validation message to check $field type",
    /* All values are optional, if not defined default will be used */

Validate a value with initially defined/default fail message

// String
  "Title", // Field Name
  "Some Value", // Value to be validated
    required: true,
    /* validation criterias*/

// Number
  "Title", // Field Name
  25, // Value to be validated
    required: true,
    /* validation criterias*/

Validate a value with custom fail message

// String
  "Title", // Field Name
  "Some Value", // Value to be validated
    required: true,
    /* validation criterias*/
    required: "If the $field doesnt have a value this message will be displayed",
    type: "If the $field is not a string this message will be displayed",
    /* All values are optional, if not defined default will be used */

// Number
  "Title", // Field Name
  25, // Value to be validated
    required: true,
    /* validation criterias*/
    required: "If the $field doesnt have a value this message will be displayed",
    type: "If the $field is not a number this message will be displayed",
    /* All values are optional, if not defined default will be used */

Sample response

  success: true,
  messages: [ /*...validation messages if fail*/ ],


Initialization configurations

Name Type Default Description
failMessages Object Default fail messages Here define custome valiadtion messages and all other configurations
Name Type Default Description
required string $field is required! validation fail message if field is required and it's not present
type string $field must be a $type! validation fail message if type check fails
minLength string $field can't be less than $minLength charectors! validation fail message if field length is less than specified value
maxLength string $field can't be greater than $maxLength charectors! validation fail message if field length is greater than specified value
minValue string $field can't be less than $minValue! validation fail message if field value is less than specified value
maxValue string $field can't be greater than $maxValue! validation fail message if field value is greater than specified value
include string $field doesn't contain '$include'! validation fail message if value doesn't contain specified value
noTrailingSpaces string $field must not contain any trailing spaces! validation fail message if value contain trailing space

Validation criterias


Name Type Default Description
required Boolean false return success as false if the field is required and value is not present


Name Type Default Description
minLength number undefined return success as false if the field value length is less than specified value
maxLength number undefined return success as false if the field value length is greater than specified value
include string undefined return success as false if the field doesn't contain specified include string
noTrailingSpaces boolean undefined return success as false if the field contains trailing space


Name Type Default Description
minValue number undefined return success as false if the field value is less than specified value
maxValue number undefined return success as false if the field value is greater than specified value


All contributions are super welcome!


Validator is MIT licensed.