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cf Lab 2

Unit Testing & Documentation


  • Complete the following Code Katas with unit tests
  1. Supermarket Pricing - Complete the kata in a markdown file named

  2. War Card Game

The rules of this card game are quite simple :

  1. There are two players.
  2. The cards are all dealt equally to each player. (we can assume this step)
  3. Each round, player 1 lays a card down face up at the same time that player 2 lays a card down face up. Whoever has the highest value card, wins the round.
  4. Aces are high.
  5. If both cards are of equal value, then the winner is decided upon by the highest suit. The suits ranks in order of ascending value are spades, clubs, diamonds, and hearts.
  6. Complete the Card comparison section of this kata. Code out unit tests and logic to support this part of the game.
  • complete this Kata in a C# Visual Studio Console Application
  1. CodeCracker - Complete this Kata in C# in a Visual Studio Console application

  2. Stretch(3pts each)

    • Anagrams
      • Complete this Kata in C# in a Visual Studio Console application

To Submit this Assignment

  • fork this repository
  • create a new branch named lab02-; + <your name> e.g. lab02-amanda
  • write your code
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • Include a (contents described below)


A README is a module consumer's first -- and maybe only -- look into your creation. The consumer wants a module to fulfill their need, so you must explain exactly what need your module fills, and how effectively it does so.
Your job is to

  1. tell them what it is (with context)
  2. show them what it looks like in action
  3. show them how they use it
  4. tell them any other relevant details

This is your job. It's up to the module creator to prove that their work is a shining gem in the sea of slipshod modules. Since so many developers' eyes will find their way to your README before anything else, quality here is your public-facing measure of your work.

Refer to the sample-README in the class repo for an example.


  • 7pts: Program meets all requirements described in Lab directions

  • 3pts: Code meets industry standards

  • and Tests are required for each submission. Missing readme documents and tests will result in a best score of 2/10

Code Challenge 02

Implement your your string reversal method

  • Create a new repository called data-structures
    • add a folder and label it strings
    • add the code on a branch from this challenge into this repo
    • Describe your approach in the strings folder readme document
    • Spend no more than 90 minutes on this challenge
    • Submit a link to your repo PR in canvas


Class02 - Unit Testing and Documentation with Code Katas






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