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Bram Moreinis edited this page Feb 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

You are here because you clicked the thank-you link after completing our Tester Registration Google Form, or from the Welcome Email you received from Green Up project admin (John Need) after submitting that form.

If you're reading this, please whitelist the following addresses (John Need, mail sender for GitHub Testers Team).

You can do the Onboarding now, even if you haven't received the Welcome Email. Once you get that email, you'll have been added to the GitHub Testers Team (and receive notifications sent to all testers) and get more information. But go ahead and Onboard yourself now!

Link to Tester Training Video

Self-Quiz (to show you’re ready to start testing)

On Quiz completion, you'll get the link to current Testing Priorities.

Hey - can you be in Burlington on a Tuesday night to join our Hack Nite? Free pizza and beverages - we'd love to have you! Sign up here:

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