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Meeting Notes March 19th, 2024

Tim Standen edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 4 revisions

PASS Developers Meeting

Meeting Date

  • 2024-03-19


  • Tim


  • Tim Standen
  • Dion Satcher
  • Jared Krajewski
  • Ian O'Gormon
  • Faddah
  • Florian Scherrer
  • Hugh Harker
  • Andy W
  • Joshua Cornett


  • Missing Direction - Flo & Hugh
  • PASS Next Steps - Flo & Hugh
  • UX Department & Design - Flo & Hugh


  • Scribe adds notes here

Pass Missing Direction (Florian)

  • Since October, November we've struggled to find case managers who are interested in collaborating in the project. Messaged several different people, but no one has bit on anything.
  • General response: "I'm not the right person, but I know people"
  • We need to define the product based on feedback from people in the industry.
  • Question: How do we move forward from this point so that the product has a good outcome?
What does that mean
  • We want to define an MVP

  • Put PASS on hold

  • The UX team has built out MVP designs (initially for slides and )

  • Hugh: Can't find stakeholders

Florian MVP paper
  • Add sharing document screen
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